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LegalDraft-Template Search Results Home Forms Name: finance act 1970 chapter i preliminary Page: 5 Page 5 of about 448 results (0.090 seconds)


Category: Agreements-Company Law

AGREEMENTmade at .......... this ........ day of ......... between M/s. PQ & Co.Ltd., a Company registered under the companies Act, 1956 and having itsregistered office at .......... hereinafter referred to as ''The Company'' ofthe One Part and Mr. L residing at .......... and Mr. M residing at ..........and Mr. N residing at ........ all collectively hereinafter referred to as''the Promoters'' of the Other Part.WHEREAS:Byan agreement dated the ...... day of ........ entered into between thePromoters on the one hand and Mr. X of the Other part it was agreed that thePromoters will form and register a private company limited the shares with theobject of taking over the business in electronic goods carried on by Mr. X onthe terms and conditions therein mentioned.Accordingly,the company being the party of the First Part hereto has been formed andregistered under the Companies Act 1956 on the day ofItwas one of the terms of the said agreement that on the registration of thecompany, the comp...

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Bond and Bail Bond on a Preliminary Inquiry before a Police Officer

Category: Agreements-Criminal Law

(Seesection 169 Criminal Procedure Code)I,(name), of, being charged with the offence of, and after inquiry required toappear before the Magistrate of ............................orandafter inquiry called upon to enter into my own recognizance to appear whenrequired, do hereby bind myself to appear at, in the Court of, on the day ofnext (or on such day as I may hereafter be required to attend) to answerfurther to the said charge, and in case of my making default herein, I bindmyself to forfeit to Government, the sum of rupeesDated,this day of,19.(Signature)Ihereby declare myself (or we jointly and severally declare ourselves and eachof us) surety (or sureties) for the above said (name) that he shall attend atin the Court of, on the day ofnext (or on such day as he may hereafter be required to attend), further toanswer to the charge pending against him, and, in case of his making defaulttherein, I hereby bind myself (or we hereby bind ourselves) to forfeit toGovernment the sum of rupeesD...

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Agreement to Adopt the Preliminary Agreement

Category: Agreements-Misc Agreements

AGREEMENT made at...this... day of... between M/s. A B & Co. Ltd., a Company registered underthe Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at... hereinafterreferred to as 'the Company' of the One Part and Mr. A residing at... and Mr. Bresiding at.... and Mr. C residing at... all collectively hereinafter referredto as 'the Promoters' of the Other Part.WHEREAS -1.Byan agreement dated the... day of... entered into between the Promoters on theone hand and Mr. X of the Other Part it was agreed that the Promoters will formand register a private company limited the shares with the object of takingover the business in electronic goods carried on by Mr. X on the terms andconditions therein mentioned.2.Accordingly,the Company being the Party of the First Part hereto has been formed andregistered under the Companies Act 1956 on the - day of3.Itwas one of the terms of the said agreement that on the registration of theCompany, the Company will adopt the said agreement.4.Bya resolution of...

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Preliminary Agreement to Form a Company to Purchase and Develop Property

Category: Agreements-Misc Agreements

AGREEMENT is madebetween Mr. A, residing at... of the First Part, Mr. B. residing at... of theSecond Part and Mr. C residing at... of the Third Part, as follows:WHEREAS -1.Theparties hereto propose to carry on business of buying and developing propertiesthrough the medium of a company limited by shares.2.Theparties have negotiated with the owner of an immoveable property situate at...for the purchase thereof and the terms and conditions are also settled but noformal agreement for purchase is entered into.3.Beforethe said agreement is entered into it is necessary to enter into a formalpromotion agreement between the parties hereto and which the parties herebyintend to do.NOW IT IS AGREED BYAND BETWEEN THE PARTIES HERETO AS FOLLOWS:1.Theparties hereto agree to form and register a private company limited by shareswith the main object of buying or otherwise acquiring immoveable properties,and selling them either as such or after developing them by construction of newbuildings and selling o...

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Preliminary Agreement to Takeover Business

Category: Agreements-Misc Agreements

AGREEMENTis made at... this... day of... between Mr. A carrying on business at....hereinafter referred to as 'the Vendor' of the One Part and Mr. X, Mr. Y andMr. Z all carrying on business at... hereinafter referred to as 'the Promoters'of the Other Part;WHEREAS-1. The Vendor iscarrying on business as sole proprietor of manufacturing some productsmentioned in the First Schedule hereunder written hereinafter referred to as'the said products.'2. The Vendor iscarrying on the manufacture of the said products at his factory premises at...and which premises consist of a plot of land with a factory shed and otherincidental structures thereon and which are more particularly described in theSecond Schedule hereunder written.3. A detail inventory ofthe machinery, tools, equipment and other articles and things in the saidfactory is given in the Third Schedule hereunder written.4. The Vendor hasrepresented and hereby declares that the said factory premises, machinery etc.are mortgaged to the Bank ...

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Agreement for Hire-Purchase of a Car through a Finance Company

Category: Agreements-Banking

THISAGREEMENT made at.................. this................... day of.............200_ between AS/o...........R/o...................(Hereinafter called the owner) of the FIRST PART and BS/o.......R/o...................(Hereinafter called the hirer) of the SECOND PART and C S/o..........R/o................... (Hereinafter called the dealer) of the THIRD PART.WHEREASthe hirer is desirous to purchase a car and he has approached the dealer tosell the car to him and to arrange the finance for the purchase of the car.ANDWHEREAS the dealer after satisfying about the creditworthiness of the hirer,has requested the owner to purchase the car more particularly described in theSchedule hereto (hereinafter called the said car), in order to let the same tothe hirer under a hire-purchase agreement.ANDWHEREAS the owner has acquired the said car from the dealer for theabovementioned purpose and in consideration of the above, the dealer has agreedto guarantee the payment of the hire by the hirer in acc...

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Hire Purchase Agreement for Securing Finance with Guarantee

Category: Agreements-Hire Purchases

This Agreement ismade at ....... this ......... day of .... between M/s. A B C & Co. Ltd., aCompany having its registered office at ....... hereinafter referred to as 'theCompany' of the First Part and Mr. A. carrying on business at .... hereinafterreferred to as 'the Hirer' of the Second Part and Mr. B residing at .....hereinafter referred to as the 'Guarantor' of the Third Part;Whereas the Hirer iscarrying on business of manufacturing... and for the purpose of his business,he has agreed to purchase and import a machine the particulars of which aregiven in the Schedule hereunder written and which is hereinafter referred to asthe said 'Machine'.And Whereas the Hirerhas obtained import License for importing the said machine.And Whereas the Hireris in need of a sum of Rs ........ to pay the price by opening a Letter ofCredit in favour of the foreign seller through the Hirer's Bankers.And Whereas the Hirerhas requested the Company to advance the said amount as well as all moneysrequired f...

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