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Hall, s. 2(k) 'Hall' means a unit of residence or of corporate life for the students of the University, or of a college or of an Institution, maintained by the University, Tezpur University Act, 1993 (45 of 1993).Means a unit of residence or of corporate life for the students of the University, or of a College or of an Institution, maintained by the university. Mizoram University Act, 2000 (8 of 2000), s. 2(k).Means a unit of residence or of corporate life for the students of the University, of a College or of an Institution maintained by the University. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University Act, 1994 (58 of 1994), s. 2(k)....

Academic staff

Academic staff, means such categories of staff as are designated as academic staff by the ordinances. Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University Act, 1994 (Act 58 of 1994)Academic staff 'means the Academic Council of the University.' [University of Allahabad Act, 2005 (26 of 2005) s. 2(b)]It means such categories of Staff as are designated as academic staff by the ordinances. Central Agricultural University Act, 1992, s. 2(b)Means such categories of staff as are designated as academic staff by the ordinance, s. 2(b), Tezpur University Act, 1993.Means such categories of staff as are designated as academic staff by the ordinances, s. 2(b), MizoramAcademic staff, means such categories of staff as are designated as academic staff by the statutes. [University of Allahabad Act, 2005, s. 2(b)]...

Sheffield University Act, 1914

Sheffield University Act, 1914 (English) (4 & 5 Geo. 5, c. 4), extending the privileges of graduates of the University of Sheffield....


University, an association of learners, and of teachers and examiners of the learners, upon whose report the association grants upon whose report the association grants titles called 'degrees' (such as 'Master of Arts,' 'Doctor of Divinity'), showing that the holders have attained some definite proficiency.The English Universities are those of Oxford, Cambridge (incorporated by 13 Eliz. c. 29, by the two names of the Chancellor, Masters and Scholars of the University of Oxford and Cambridge respectively, with the direction that they shall be called and named by none other name for evermore), Durham, London, Victoria of Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, Leeds, Sheffield, Bristol, and East Midland University Nottingham, the graduates of which (see University of Liverpool Act, 1904; (English) University of Leeds Act, 1904; and (English) Sheffield University Act, 1914) have equal statutory privileges and exemptions; and Reading University (see 18 & 19 Geo. 5, c. 25). There is also the Uni...

Endowed schools

Endowed schools. Schools wholly or partly maintained out of an endowment. The (English) Endowed Schools Acts are 23 Vict. c. 11; 31 & 32 Vict. c. 32; 32 & 33 Vict. c. 56; 36 & 37 Vict. c. 87; 38 & 39 Vict. c. 29; and 42 & 43 Vict. c. 66; since which statutes their temporary provisions have been continued by (English) Annual Expiring Laws Continuance Acts. The principal Act is that of 1869 (32 & 33 Vict. c. 56), which provided for the reorganization of endowed schools generally (ex-cepting those subject to the (English) Public Schools Act, 1868, as to which see PUBLIC SCHOOLS) through the medium of 'schemes' to be framed by the 'Endowed Schools Commissioners,' whose powers were transferred by the (English) Act of 1874 (37 & 38 Vict. c. 87), to the Charity Com-missioners, and are now vested in the Board of Education. As to the dismissal of masters, see the (English) Endowed Schools (Masters) Act, 1908 (8 Edw. 7, c. 39), and Wright v. Zetland (Marquess), (1908) 1 KB 63. As to inspection o...


School. See EDUCATION; PUBLIC SCHOOLS; RE-FORMATORY SCHOOLS; Chitty's Statutes, tit. 'Education.'An institution of learning and education, esp. for children, Black's Law Dictionary, 7th Edn., p. 1346.School Attendance Committee, a committee appointed annually (in 'school districts' not within the jurisdiction of a 'school board') for the purpose of enforcing the Elementary Education Act, 1876, by proceeding against parents who neglected to send their children to a public elementary school. The duties of this Committee were transferred to the local education authorities by the Education Act, 1902. This Act was repealed by the Education Act, 1921, but the responsibilities of the local education authorities in this respect were confirmed (s. 43).School Board, a body corporate of persons elected triennially, for the purpose of managing 'public elementary schools' within their respective districts [(English) Elementary Education Acts, 1870 and 1873]. School Boards were abolished by the (Eng...

Trade Boards

Trade Boards. The Trade Boards Act, 1909, as amended by the Trade Boards Act, 1918, applies to certain trades specified in the Schedule, and to such others as are brought within the Act by Order of the Board of Trade or by special Order of the Minister of Labour. The Board of Trade can establish Trade Boards with respect to such trades, and the Boards when established must fix minimum rates for both time work and piecework. Notice must be given of the minimum rates established, and such rates are obligatory on employers, who are placed under penalties if they fail to pay in accordance with such rates. s. 11 gives the constitution and proceedings of Trade Boards under this section:(1) The Board of Trade may make regulations with respect to the constitution of Trade Boards, which shall consist of members representing employers and members representing workers (in this Act referred to as representative members) in equal proportions and of the appointed members. Any such regulations may be...

Agricultural Marketing Acts, 1931 to 1933

Agricultural Marketing Acts, 1931 to 1933 (English), The Act of 1931 (21 & 22 Geo. 5, c. 42) enables schemes to be made for regulating the marketing of agricultural products, foods and drinks made or derived therefrom, and fleeces and skins of animals, to establish marketing boards in connection with such schemes, to establish funds for loans to these boards, and to encourage agricultural co-operation, research and education. The Act of 1933 (23 & 24 Geo. 5, c. 31) amends and extends the 1931 Act by provisions for restrictions on the importation and sale of agricultural products and for the production of such secondary agricultural products wholly or partly manufactured or derived from another agricultural products as may be specified by an order in force under s. 7, Part II., of the Act of 1933. Schemes under the Act of 1931 may be submitted by the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries after consultation with the Board of Trade by laying a draft before each House of Parliament, and if...

Governing Board

Governing Board, 'Governing Board' means the Governing Board constituted under s. 11. [Kalak-shetra Foundation Act, 1993 (6 of 1994), s. 2(i)]...

Board of Direct Taxes

Board of Direct Taxes, means the Central Board of Direct Taxes constituted under the Central Board of Revenue Act, 1963, National Tax Tribunal Act, 2005, sec. 2(b)....

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