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Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India Act, 1984 Chapter VIII - Bare Act

StateCentral Government
Section TitleSpecial Powers of the Reconstruction Bank
Act Info:

(1) In entering into any arrangement under Section 18 with an industrial concern, the Reconstruction Bank may impose such conditions as it may think necessary or expedient for protecting the interests of the Reconstruction Bank, and securing that the assistance granted by it is put to the best use by the industrial concern.

(2) Where any arrangement entered into by the Reconstruction Bank with an industrial concern provides for the appointment by the Reconstruction Bank of one or more directors of such industrial concern, such provision and any appointment of directors made in pursuance thereof shall be valid and effective notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Companies Act, 1956, or in any other law for the time being in force or in the memorandum, articles of association or any other instrument relating to the industrial concern, and any provision regarding share qualification, age limit, number of directorships, removal from office of directors and such like conditions contained in any such law or instrument aforesaid, shall not apply to any director appointed by the Reconstruction Bank in pursuance of the arrangement as aforesaid.

(3) Any director appointed in pursuance of sub-section (2) shall --

(a) hold office during the pleasure of the Reconstruction Bank and may be removed or substituted by any person by order in writing by the Reconstruction Bank;

(b) not incur any obligation or liability by reason only of his being a director or for anything done or omitted to be done in good faith in the discharge of his duties as a director or anything in relation thereto;

(c) not be liable to retirement by rotation and shall not be taken into account for computing the number of directors liable to such retirement.

Section 37 - Assistance to industrial concern when to operate as a charge on the property offered as security

(1) Where any person or industrial concern seeks any assistance from the Reconstruction Bank on the security of any immovable property belonging to him or to the industrial concern or on the security of the property of some other person whose property is offered as a collateral security for such assistance, such person or industrial concern or, as the case may be, such other person may execute a written declaration in the form specified in the First Schedule stating therein the particulars of the immovable property which is proposed to be offered as security or, as the case may be, collateral security, for such assistance and agreeing that the dues relating to the assistance, if granted, shall be a charge on such property, and, if, on receipt of such declaration, the Reconstruction Bank grants any assistance to the person or the industrial concern aforesaid, the dues relating to such assistance shall, without prejudice to the rights of any other creditor holding any prior charge or mortgage in respect of the property so specified, be, by virtue of the provisions of this section, a charge on the property specified in the declaration aforesaid.

(2) Where any further immovable property is offered as security for the assistance referred to in sub-section (1), a fresh declaration shall be executed, as far as may be, in the form specified in the First Schedule.

(3) Every declaration referred to in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) shall be deemed to be a document registrable as an agreement under the provisions of the Registration Act, 1908, and no such declaration shall have effect unless it is so registered.

Section 38 - Power to call for repayment before agreed period

Notwithstanding anything contained in any agreement to the contrary, the Reconstruction Bank may, by notice in writing, require any industrial concern to which it has granted any assistance to discharge forthwith in full its entire dues and also discharge its other liabilities to the Reconstruction Bank --

(a) if it appears to the Board that false or misleading information in any material particular was given, in the application for the assistance; or

(b) if the industrial concern has failed to comply with the terms of its agreement with the Reconstruction Bank in the matter of assistance; or

(c) if there is a reasonable apprehension that the industrial concern is unable to pay its debts or that proceedings for liquidation has been, or may be, commenced in respect thereof; or

(d) if the property assigned, charged, hypothecated, mortgaged or pledged to the Reconstruction Bank as a security for assistance is not insured and kept insured by the industrial concern to the satisfaction of the Reconstruction Bank or if such property depreciates in value to such an extent that, in the opinion of the Board, further security to the satisfaction of the Board should be given and such security is not given; or

(e) if, without the permission of the Board, any machinery, plant or other equipment, whether, forming part of the security or otherwise, is removed from the premises of the undertaking or the industrial concern, as the case may be, without being replaced; or

(f) if for any other reason, it is necessary so to do to protect the interests of the Reconstruction Bank.

