    [0] =>  ..... before the interception is terminated, the contents of any intercepted communication are to be treated as illegally obtained. 18 u.s.c. 2518(7). the act sanctions free use of intercepted information among investigative personnel, 2517(1). it also widely protects 'evidence derived therefrom,' 2517(1)(2)(3), including the giving of testimonial evidence. [  ..... ,850 footnote 8 see hearings before gallagher subcommittee on h. government operations, 89th cong., 2d sess., july 26, 27, and 28, 1966; address of cong. gallagher-technology and society: a conflict of interest?, 115 cong. rec., april 1, 1969;, 90th cong., 2d sess., privacy and the national data bank ..... preferred procedure, he submits at the same time that an in camera determination of legality or illegality was required as an absolute constitutional minimum under the fourth amendment.' (app. brief in c.a., 62-63.) footnote 6 there is the initial question whether any intercepted communications relating to the offense of which  ..... 
    [1] =>  ..... lend force to the conclusion that a standard is a quantitative "level" to be attained by use of "techniques," "controls," and "technology." this conclusion is fortified by recent amendments to the act, by which congress authorized the administrator to promulgate a "design, equipment, work practice, or operational standard" when "it is not feasible ..... , the president, under 112(c)(2), has the same power, "if he finds that the technology to implement such standards is not available." section 112(b)(2) authorizes the administrator to issue information on "pollution control techniques." most clearly supportive of petitioner's position that a standard was intended to ..... later than 180 days after such publication, the administrator shall prescribe an emission standard for such pollutant, unless he finds, on the basis of information presented at such hearings, that such pollutant clearly is not a hazardous air pollutant. the administrator shall establish any such standard at the level which ..... 
    [2] =>  ..... it was utilized"). monitors visited a nonpublic school only sporadically, discussed the program with a single contact person, observed nothing more than attempts at recordkeeping, and failed to inform the teachers of the restrictions involved. id., at 154a-155a. although chapter 2 required labeling of government property, it occurred haphazardly at best, id., at 113a, and ..... of the united states for use in geography class." wallace v. jaffree, 472 u. s. 38 , 110 (1985) (rehnquist, j., dissenting) (footnotes omitted). indeed, technology's advance since the allen, meek, and wolman decisions has only made the distinction between textbooks and instructional materials and equipment more suspect. in this case, for example, we  .....  is not such a law. i a chapter 2 of the education consolidation and improvement act of 1981, pub. l. 97-35, 95 stat. 469, as amended, 20 u. s. c. 7301-7373,1 has its origins in the elementary and secondary education act of 1965 (esea), pub. l. 89-10, 79 stat. 55, and is  ..... 
    [3] =>  ..... is induced or the evils is exercise tends to avoid. it is, then, my judgment that the reasonable care standard adequately serves those first amendment values that must inform the definition of actionable libel, and that those special considerations that made even this standard an insufficiently precise technique when applied to plaintiffs who are ..... some members of the court seem haunted by fears of self-censorship by the press and of damage judgments that will threaten its financial health. but technology has immeasurably increased the power of the press to do both good and evil. vast communication combines have been built into profitable ventures. my interest  ..... seek the truth before they communicate, as well as in compensating persons actually harmed by false descriptions of their personal behavior. additionally, the burden of acting reasonably in taking action that may produce adverse consequences for others is one generally placed upon all in our society. thus, history itself belies the  ..... 
    [4] =>  .....  judgment of the ninth circuit is accordingly reversed. it is so ordered. justice thomas, concurring. as the government reads the americans with disabilities act of 1990 (ada or act), 104 stat. 327, as amended, 42 u. s. c. 12101 et seq. (1994 ed. and supp. iii), it requires that petitioner justify the department of transportation ..... than two convictions for any other moving violations. a waiver applicant had to agree to have his vision checked annually for deterioration, and to report certain information about his driving experience to the federal highway administration (fhw a or administration), the agency within the dot responsible for overseeing the motor carrier safety regulations. .....  is safe, fair, and rationally related to the latest medical knowledge and highway technology." 57 fed. reg. 31458 (1992). and if all this were not enough to show that the fhwa was planning to give waivers solely to collect information, it acknowledged that a study it had commissioned had done no more than"  ..... 
