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LegalDraft-Template Search Results Home Forms Name: competition amendment act 2007 section 24 amendment of section 31 Page: 59 Page 59 of about 590 results (0.017 seconds)

Petition for Divorce by Mutual Consent-Marriage Act-1773.rtf

Category: Marriage Act

Petition for Divorce by Mutual Consentpetitioner, ,marriage, ,court, ,separate, ,relationship, ,Petition for Divorce by Mutual Consent In the Court of the MC. No of 2005 Between: WB……First Petitioner And AB…….Second PetitionerApplication under section 13B of the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 The petitioners above-named beg to state as follows:1. The address of the petitioners for the service of all notices and process is that of their advocates and Mr………2. The first petitioner and the second petitioner are wife and husband respectively having been married at………..on the…………..and the said marriage is still subsisting. The marriage was performed in accordance with Hindu Vedic Rites. A copy of the marriage invitation is filed herewith and marked 'A'. There are no children by the marriage.3. The first petitioner and the second petitioner after the marriage lived and resided at…&hellip...

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Petition for Judicial Separation-Marriage Act-1774.rtf

Category: Marriage Act

Petition for Judicial Separationapplicant, ,cd, ,marriage, ,court, ,hindu, ,Petition for Judicial SeparationIn the Court of……….at…………..Matrimonial Jurisdiction In the matter of s. 10 of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955, and in the matter of: AB…………………… Petitioner versus CD…………………….Respondent The humble petition of…….of…. No …………(full name and address)Most Respectfully Sheweth:1. That at all material times and at present the parties to the proceedings were and are Hindu and so governed by the Hindu Marriage Act 1955.2. That on the ………. day of……….. the applicant was duly married to CD at…………..and the said marriage was solemnised according to Hindu rites. (An extract from the Marriage Registrar or an affidavit duly at...

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Petition for Maintenance and Expenses of Proceedings-Marriage Act-1775.rtf

Category: Marriage Act

Petition for Maintenance and Expenses of Proceedingsapplicant, ,r, ,respondent, ,proceeding, ,maintenance, ,Petition for Maintenance and Expenses of Proceedings(Title as in previous precedents) In the matter of maintenance pendentelite and expenses of proceedings under s. 24 of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955The applicant above-named respectfully states as follows:1. That on………..the applicant was married to the respondent according to the Hindu rites and customs and the said marriage is subsisting. 2. That the above suit is for divorce (or judicial separation or nullity of marriage) instituted by the applicant against the respondent (state briefly the grounds and the position of the suit).3. That the applicant has no independent source of income sufficient for her maintenance and support as well as to meet the necessary expenses of the proceedings brought by her. The applicant and her two children are now dependent on the applicant's father Sri   &nbs...

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Petition for Protection Order-Marriage Act-1776.rtf

Category: Marriage Act

Petition for Protection Order(See section 27) In the High Court of………… CB……….Petitioner Versus AB……..RespondentTo the Hon'ble Mr. Justice………(or To the Judge of……..)The humble petition of CB of ..............the wife of AB residingat...........Sheweth:1. That on the… of………your petitioner was lawfully married to the respondent AB at………according to the Christian rites.2. That ever since the marriage your petitioner lived and cohabited with the said AB for…………..years together at………and thereafter also at …………..and has had children, being issues of her said marriage of whom one is now living with your petitioner and wholly dependent upon her earnings. (Dates of birth to be given)3. That on or about the……… of………..the said...

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Petition for Reversal of Decree of Separation-Marriage Act-1777.rtf

Category: Marriage Act

Petition for Reversal of Decree of Separation(See section 26)No. of suit and cause titleIn the High Court of………To the Hon'ble Mr. Justice      (or To the Judge of)The petition of AB of………Sheweth:1. That your petitioner was on the………day of……lawfully married to……….and such marriage is still subsisting.2. That on the ……….. day of…….this (Hon'ble) Court on the petition of……………..pronounced a purported decree affecting the petitioner to the effect following, to wit,—(Here set out the decree)3. That such decree was obtained in the absence of and by practice of fraud on your petitioner, who was then residing at        and thus kept completely ignorant of the same. (State facts tending to show how the petitioner came to know of the proceedings; and, further, t...