Section 39 - Rights of Reconstruction Bank in case of default

(1) Where an assisted industrial concern, which is under a liability to the Reconstruction Bank under any agreement with the Bank, makes any default in the payment of any dues, or in meeting its obligation in relation to any other assistance given by the Reconstruction Bank or otherwise fails to comply with the terms of the agreement with that Bank, the Reconstruction Bank shall have the right to take over the management, or possession, or both, of the industrial concern, as well as the right to transfer by way of lease or sale of the property assigned, charged, hypothecated, mortgaged or pledged to the Reconstruction Bank for the purpose of realising its dues or for the revival of the industrial concern.

(2) Any transfer of property made by the Reconstruction Bank in exercise of the powers conferred on it by sub-section (1) shall vest in the transferee the rights in, or in relation to, the property transferred as if the transfer had been made by the owner of such property.

(3) The Reconstruction Bank shall have the same rights and powers with respect to goods manufactured or produced wholly or partly from goods forming part of the security held by it, as it had with respect to the original goods.

(4) Where any action has been taken against an industrial concern under the provisions of sub-section (1), all costs, charges and expenses which, in the opinion of the Reconstruction Bank, have been properly incurred by it as incidental thereto, shall be recoverable from the industrial concern and the money which is received by the Reconstruction Bank shall, in the absence of any contract to the contrary, be held by it in trust, to be applied, firstly, in payment of such costs, charges and expenses, and, secondly, in discharge of the dues of the Reconstruction Bank and the residue of the money so received shall be paid to the person entitled thereto in accordance with his rights and interests.

(5) Where the Reconstruction Bank takes over the management or possession of any industrial concern under sub-section (1), such industrial concern may sue, and be sued, in its name.

Section 40 - Enforcement of claims by the Reconstruction Bank

(1) (a) Where an assisted industrial concern makes any default in the payment of any dues to, or in meeting its obligation in relation to any other assistance given by the Reconstruction Bank or otherwise fails to comply with the terms of agreement with that Bank, or

(b) where the Reconstruction Bank makes an order under Section 38 requiring the assisted industrial concern to make immediate repayment of any assistance granted to it and the industrial concern fails to make such repayment,

then, without prejudice to the provisions of Section 39 of this Act and of Section 69 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, any officer of the Reconstruction Bank generally or specifically authorised by the Board in this behalf, may apply to the concerned High Court for one or more of the following reliefs, namely :--

(i) for an order for the sale or lease of the property assigned, charged, hypothecated, mortgaged or pledged to the Reconstruction Bank as security for the assistance granted to it, or for the sale or lease of any other property, of the industrial concern, or

(ii) for transferring the management of the industrial concern to the Reconstruction Bank or to its nominee; or

(iii) for an ad interim injunction restraining the industrial concern from transferring or removing its machinery, plant or equipment from the premises of the industrial concern without the previous permission of the Board, where such transfer or removal is apprehended; or

(iv) for an order for the appointment of a receiver where there is apprehension of the machinery, equipment or any other property of substantial value which has been assigned, charged, hypothecated, mortgaged or pledged to the Reconstruction Bank being removed from the premises of the industrial concern or of being transferred without the previous permission of the Reconstruction Bank.

(2) An application under sub-section (1) shall state the nature and extent of the liability of the industrial concern to the Reconstruction Bank, the ground on which it is made and such other particulars as may be necessary for obtaining the relief prayed for.

(3) Where an application is for any relief mentioned in sub-clause (i) of sub-section (1), the High Court may,--

(a) by an order, authorise the Reconstruction Bank to grant lease of such property to such person and on such terms and conditions as may be specified in the said order; or

(b) pass an order calling upon the person whose property has been assigned, charged, hypothecated, mortgaged or pledged to the Reconstruction Bank to show cause, on a date to be specified in the notice, as to why an order for the sale of such property or so much of such property, as would, on being sold, realise, in its estimation, an amount equivalent in value to the outstanding dues of the industrial concern to the Reconstruction Bank, together with costs of the proceedings taken under this section, shall not be made; or

(c) pass an ad interim order attaching any property of the industrial concern which has not been assigned, charged, hypothecated, mortgaged or pledged to the Reconstruc­tion Bank, or so much of such property, as would on being sold, realise, in its estimation, an amount equivalent in value to the outstanding dues of the industrial concern to the Reconstruction Bank, together with costs of the proceedings taken under this section, and pass an order calling upon the industrial concern to show cause on a date to be specified in the notice as to why such order of ad interim attachment shall not be made absolute.