    [5] =>  ..... ., at 727; and (3) the sec has supervised the funds insofar as its acceptance of fund-initiated restrictions for more than three decades . . . manifests an informed administrative judgment that the contractual restrictions . . . were appropriate means for combating the problems of the industry, id ., at 728. the court added that, in these ..... offering firm meet potential investors and engage in a process that the industry calls book building. during this time, the underwriters and firm representatives present information to investors about the company and the stock. and they attempt to gauge the strength of the investors interest in purchasing the stock. for this .....  clayton act, 38 stat. 730, as amended by the robinson-patman act, 49 stat. 1527, 15 u. s. c. 13(c); and state antitrust laws. app. 1, 14. the investors stated that between march 1997 and december 2000 the banks had acted as underwriters, forming syndicates that helped execute the ipos of several hundred technology-related companies ..... 
    [6] =>  ..... , endangering the effectiveness of a program or policy of vital importance to the national defense, or compromising important military or defense plans, scientific or technological developments important to national defense, or information revealing important intelligence page 360 u. s. 511 operations." exec.order no. 10501, nov. 5, 1953, 18 fed.reg. 7049, 3 ..... is solicited for the following program: . . ." clearly this procedure did not anticipate confrontation or cross-examination. [ footnote 2/8 ] the national security act amendments of 1949, 63 stat. 578, amended 213 so as to delete subparagraph 10. [ footnote 2/9 ] annual report of the secretary of the army for the fiscal year 1949 (1950)  .....  not explicitly authorized by statute we may readily agree. . . ." the first proffered statute is the national security act of 1947, as amended, 5 u.s.c. 171 et seq. that act created the department of defense and gave to the secretary of defense and the secretaries of the armed services the authority ..... 
    [7] =>  .....  in this case is not whether the degree of intrusion is reasonable, but whether first amendment principles require that the page 433 u. s. 568 right of privacy give way to the public right to be informed of matters of public interest and concern, the concept of privilege seems the more useful and .....  then would afford no guidance for resolution of the case. moreover, in future cases involving different performances, similar difficulties in determining just what constitutes the "entire act" are inevitable. [ footnote 2/2 ] at some points, the court seems to acknowledge that the reason for recognizing a cause of action asserting a "right ..... although recognizing that the trade secret law resulted in preventing the public from gaining certain information, the court emphasized that the law had "a decidedly beneficial effect on society," id. at 416 u. s. 485 , and that, without it, "organized scientific and technological research could become fragmented, and society, as a whole, would suffer." id.  ..... 
    [8] =>  ..... 5)(c) and (d), 86 stat. 980-981. for purposes of this litigation, the most significant of the 1972 amendments pertained to the pesticide registration procedure and the public disclosure of information learned through that procedure. congress added to fifra a new section governing public disclosure of data submitted in support of an application ..... the data-consideration or data-disclosure provisions will allow a competitor to register more easily its product or to use the disclosed data to improve its own technology that may constitute a taking. if, however, a public disclosure of data reveals, for example, the harmful side effects of the submitter's product .....  states. [ footnote 12 ] the 1972 amendments to fifra became effective at the close of the business day on october 21, 1972. 86 stat. 998. [ footnote 13 ] the trade secrets act prohibits a government employee from "publish[ing], divulg[ing], disclos[ing] or mak[ing] known" confidential information received in his official capacity. 18 u. ..... 
    [9] =>  .....  against colt in federal district court for violations of 1 and 2 of the sherman act. the complaint alleged, inter alia, that colt's letters, litigation tactics, and other conduct drove petitioners out of business. petitioners later amended the complaint to assert a second cause of action under state law for tortious interference  .....  specifications that might otherwise be revealed by its engineering drawings, and when colt licenses others to manufacture m16 parts or hires employees with access to proprietary information, it contractually obligates them not to disclose specifications. petitioner christianson is a former colt employee who acceded to such a nondisclosure agreement. upon leaving respondent's ..... 35 u.s.c. 112), in 1980, when such patents expired, anyone 'who has ordinary skill in the rifle-making art' is able to use the technology of such expired patents for which colt earlier had a monopoly position for 17 years." "19. its and anyone else has the right to manufacture, contract  ..... 
