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Bombay Prevention of Fragmentation and Consilidation of Holdings Act, 1947 Section 16

Title : Scheme to Provide for Compensation

State : Central

Year : 1947

(1)The scheme prepared by the Consolidation Officer shall provide for the paymentof compensation to any owner who is allotted a holding of less market valuethan that of his original holding and for the recovery of compensation from anyowner who is allotted a holding of greater market value than that of hisoriginal holding. (2)The amount of Compensation shall be determined, so far as practicable, inaccordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) of section 23 of the LandAcquisition Act, 1894. 1 [* * *] 2 [* * *] ___________________ 1. The words "or ofsub-section (1) of that section in its application of the Saurashtra area ofthe State of Bombay under the Land Acquisition Act, 1894 (Adaptation andApplication) Ordinance, 1948" were omitted by the Maharashtra Adaptationof Laws..... View Complete Act      List Judgments citing this section

Bombay Prevention of Fragmentation and Consilidation of Holdings Act, 1947 Section 17

Title : Amalgamation of Public Roads Etc., Within Scheme for Consolidation of Holdings

State : Central

Year : 1947

(1) Whenever in preparing a scheme for the consolidation of holdings, it appears to the Consolidation Officer that it is necessary to amalgamate any road, street, lane or path with any holding in the scheme, he shall make a declaration to that effect stating in such declaration that it is proposed that the rights of the public as well as of all individuals in or over the said road, street, lane or path shall be extinguished or, as the case may be, transferred to a new road, street, lane or path laid out in the scheme of consolidation. (2) The declaration in sub-section (1) shall be published in the village concerned in the prescribed manner along with the draft scheme referred to in section 19. (3) Any member of the public or any person having any interest or right, in addition to..... View Complete Act      List Judgments citing this section

Bombay Prevention of Fragmentation and Consilidation of Holdings Act, 1947 Section 18

Title : Land Reserved for Public Purpose

State : Central

Year : 1947

1 [18. Land reserved for publicpurpose : (1)Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force, itshall be lawful for the Consolidation Officer, in consultation with the villagecommittee,- (a)to direct that any land specifically assigned for any public purpose shallcease to be so assigned and to assign any other land in its place; (b)if in any area under consolidation no land is reserved for any public purposeincluding extension of the village sites, or if the land so reserved isinadequate; to assign other land for such requirements, and for that purpose toeffect a proportionate cut in all the holdings of the village. (2)Where a proportionate cut in all the holdings of a village has been effectedunder subsection (1) the State Government shall pay to every..... View Complete Act      List Judgments citing this section

Bombay Prevention of Fragmentation and Consilidation of Holdings Act, 1947 Section 19

Title : Publication of Draft Scheme and of Amended Draft Scheme

State : Central

Year : 1947

1 [19. Publication of draft schemeand of amended draft scheme : (1)When a scheme of consolidation is ready for publication, the ConsolidationOfficer shall publish a draft thereof in the prescribed manner in the villageor villages concerned. Any person likely to be affected by such scheme, may,within thirty days of the date of such publication, communicate in writing tothe Consolidation Officer any objections relating to the draft scheme. (2)If any objections are received and after considering them, the ConsolidationOfficer considers it necessary to amend the draft scheme, he shall amend thedraft scheme and publish the amended draft scheme as provided in sub-section(1). Any person likely to be affected by such amended draft scheme, may, withinthirty days of the date of such..... View Complete Act      List Judgments citing this section

Bombay Prevention of Fragmentation and Consilidation of Holdings Act, 1947 Section 20

Title : Confirmation of Draft Scheme or Amended Draft Scheme

State : Central

Year : 1947

1 [20. Confirmation of draft schemeor amended draft scheme : (1)If on receipt of a draft scheme or an amended draft scheme under sub-section(3) of section 19, the Settlement Commissioner, after considering theobjections if any, and the remarks of the Consolidation Officer thereon andafter being otherwise satisfied about the correctness of procedure followed bythe Consolidation Officer and the allotment of holdings, and compensation orabout there being no clerical or arithmetical mistakes or error arising fromaccidental slip or omission, approves of the draft scheme, or, as the case maybe, amended draft scheme, he shall confirm it. (2)If the Settlement Commissioner does not approve of the draft scheme or theamended draft scheme forwarded by the Consolidation Officer and considers..... View Complete Act      List Judgments citing this section

Bombay Prevention of Fragmentation and Consilidation of Holdings Act, 1947 Section 21

Title : Enforcement of Scheme

State : Central

Year : 1947

1 [21. Enforcement of scheme : (1)Upon the confirmation of any scheme under section 20, a notification statingthat the scheme has been confirmed shall be published by the SettlementCommissioner in the Official Gazette, and the scheme as confirmed shall bepublished in the prescribed manner in the village or villages concerned. (2)Within one year from the date of publication of the notification in theOfficial Gazette, under sub-section (1), the owners from whom compensation isrecoverable under the scheme shall deposit the amount of compensation in theprescribed manner. (3)The Consolidation Officer shall from the commencement of the agricultural yearnext following the date of publication of the notification in the OfficialGazette, under sub-section (1) and in the prescribed manner,..... View Complete Act      List Judgments citing this section

Bombay Prevention of Fragmentation and Consilidation of Holdings Act, 1947 Section 22

Title : Coming into Force of Scheme

State : Central

Year : 1947

As soon as the persons entitled to possession of holdings under this Act have entered into possession of the holdings respectively allotted to them, the scheme shall be deemed to have come into force. View Complete Act      List Judgments citing this section

Bombay Prevention of Fragmentation and Consilidation of Holdings Act, 1947 Section 23

Title : Certain Laws No Ban on Transfer of Holdings

State : Central

Year : 1947

Notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force, the rights of owners, or other persons having interest, shall for the purpose of giving effect to any scheme of consolidation affecting them be transferable by exchange or otherwise. View Complete Act      List Judgments citing this section

Bombay Prevention of Fragmentation and Consilidation of Holdings Act, 1947 Section 24

Title : Certificate of Transfer

State : Central

Year : 1947

(1)The Consolidation Officer shall grant to every owner to whom a holding has beenallotted in pursuance of a scheme of consolidation and to every person to whoma right is allotted under 1 [sub-section (6)] of section 21 acertificate in the prescribed form duly registered under the IndianRegistration Act, 1908, to the effect that the holding has been transferred tohim in pursuance of the scheme. 2 [The Consolidation Officer may,thereupon, cause to be prepared a new record of rights in respect of theholdings so transferred and the record of rights so prepared shall be deemed tohave been prepared in the Hyderabad area of the State under the HyderabadRecord of Rights in Land Regulation, 1358, Fasli, and elsewhere under therelevant Code.] (2)Notwithstanding anything contained in any law..... View Complete Act      List Judgments citing this section

Bombay Prevention of Fragmentation and Consilidation of Holdings Act, 1947 Section 25

Title : Loans to Assist Consolidation

State : Central

Year : 1947

For carrying out any of the purposes of this Act, a loan may be granted to an owner and recovered from him as a loan under the Land Improvement Loans Act, 1883, or the Agriculturists' Loans Act, 1884. View Complete Act      List Judgments citing this section

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