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Security Bond to be given During the Pendency of Appeal. (O.41, R.6.)

Category: Agreements-Civil Procedure Code

(Title)ToTHISsecurity bond on stay of execution of decree executed by witnessed:--That,the plaintiff in Suit No............. of ........19............ Having sued,the defendant, in this Court and a decree having been passed on of......... 19..... in favour of the plaintiff and the defendanthaving preferred an appeal from the said decree in the Court, the said appealis still pending.Nowthe plaintiff decree-holder has applied for execution of the said decree andhas been called upon to furnish security. Accordingly I, of my own free will,stand security to the extent of Rs..........., mortgaging the propertiesspecified in the schedule hereunto annexed, and covenant that if the decree ofthe first Court be reversed or varied by the Appellate Court, the plaintiffshall restore any property \which may be or has been taken in execution of thesaid decree and shall duly act in accordance with the decree of the AppellateCourt and shall pay whatever may be payable by him there under,...

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Security Bond to be given on Order being made to Stay Execution of Decree.(O.41, R.5.)

Category: Agreements-Civil Procedure Code

(Title)ToTHISsecurity bond on stay of execution of decree executedby.................witnesseth:--That,..............the plaintiff in Suit No. ........... of: 19, having sued, thedefendant, in this Court and a decree having been passed on the ...........dayof ............19......... in favour of the plaintiff, and the defendant havingpreferred an appeal from the said decree in the Court, the said appeal is stillpending.Nowthe plaintiff decree-holder having applied to execute the decree, the defendanthas made an application praying for stay o execution and has been called uponto furnish security. Accordingly I, of my own free will, stand security to theextent of Rs. mortgaging the properties specified in the schedule hereuntoannexed and covenant that if the decree of the first Court be confirmed orvaried by the Appellate Court the said defendant shall duly act in accordancewith the decree of the Appellate Court and shall pay whatever may be payable byhim there under, and if he should fa...

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Security for Costs of Appeal (O.41, R.10.)

Category: Agreements-Civil Procedure Code

(Title)ToTHISsecurity bond for costs of appeal executedby...............................witnesseth:--Thisappellant has preferred an appeal from the decree in Suit No..........of ..............19........,against the respondent, and has been called upon to furnish security. AccordinglyI, of my own free will, stand security for the costs of the appeal, mortgagingthe properties specified in the schedule hereunto annexed. I shall not transferthe said properties or any part thereof, and in the event of any default on thepart of the appellate, shall duly carry out any order that may be made againstme with regard to payment of the costs o appeal. Any amount so payable shall berealized from the property. hereby mortgaged, and if the proceeds of the saleof the said proper ties are insufficient to pay the amount due, I and my legalrepresentatives will be personally liable to pay the balance. To this effectIexecute this security bond this of........... 19..........Schedule(Signed.)Wit...

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Security Bond

Category: Agreements-Bonds

TO,M/s. A B &CoWhereas I,Mr..the undersigned have been appointed by you as the Manager of yourproperties at ... and as a term of such appointment I have been required togive a security to the extent of a sum of Rs... and which I have agreedto do.Now ThesePresents Witness that I Mr... here by bind myself to pay you a sum notexceeding Rs... found due and payable by me in the management of the saidproperties. Subject to the following condition.And thecondition of this Bond is that if I shall faithfully and honestly manage thesaid properties by doing all acts and things which I am authorised to do interms of a General Power of Attorney given by you to me this day by a separatedeed and shall at all times during the said management account for all themoneys, securities, and other property received, and expenses made, by melawfully as the manager of your said properties and shall not cause loss orinjury or damage to the said properties or in any way take or apply the same orany moneys, or sec...

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Security Bond for Grant of Succession Certificate (Section 375, Indian Succession Act)

Category: Agreements-Bonds

KnowAll Men that we, JN, s/o Late GP r/o and Mr. NK, s/o r/o (Surety for Mr. JN) bind ourselves jointly and severally to Shri JP,Distt. Judge, . for payment to him or his successor in office of thesum of RsWehave signed this bond on thisday ofat .Signature.AdministrationSignature.SuretyWhereasthe Court of the said District Judge, Mr. JP, has passed the order on the dayofand has granted the succession certificates in favour of the said Mr. JNto the estate of Late JN deceased on the condition that said Mr. JN execute abond with one surety of Rs..Andwhereas the said Mr. JN has agreed to execute the bond for the said Rs..andthe said Mr. NK has agreed to enter into the above bond as surety for said Mr.JN.NowThis Bond Witnesses As Under:Nowthe condition of the above bond is as under:1.Thatthe said Mr. JN shall prepare an inventory of the property of the deceasedwithin six months form the date of the execution of the bond.2.Thatthe accounts of the debtor and creditor shall also be prepared ...