    [10] =>  ..... . in the light of the hon'ble president of india having declined assent to the kerala scheduled tribe (restriction on transfer of lands and restoration of alienated lands) amendment act, 1996, there is no justification for this court extending the order to stay granted earlier. the interim stay granted earlier is vacated.2. the learned single judge,  .....  either through their own efforts due to information exchange or due to outside compulsions. it is with this object in view that the r&r; plans which are developed are meant to ensure that those who ..... it was is not fair that tribals and the people in undeveloped villages should continue in the same condition without ever enjoying the fruits of science and technology for better health and have a higher quality of lifestyle. should they not be encouraged to seek greener pastures elsewhere, if they can have access to it, ..... 
    [11] =>  .....  commission constituted in accordance with the provisions contained in chapter xix-a of the said act.30. chapter xix-a providing forum and procedure for 'settlement of cases' was introduced in the it act by taxation laws (amendment) act 1975 published in the gazette of india extraordinary part ii dated 9th may, 1973 (pages .....  443 of 530). the statement of objects andreasons for the amendment reads thus:31. 'to unearth black-money and prevents its proliferation ..... shall be on the consolidated amount of income, i.e. both disclosed and undisclosed. as indicated above, such interests shall be charged till the commission acts in terms of section 245d. thereafter, the prescription relating to charging of interests etc. becomes operative, after the commission allows the application for settlement to ..... 
    [12] =>  .....  listed on a recognized stock exchange. section 60b, as already indicated, refers to im. section 2(19b) was inserted by the companies (second amendment) act, 2002, w.e.f. 1.4.2003, which reads as follows:“2(19b) "information memorandum" means a process undertaken prior to the filing of a prospectus by which a demand for the securities proposed to be issued by .....  securities listed on a recognized stock exchange.73. section 60b which was included in the act by the companies amendment act, 2000 (act 53 of 2000) w.e.f. 13.12.2000. 60b(1) reads as follows:“60b. information memorandum.(1) a public company making an issue of securities may circulate information memorandum to the public prior to filing of a prospectus.”74. section 60b(1 ..... 
    [13] =>  .....  section 17a, i have no hesitation in holding that the said provision is prospective. there is no indication in section 17a or in terms of the amending act that by insertion of section 17a the parliament intended to alter the pre-existing state of affairs. the parliament does not seem to have intended by bringing .....  petitioners claim to have learnt about the same through a newspaper report, and adhunik claims to have got the copies thereof through an application under the right to information act, 2005.50. the appellants had relied upon three judgments of the constitution benches of this court in hingir-rampur coal co., m.a. tulloch & co.  ..... the recommendation in favour of monnet setting out the comparative merit of all such proposals.5.3. on november 17, 2004, the district mining officer, chaibasa informed the secretary, department of mines and geology, government of jharkhand that certain portions of mauza ghatkuri and the adjoining areas were reserved for public sector exploitation under ..... 
    [14] =>  ..... unreasonably restrain trade or adversely affect the international transfer of technology; andg) that patents are granted to make the benefit of the patented invention available at reasonably affordable prices to the public.”74. the many amendments to and enlargement of the parent act by the amendment act of 2002 laid most of the ground-work, but india ..... defining the scope of the invention for which protection is claimed;d) be accompanied by an abstract to provide technical information on the invention:provided that -(i) the controller may amend the abstract for providing better information to third parties; ”and, section 10(5) provides as under:“(5) the claim or claims of a  .....  of article 6ter of the paris convention (1967).3. each member shall be prepared to supply, in response to a written request from another member, information of the sort referred to in paragraph 1. a member, having reason to believe that a specific judicial decision or administrative ruling or bilateral agreement in  ..... 
