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Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act, 1976 Chapter XVIII - Bare Act

StateKarnataka Government
Section TitlePrevention of Diseases
Act Info:

Section 401 - Power to notify dangerous diseases

The Government may, by notification, declare any epidemic, endemic or infectious disease other than a disease specified in clause (8) of section 2 to be a "dangerous disease", for the purpose of this Act.

Section 402 - Obligation of medical practitioner to report dangerous disease

(1) If any medical practitioner becomes cognizant of the existence of anydangerous disease in any private or public dwelling in the city, he shall inform the Commissioner, the health officer or the sanitary inspector of the division, with the least practicable delay.

(2) The information shall be communicated in such form and with such details as the Commissioner may require.

(3) The Commissioner may direct the compulsory notification by the owner or occupier of every house within the corporation limits, during such period and to such officer as the Commissioner may specify, of all deaths from or occurrences of dangerous disease in his house.

Explanation.--For purposes of sub-sections (1) and (2) a hakim or a vaidya shall be deemed to be a medical practitioner.

Section 403 - Power of entry into suspected places

The Commissioner or health officer may, at any time by day or by night without notice, or after giving such notice as may appear to him reasonable, inspect any place in which any dangerous disease is reported or suspected to exist and except in cases where he is satisfied that adequate arrangements have been made or exist for the proper care and treatment of the person who is suffering or is suspected to be suffering from any dangerous disease, remove or cause to be removed such person to any Government or corporation medical institution intended for the treatment of patients suffering from such disease, and take such other measures as he may think fit to prevent the spread of such disease.

Section 404 - Provision of conveyance for carriage of patients

The Commissioner may provide and maintain suitable conveyance for the carriage of persons suffering from any dangerous disease.

Section 405 - Powers to order removal of patients to hospitals

(1) If, in the case of any person in a hospital, it appears to the officer in charge of it that such person is suffering from a dangerous disease or if, in the case of any other person it appears to the health officer or assistant health officer that such person is suffering from a dangerous disease,-

(a) is without proper lodging or accommodation; or

(b) is lodged in a place occupied by more than one family; or

(c) is without medical supervision directed to prevent the spread of the disease,

and if such officer in-charge, health-officer or assistant health-officer, as the case may be, considers that such person should be, removed to a hospital or other place at which patients suffering from such disease are received for medical treatment, he may remove such person or cause him to be removed to the said hospital or place:

Provided that, if any such person is a female she shall not be removed to any such hospital or place unless the same has accommodation of a suitable kind set apart from the portions assigned to males.

(2) Whoever obstructs the removal of a person under this section shall be deemed to have committed an offence punishable under section 269, of the Indian Penal Code, 1860.

Section 406 - Disinfection of buildings and articles

(1) If the Commissioner or health officer is of opinion that the cleansing or disinfecting of a building or of any part thereof, or of any article therein, which is likely to retain infection, will tend to prevent or check the spread of any dangerous disease, he may by notice, require the owner or occupier to cleanse or disinfect the same, in the manner and within the time specified in such notice.

(2) The owner or occupier shall, within the time specified as aforesaid, comply with the terms of the notice.

(3) If the Commissioner or health officer considers that immediate action is necessary, or that the owner or occupier is, by reason of poverty or otherwise, unable effectually to comply with his requisition, the Commissioner or health officer may himself without notice cause such buildings, or article to be cleansed or disinfected, and for this purpose may cause such article to be removed from the building or premises; and the expenses incurred by the Commissioner or health officer shall be recoverable from the said owner or occupier.

Section 407 - Destruction of huts and sheds when necessary

(1) If the Commissioner is of opinion that the destruction of any hut or shed is necessary to prevent the spread of any dangerous disease, he may, after giving to the owner or occupier of such hut or shed such previous notice of his intention as may in the circumstances of the case appear to him reasonable, take measures for having such hut or shed and all the materials thereof destroyed.

(2) Compensation shall be paid by the Commissioner to any person who sustains substantial loss by the destruction of any such hut or shed; but except as so allowed by the Commissioner, no claim for compensation shall lie for any loss or damage caused by any exercise of the power conferred by this section.

Section 408 - Provision of places for disinfection and power to destroy infected articles

(1) The Commissioner may,-

(a) provide proper places with all necessary attendants and apparatus for the disinfection of conveyances, clothing, bedding or other articles, which have been exposed to infection from any dangerous disease; and

(b) cause conveyances, clothing, bedding or other articles brought for disinfection to be disinfected free of charge, or subject to such charges, as may be approved by the standing committee.

(2) The Commissioner shall notify places at which conveyance, clothing, bedding or other articles which have been exposed to infection from any dangerous disease shall be washed and disinfected and no person shall wash or disinfect any such article at any place not so notified.

(3) The Commissioner may direct any clothing, bedding or other article likely to retain infection from any dangerous disease to be disinfected or destroyed.