(4) Where an application is for the relief mentioned in sub-clause (ii) of sub-section (1), the High Court shall issue a notice calling upon the industrial concern to show cause, on a date to be specified in the notice, as to why the management of the industrial concern shall not be transferred to the Reconstruction Bank or to its nominee.

(5) Where an application is for the relief mentioned in sub-clause (iii) of sub-section (1), the High Court shall grant an ad interim injunction restraining the industrial concern from transferring or removing its machinery or other equipment and issue a notice calling upon the industrial concern to show cause, on a date to be specified in the notice, as to why such ad interim injunction shall not be made absolute.

(6) Where an application is for the relief mentioned in sub-clause (iv) of sub-section (1), the High Court shall pass an ad interim order appointing a receiver in respect of the property assigned, charged, hypothecated, mortgaged or pledged and shall issue a notice calling upon the industrial concern to show cause, on a date to be specified in the notice, as to why the ad interim order appointing the receiver shall not be made absolute,

(7) If no cause is shown, on or before the date specified in the notice issued by the High Court, the Court shall forthwith --

(a) make an order for the sale of the property which has been assigned, charged, hypothecated, mortgaged or pledged to the Reconstruction Bank or so much of such property, as would, on being sold, realise, in its estimation, an amount equivalent in value to the outstanding dues of the industrial concern to the Reconstruction Bank, together with costs of the proceedings taken under this section;

(b) direct the sale of the attached property or the transfer of the management of the industrial concern to the Reconstruction Bank or to its nominee;

and shall apply the proceeds of such sale for the discharge of the dues to the Reconstruction Bank and the residue of such proceeds, if any, shall be made over to the person entitled thereto in accordance with his rights and interests.

(c) make the ad interim injunction made under sub-section (5), and the ad interim order of appointment of the receiver made under sub-section (6), as the case may be, absolute.

(8) If cause is shown, the High Court shall proceed to investigate the claim of the Reconstruction Bank and the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, shall, as far as practicable, apply to such proceedings.

(9) On an investigation made under sub-section (8), the High Court may pass an order,--

(a) for the sale of the property which has been assigned, charged, hypothecated, mortgaged or pledged to the Reconstruction Bank or so much of such property, as would, on being sold, realise, in its estimation, an amount equivalent in value to the outstanding dues of the assisted industrial concern to the Reconstruction Bank, together with costs of the proceedings taken under this section; or

(b) confirming the order of attachment and directing the sale of the attached property, or the transfer of the management of the assisted industrial concern to the Reconstruc­tion Bank or to its nominee; or

(c) varying the order of attachment so as to release a portion of the property from attachment and directing the sale of the remainder of the attached property;

and shall apply the proceeds of such sale for the discharge of the dues to the Reconstruction Bank and the residue of such proceeds, if any, shall be made over to the person entitled thereto, in accordance with his rights and interests;

(d) releasing the property from attachment, if it is satisfied, that it is not necessary in the interests of the Reconstruction Bank; or

(e) confirming or vacating the injunction or the order for the appointment of the receiver :

Provided that when making any order under clause (d), the High Court may make such further orders as it thinks necessary to protect the interest of the Reconstruction Bank, and may apportion the costs of the proceedings in such manner as it thinks fit :

Provided further that unless the Reconstruction Bank intimates to the High Court that it will not prefer an appeal against any order releasing any property from any attachment, such order shall not be given effect to until the expiry of the period fixed under sub-section (12) within which an appeal may be preferred, or if an appeal is preferred, unless the court empowered to hear appeals from the decisions of the said High Court otherwise directs, until the appeal is disposed of.

(10) An order of attachment or sale of property under this section shall be carried into effect as far as practicable in the manner provided in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, for the attachment or sale of property in the execution of a decree as if the Reconstruction Bank were the decree-holder.