    [15] =>  ..... industrial concerns under article 19(1)(g) are said to be affected having regard to the provisions of the kerala industrial establishments (national and festival holidays) (amendment) act, 1990 whereby the number of national holidays were increased. in view of article 43 of the constitution of india, the restriction imposed were held to be .....  consumers would find it difficult to bid through e-auction. the learned judges directed constitution of a committee comprising of the representatives from the ministry of information and technology, ministry of power, bsnl and cil, which was to be chaired by the secretary, ministry of coal, so as to enable it to take a ..... emd, the allotted quantity, bid price, etc. to the subsidiary company for taking further action for release of coal. simultaneously, the successful bidders are also informed by the agencies through electronic mail. the successful bidders are required to deposit full value of coal within eight working days from the date of completion the ..... 
    [16] =>  ..... of list-i and entry 25 of list-ill.' entry 11 of list-i was deleted and entry 25 of list-ill was amended with effect from 3.1.1976 as a result of the constitution 42nd amendment act of 1976. the present entry 25 in the concurrent list is as follows:entry 25, list iii: education, including technical education ..... which alone can nurture a nation's full potential. moreover, in a democratic society, it is extremely important that the population is literate and is able to acquire information that shapes its decisions.23. the spread of primary education has to be wide enough to cover all sections of the society whether forward or backward. a large ..... by the candidates belonging to reserved categories. what is sought is a facility or opportunity for admission to the courses, ph.d., speciality or super speciality or high technology by relaxation of a lesser percentage of marks for initial admission than the general candidates. for instance, if the general candidate is required to get 80% as qualifying ..... 
    [17] =>  ..... by auction with the reserved rate being rs.30000 per sq.m. if the very same plots were to be earmarked for institutional use (for research/software/information technology services) the allotment rate would be only rs.5000 per sq.m and if they were earmarked for industrial use, the allotment rate would be only  .....  development departments, at industrial rates. to ensure that hotel entrepreneurs may get the benefit of this provision, all the above authorities shall ensure the necessary arrangements/amendment in their rules so that it may be possible to make available the land to hotel entrepreneurs on industrial rates. (11) only in areas where there are .....  3 star hotels in noida, district gautam budh nagar, uttar pradesh. the said authority was constituted under the provisions of the u.p.industrial area development act, 1976 (`act' for short) for development of an industrial and urban township of noida in uttar pradesh, neighbouring delhi. 2. tourism was granted the status of an industry ..... 
    [18] =>  .....  copy of the decision rendered by the central administrative tribunal (chandigarh bench) in original application no. 495/pb/2007 decided on 15th november 2007. we were informed that this decision was placed before the high court and that this decision has attained finality, not having been challenged by anybody.52. a reading of the  ..... to the question referred by the single judge and left it to the single judge to dispose of the second appeal according to law.). kerala state science and technology museum v. rambal co., (2006) 6 scc 258 (it is fairly well settled that when reference is made on a specific issue either by a  .....  recommendation making process. in that case, the selection of the central vigilance commissioner was made under section 4(1) of the central vigilance commission act, 2003 (for short the act) which reads as follows:“4. appointment of central vigilance commissioner and vigilance commissioners.—(1) the central vigilance commissioner and the vigilance commissioners shall be  ..... 
    [19] =>  .....  of any society. these are not to be seen as mere chichi or fads but words that are pregnant with unimaginable potentialities. information revolution, information technologies and knowledge industries, constitute important dimensions of an information society and contribute effectively to the growth of a knowledge society.' (ibid, p.246) 86. 'alvin toffler (1980) has  ..... the provisions of entries 63, 64, 65 and 66 of list i and entry 25 of list iii.'10. by the constitution (42nd amendment) act 1976, the abovesaid entry was directed to be deleted and instead entry 25 in list iii - concurrent list, was directed to be suitably .....  that after the decisions in pai foundation and islamic academy, in the states of kerala, karnataka, maharashtra and tamil nadu, their respective legislatures have passed acts regulating admissions and charging of fee in both aided and unaided minority and non- minority private educational institutions engaged in imparting education in professional, medical, engineering ..... 
Information Technology Amendment Act 2008 Section 46 Amendment of Section 87 - Court Us Supreme Court - Page 7 - Judgments | SooperKanoon Skip to content