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Security Bond in Injunction Suit Requiring Defendant not to do or Repeat the Wrongful Act Complained of

Category: Agreements-Bonds

Whereas,in the suit above specified, instituted by the said plaintiff, to restrain thesaid defendant..from (here state the breach of contract or other injury),the said court has, on the application the said plaintiff granted an injunctionto restrain the said defendant from the repetition ( or the continuance) of thesaid breach of contract ( or wrongful act complained of ), and required securityfrom the said defendant against such repetition ( or continuance) of the saidbreach of contract (or wrongful act complained of), and required security fromthe said defendant against such repetition (or continuance);Therefore,I, ..inhabitant of ..have voluntarily become surety and do herebybind myself, my heirs and executors to Judge of the said court and hissuccessors in office that the said defendantshall abstain from therepetition (or continuance of the breach of contract aforesaid or wrongful act,or from the committal of any breach of contract or injury of any king, arisingout of the same...

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Security Bond Mortgaging Property given or Order Being Made to Stay Execution of Decree

Category: Agreements-Bonds

Thissecurity bond on stay of execution of decree executed byWitnesseth:That..,theplaintiff in suit no..of 2000, having suedthe defendant, in this courtand decree having been passed on of, 2000 in favour of theplaintiff, and the defendant having preferred an appeal from the said decree inthe..court, the said appeal is still pending;Nowthe plaintiff-decree holder having applied to execute the decree the defendanthas made an application praying for stay to execution and has been called uponto furnish security. Accordingly, I, (of my own freewill) stand security to theextent of Rs.mortgaging the properties specified in the Schedule hereuntoannexed, and covenant that if the decree of the first court be confirmed orvaries by the Appellate Court the said defendant shall duly act in accordancewith the decree of the Appellate Court and shall pay whatever may be payable byhim thereunder, and if he should fail therein then any amount so payable shallbe realised from the properties hereby ...

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Security Bond to be given during the Pendency of Appeal Where in Property is Mortgated

Category: Agreements-Bonds

To,ThisSecurity Bond on Stay of Execution of Decree by.Witnesseth:That., the plaintiff in suit no..of, 2000, having suedthe defendant inthis court, and a decree having been passed on theday of .., 2000, infavour of the plaintiff, and the defendant having preferred an appeal from thesaid decree in thecourt, the said appeal is still pending.Nowthe plaintiff-decree holder has applied to execute the decree and the defendanthas made an application praying for stay of execution of the said decree andhas been called upon to furnish security. Accordingly, i, ( of my own freewill). Stand security to the extent of Rs.mortgaging the propertiesspecified in the schedule hereunto annexed and covenant that if the decree ofthe first court be reversed or varied by the appellate court, the plaintiffshall restore any property which may be or has been taken in execution of thesaid decree and shall duly act in accordance with the decree of the appellatecourt and shall pay whatever may be payable by him the...

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Security Bond for Costs of Appeal Where in Property is Mortgaged

Category: Agreements-Bonds

To,Thissecurity bond for costs of appeal executed byWitnesseth:-Thisappellant has preferred an appeal from the decree in suit no..of 2000,against the respondent, and has been called upon to furnish security.Accordingly, I, (of my own free will), stand security for the costs of theappeal mortgaging the properties specified in the Schedule hereunto annexed. Ishall not transfer the said properties or any part thereof, and in the event ofany default on the part of the appellant, I shall duly carry out any order thatmay be made against me, with regard to the payment of costs of appeal. Anyamount so payable shall be realised from the properties hereby mortgaged, andif the proceeds of the sale of the said properties are insufficient to pay theamount due, I any my legal representatives will be personally liable to pay thebalance. To this effect I execute this security bond this .day of,20__.(Sd).Witnessedby1.s/o.of.2.s/o.of.....

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