Section 409 - Prohibition against transfer of infected articles

No person shall, without previously disinfecting it, give, lend, let, hire, sell, transmit or otherwise dispose of, any article which he knows or has reason to know has been exposed to infection from any dangerous disease:

Provided that nothing in this section shall apply to a person who transmits with proper precautions any article for the purpose of having it disinfected.

Section 410 - Prohibition against infected person carrying on occupation

If any person knows or has been certified by the health officer or a registered medical practitioner in the service of the Government or the corporation that he is suffering from a dangerous disease he shall not engage in any occupation or carry on trade or business unless he can do so without risk of spreading the disease.

Section 411 - Prohibition against diseased person entering public conveyance

(1) No person who is suffering from any dangerous disease shall enter a public conveyance without previously notifying to the owner or driver or person in charge of such conveyance that he is so suffering.

(2) No owner or driver or person in charge of a public conveyance shall be bound to convey any person suffering as aforesaid, unless and until the said person pays or tenders a sum sufficient to cover any loss and costs that may be incurred in disinfecting such conveyance.

(3) A court convicting any person of contravening sub-section (1) may levy, in addition to the penalty for the offence provided in this Act, such amount as the court deems sufficient to cover the loss and costs which the owner or driver must incur for the purpose of disinfecting the conveyance. The amount so imposed shall be awarded by the court to the owner or driver of the conveyance:

Provided that in a case which is subject to appeal, such amount shall not be paid to the owner or driver before the period allowed for presenting the appeal has elapsed or if an appeal is presented, before the decision of the appeal.

(4) At the time of awarding compensation in any subsequent civil suit relating to the same matter, the court shall take into account any sum which the plaintiff shall have received under this section.

Section 412 - Disinfection of public conveyance after carriage of patients

(1) The owner, driver or person in charge of any public conveyance in whichany person suffering from a dangerous disease has been carried, shall forthwith disinfect the conveyance or cause it to be disinfected.

(2) No such conveyance shall be used until the health officer or some person authorised by him in this behalf has granted a certificate stating that it may be used without causing risk of infection.

Section 413 - Letting of infected building

(1) No person shall let or sub-let or for that purpose allow any person to enter a building or any part of a building in which he knows or has reason to know that a person has been suffering from a dangerous disease until the health officer has granted a certificate that such building may be re-occupied.

(2) For the purpose of sub-section (1), the keeper of a hotel or lodging house shall be deemed to let the same or part of the same to any person accommodated therein.

Section 414 - Power to order closure of places of public entertainment

In the event of prevalence of any dangerous disease within the city, the Commissioner may, with the sanction of the standing committee, by notice require the owner or occupier of any building, booth or tent used for purposes of public entertainment to close the same for such period as may be fixed by the standing committee.

Section 115 - Minor suffering from dangerous disease not to attend school

No person being the parent or having the care of charge of a minor who is or has been suffering form a dangerous disease or has been exposed to infection there from shall, after a notice from the health officer that the minor is not to be sent to school or college, permit such minor to attend school or college without having procured from the health officer a certificate (which shall be granted free of charge on application) that in his opinion such minor may attend without undue risk of communicating such disease to others.

Section 416 - Provision as to library books

(1) No person who is suffering from an infectious disease shall take any book or use or cause any book to be taken for his use from or in any public or circulating library.

(2) A person shall not permit any book which has been taken from a public or circulating library, and is under his control, to be used by any person whom he knows to be suffering from an infectious disease.

(3) A person shall not return to any public or circulating library any book which he knows to have been exposed to infection from any infectious disease, or permit any such book which is under his control to be so returned, but shall give notice to the Commissioner that the book has been so exposed to infection and the Commissioner shall cause the book to be disinfected and returned to the library, or to be destroyed.

(4) The Commissioner shall pay to the proprietor of the concerned library the value of any book destroyed.

Explanation.-- For the purposes of this section the Commissioner shall from time to time notify what diseases are to be deemed infectious.

Section 417 - Power to prohibit use of water likely to spread infection

If the health officer certifies that the water in any well, tank or other place within the limits of the city is likely, if used for drinking, to endanger or cause the spread of any dangerous disease, the Commissioner may, by public notice, prohibit the removal or use of such water for drinking and domestic purposes during a specified period.

Section 418 - Compulsory vaccination

The corporation shall enforce vaccination throughout the city in such manner as may be prescribed and it may enforce vaccination throughout the city or in any part thereof, in respect of such person, to such extent and in such manner as may be prescribed.

Section 419 - Obligation to give information of small pox

Where an inmate of any dwelling place within the city is suffering from small-pox, the head of the family to which the inmate belongs and, on his default, the occupier or person in charge of such place, shall inform the Commissioner, the health officer or the sanitary inspector of the division with the least practicable delay.

Section 420 - Prohibition of inoculation for small-pox

(1) Inoculation for smallpox is prohibited.

(2) No person who has undergone the operation of inoculation shall enter the city before the lapse of forty days from the date of inoculation without a certificate from a medical practitioner of such class as the Commissioner may authorise stating that such person is no longer likely to produce smallpox by contact or near approach.

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