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Cook Vs. United States

Court : US Supreme Court

..... before the interception is terminated, the contents of any intercepted communication are to be treated as illegally obtained. 18 u.s.c. 2518(7). the act sanctions free use of intercepted information among investigative personnel, 2517(1). it also widely protects 'evidence derived therefrom,' 2517(1)(2)(3), including the giving of testimonial evidence. [ ..... ,850 footnote 8 see hearings before gallagher subcommittee on h. government operations, 89th cong., 2d sess., july 26, 27, and 28, 1966; address of cong. gallagher-technology and society: a conflict of interest?, 115 cong. rec., april 1, 1969;, 90th cong., 2d sess., privacy and the national data bank ..... preferred procedure, he submits at the same time that an in camera determination of legality or illegality was required as an absolute constitutional minimum under the fourth amendment.' (app. brief in c.a., 62-63.) footnote 6 there is the initial question whether any intercepted communications relating to the offense of which .....

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Jan 10 1978 (FN)

Adamo Wrecking Co. Vs. United States

Court : US Supreme Court

..... lend force to the conclusion that a standard is a quantitative "level" to be attained by use of "techniques," "controls," and "technology." this conclusion is fortified by recent amendments to the act, by which congress authorized the administrator to promulgate a "design, equipment, work practice, or operational standard" when "it is not feasible ..... , the president, under 112(c)(2), has the same power, "if he finds that the technology to implement such standards is not available." section 112(b)(2) authorizes the administrator to issue information on "pollution control techniques." most clearly supportive of petitioner's position that a standard was intended to ..... later than 180 days after such publication, the administrator shall prescribe an emission standard for such pollutant, unless he finds, on the basis of information presented at such hearings, that such pollutant clearly is not a hazardous air pollutant. the administrator shall establish any such standard at the level which .....

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Jun 28 2000 (FN)

Mitchell Vs. Helms

Court : US Supreme Court

..... it was utilized"). monitors visited a nonpublic school only sporadically, discussed the program with a single contact person, observed nothing more than attempts at recordkeeping, and failed to inform the teachers of the restrictions involved. id., at 154a-155a. although chapter 2 required labeling of government property, it occurred haphazardly at best, id., at 113a, and ..... of the united states for use in geography class." wallace v. jaffree, 472 u. s. 38 , 110 (1985) (rehnquist, j., dissenting) (footnotes omitted). indeed, technology's advance since the allen, meek, and wolman decisions has only made the distinction between textbooks and instructional materials and equipment more suspect. in this case, for example, we ..... is not such a law. i a chapter 2 of the education consolidation and improvement act of 1981, pub. l. 97-35, 95 stat. 469, as amended, 20 u. s. c. 7301-7373,1 has its origins in the elementary and secondary education act of 1965 (esea), pub. l. 89-10, 79 stat. 55, and is .....

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Jun 07 1971 (FN)

Rosenbloom Vs. Metromedia

Court : US Supreme Court

..... is induced or the evils is exercise tends to avoid. it is, then, my judgment that the reasonable care standard adequately serves those first amendment values that must inform the definition of actionable libel, and that those special considerations that made even this standard an insufficiently precise technique when applied to plaintiffs who are ..... some members of the court seem haunted by fears of self-censorship by the press and of damage judgments that will threaten its financial health. but technology has immeasurably increased the power of the press to do both good and evil. vast communication combines have been built into profitable ventures. my interest ..... seek the truth before they communicate, as well as in compensating persons actually harmed by false descriptions of their personal behavior. additionally, the burden of acting reasonably in taking action that may produce adverse consequences for others is one generally placed upon all in our society. thus, history itself belies the .....

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Jun 22 1999 (FN)

Albertson's, Inc. Vs. Kirkingburg

Court : US Supreme Court

..... judgment of the ninth circuit is accordingly reversed. it is so ordered. justice thomas, concurring. as the government reads the americans with disabilities act of 1990 (ada or act), 104 stat. 327, as amended, 42 u. s. c. 12101 et seq. (1994 ed. and supp. iii), it requires that petitioner justify the department of transportation ..... than two convictions for any other moving violations. a waiver applicant had to agree to have his vision checked annually for deterioration, and to report certain information about his driving experience to the federal highway administration (fhw a or administration), the agency within the dot responsible for overseeing the motor carrier safety regulations. ..... is safe, fair, and rationally related to the latest medical knowledge and highway technology." 57 fed. reg. 31458 (1992). and if all this were not enough to show that the fhwa was planning to give waivers solely to collect information, it acknowledged that a study it had commissioned had done no more than" .....