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Petition of Divorce-Marriage Act-1779.rtf

Category: Marriage Act

Matrimonial Causes under Hindu Marriage Act 1955Petition of Divorce In the Court of……………… Matrimonial JurisdictionIn the matter of s. 13 of the Hindu Marriage Act 1955In the matter of………..AB………….PetitionerversusCD………..RespondentEF………..Co-respondentThe humble petition of……… (fullname and address)Most Respectfully Sheweth:1. That at all material times the parties to proceedings were and are Hindus governed by the Hindu Marriage Act 1955.2. That on the…….day of……….your petitioner was duly married to CD at etc.,……….and the said marriage was solemnised according to Hindu rites and customs. (An extract from the Marriage Register or an affidavit duly attested to be filed.)3. That ever since the said marriage your petitioner and the said CD lived together as husband and wife at&helli...

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Petition of Wife for Decree of Nullity of Marriage-Marriage Act-1780.rtf

Category: Marriage Act

Petition of Wife for Decree of Nullity of Marriagemarriage, ,petitioner, ,ab, ,cd, ,age, ,Petition of Wife for Decree of Nullity of Marriage(See sections 18 and 19)In the High Court of……………………. AB……………………………..Petitioner Versus CD……………………………..Respondent To the Hon'ble Justice………….or to the Judge of…………………..The humble petition of AB of (full name, occupation and address)Sheweth:1. That at all material times the parties of these proceedings were and are at present Christian by faith and religion.2. That on the…………… of…………..your petitioner, then a spinster, aged about………..years went through a form of pretended marriage w...

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Petition seeking Order for Maintenance of a Minor-Marriage Act-1781.rtf

Category: Marriage Act

Petition seeking Order for Maintenance of a MinorBefore the Learned Metropolitan Magistrate, Calcutta Case No…………………of 1999Application under section 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure 1973AndIn the matter of: Shri X, a minor under the age of 18 years,son of Shri Y, residing at …….Police Station ………………,District ……….. through his next friend Shri Z, son of Shri M, residing at……………being thematernal uncle of X, Police Station, District………………………..………………ApplicantversusShri Y, son of Shri B residing at………, Police Station ……,District……………..…………Opposite PartyToThe Hon'ble Magistrate of the Aforesaid CourtThe humble application of the ...

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Separation Agreement between Husband and Wife-Marriage Act-1782.rtf

Category: Marriage Act

Separation Agreement between Husband and Wifewife, ,husband, ,live, ,sum, ,party, ,Separation Agreement between Husband and WifeThis agreement is made the……….day of………… between AB of etc. (hereinafter called the husband) of the one part and CD, of, etc. the wife of the said AB (hereinafter called the wife) of the other part.Whereas unhappy differences and disputes having arisen between the parties hereto, as a result whereof the marriage between them has broken down and they are now living separate and apart from each other and intend to so live hereafter unless there is any reconciliation and for which purpose they have agreed to enter into such arrangement as is hereinafter contained:NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows:1. The parties hereto shall further live and continue to live separate and apart from each other and neither of them shall have the right to the society of the other or shall molest, annoy or interfere with each other.2. ...

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Separation Agreement between Husband and Wife-Marriage Act-1783.rtf

Category: Marriage Act

Separation Agreement between Husband and Wifewife, ,husband, ,child, ,pay, ,sum, ,Separation Agreement between Husband and Wife(A Short Form)An agreement is made the………day of……………..2005 between AB of etc. (hereinafter called the husband) of the one part and CD of etc. his wife (hereinafter called the wife) of the other part.Whereas unhappy disputes and differences have arisen between the husband and wife and they are now living separate and apart from each other.NOW IT IS HEREBY AGREED as follows:1. The husband and the wife shall continue to live separate and apart from each other and neither of them shall molest, annoy or interfere with the other.2. The husband shall pay to the wife during her life for the maintenance of herself and her children hereinafter named the monthly sum of Rs……… first of such payments to be made on the……… of…………3. The wife shall h...

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