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Jun 18 2007 (FN)

Credit Suisse Securities (Usa) Llc Vs. Billing

Court : US Supreme Court

..... ., at 727; and (3) the sec has supervised the funds insofar as its acceptance of fund-initiated restrictions for more than three decades . . . manifests an informed administrative judgment that the contractual restrictions . . . were appropriate means for combating the problems of the industry, id ., at 728. the court added that, in these ..... offering firm meet potential investors and engage in a process that the industry calls book building. during this time, the underwriters and firm representatives present information to investors about the company and the stock. and they attempt to gauge the strength of the investors interest in purchasing the stock. for this ..... clayton act, 38 stat. 730, as amended by the robinson-patman act, 49 stat. 1527, 15 u. s. c. 13(c); and state antitrust laws. app. 1, 14. the investors stated that between march 1997 and december 2000 the banks had acted as underwriters, forming syndicates that helped execute the ipos of several hundred technology-related companies .....

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Jun 29 1959 (FN)

Greene Vs. Mcelroy

Court : US Supreme Court

..... , endangering the effectiveness of a program or policy of vital importance to the national defense, or compromising important military or defense plans, scientific or technological developments important to national defense, or information revealing important intelligence page 360 u. s. 511 operations." exec.order no. 10501, nov. 5, 1953, 18 fed.reg. 7049, 3 ..... is solicited for the following program: . . ." clearly this procedure did not anticipate confrontation or cross-examination. [ footnote 2/8 ] the national security act amendments of 1949, 63 stat. 578, amended 213 so as to delete subparagraph 10. [ footnote 2/9 ] annual report of the secretary of the army for the fiscal year 1949 (1950) ..... not explicitly authorized by statute we may readily agree. . . ." the first proffered statute is the national security act of 1947, as amended, 5 u.s.c. 171 et seq. that act created the department of defense and gave to the secretary of defense and the secretaries of the armed services the authority .....

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Jun 28 1977 (FN)

Zacchini Vs. Scripps-howard Broadcasting Co.

Court : US Supreme Court

..... in this case is not whether the degree of intrusion is reasonable, but whether first amendment principles require that the page 433 u. s. 568 right of privacy give way to the public right to be informed of matters of public interest and concern, the concept of privilege seems the more useful and ..... then would afford no guidance for resolution of the case. moreover, in future cases involving different performances, similar difficulties in determining just what constitutes the "entire act" are inevitable. [ footnote 2/2 ] at some points, the court seems to acknowledge that the reason for recognizing a cause of action asserting a "right ..... although recognizing that the trade secret law resulted in preventing the public from gaining certain information, the court emphasized that the law had "a decidedly beneficial effect on society," id. at 416 u. s. 485 , and that, without it, "organized scientific and technological research could become fragmented, and society, as a whole, would suffer." id. .....

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Jun 26 1984 (FN)

Ruckelshaus Vs. Monsanto Co.

Court : US Supreme Court

..... 5)(c) and (d), 86 stat. 980-981. for purposes of this litigation, the most significant of the 1972 amendments pertained to the pesticide registration procedure and the public disclosure of information learned through that procedure. congress added to fifra a new section governing public disclosure of data submitted in support of an application ..... the data-consideration or data-disclosure provisions will allow a competitor to register more easily its product or to use the disclosed data to improve its own technology that may constitute a taking. if, however, a public disclosure of data reveals, for example, the harmful side effects of the submitter's product ..... states. [ footnote 12 ] the 1972 amendments to fifra became effective at the close of the business day on october 21, 1972. 86 stat. 998. [ footnote 13 ] the trade secrets act prohibits a government employee from "publish[ing], divulg[ing], disclos[ing] or mak[ing] known" confidential information received in his official capacity. 18 u. .....

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Jun 17 1988 (FN)

Christianson Vs. Colt Indus.

Court : US Supreme Court

..... against colt in federal district court for violations of 1 and 2 of the sherman act. the complaint alleged, inter alia, that colt's letters, litigation tactics, and other conduct drove petitioners out of business. petitioners later amended the complaint to assert a second cause of action under state law for tortious interference ..... specifications that might otherwise be revealed by its engineering drawings, and when colt licenses others to manufacture m16 parts or hires employees with access to proprietary information, it contractually obligates them not to disclose specifications. petitioner christianson is a former colt employee who acceded to such a nondisclosure agreement. upon leaving respondent's ..... 35 u.s.c. 112), in 1980, when such patents expired, anyone 'who has ordinary skill in the rifle-making art' is able to use the technology of such expired patents for which colt earlier had a monopoly position for 17 years." "19. its and anyone else has the right to manufacture, contract .....

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