(11) An order under this section transferring the management of any industrial concern to the Reconstruction Bank or to its nominee shall be carried into effect as far as may be practicable, in the manner provided in the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, for the possession of immovable property or the delivery of movable property in the execution of a decree, as if the Reconstruction Bank or its nominee were the decree-holder.

(12) Any party aggrieved by an order under sub-section (3), sub-section (7) or sub-section (9) may, within thirty days from the date of the order, prefer an appeal to the court empowered to hear appeals from the decisions of the High Court which passed the order and the appellate court may, after hearing the parties, pass such orders as it thinks proper.

(13) Nothing in this section shall be construed, where proceedings for liquidation in respect of an industrial concern have commenced before an application is made under sub-section (1), as giving to the Reconstruction Bank any preference over the other creditors of the industrial concern not conferred on it by any other law.

Section 41 - Power of Reconstruction Bank relating to property offered as primary or collateral security

(1) Where a person has offered any property as security, whether primary or collateral, for any assistance given by the Reconstruction Bank to any industrial concern, or to such person, and a default has been committed by the industrial concern or by such person in the payment of any dues of the Reconstruction Bank or in meeting any obligation, in relation to the assistance given by the Reconstruction Bank to the industrial concern aforesaid, the Reconstruction Bank shall have the right to take over the management, or possession, or both, of the property so offered as security, and shall have the right to transfer by lease or sale the property aforesaid for the purpose of realising its dues.

(2) Any transfer of property made by the Reconstruction Bank, in exercise of the powers conferred on it by sub-section (1), shall vest in the transferee, the rights in or in relation to the property transferred as if the transfer had been made by the owner of such property.

(3) Where any action has been taken under the provisions of sub-section (1) costs, charges and expenses which, in the opinion of the Reconstruction Bank, have been properly incurred by it as incidental thereto, shall be recoverable out of the money received by the Reconstruction Bank by the sale or lease of the property referred to in sub-section (1) and shall, in the absence of any contract to the contrary, be held by it in trust, to be applied, firstly, in payment of such costs, charges and expenses and, secondly, in the discharge of the dues of the Reconstruction Bank and the residue of the money so received shall be paid to the person entitled thereto in accordance with his rights and interests.

(4) The Reconstruction Bank may, instead of exercising the powers conferred on it by sub-section (1), apply for the sale or lease of the property referred to in sub section (1) or for any other relief, to the High Court within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the property aforesaid is situated, and, thereupon, the provisions of section 40 shall, without prejudice to the provisions of section 69 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, apply thereto as if the property aforesaid were the property referred to in section 40, and powers shall be exercisable by the High Court accordingly.

Section 42 - Power of Reconstruction Bank to appoint directors or administrators of an industrial concern when management thereof is taken over

(1) When the management of an industrial concern is taken over by the Reconstruction Bank, that Bank may, by order, notified in the Official Gazette, appoint as many persons as it thinks fit,--

(a) in any case in which the industrial concern is a company, as defined in the Companies Act, 1956, to be the directors of that industrial concern; or

(b) in any other case, to be the administrator of that industrial concern.

(2) The power to appoint directors or administrators under this section includes the power to appoint any individual, firm or body corporate to be the manager of the industrial concern on such terms and conditions as the Reconstruction Bank may think fit.

(3) For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that the power to appoint directors, administrators or managers includes the power to remove or replace the person so appointed.

(4) Nothing in the Companies Act, 1956 or in any other law for the time being in force or in any instrument relating to the industrial concern shall, in so far as it makes, in relation to a director, any provision for the holding of any share qualification, age limit, restriction on the number of directorships, retirement by rotation or removal from office, apply to any director appointed by the Reconstruction Bank under this section.

Section 43 - Effect of notified order under section 42

On the issue of a notified order under section 42 --

(a) if the industrial concern is a company as defined in the Companies Act, 1956, all persons holding office as directors of the industrial concern, and in any other case, all persons holding any office having the powers of superintendence, direction and control of the industrial concern, immediately before the issue of the notified order, shall be deemed to have vacated their offices as such;

(b) any contract of management between the industrial concern and any director or manager thereof holding office as such immediately before the issue of the notified order shall be deemed to have terminated;

(c) the directors or administrators, appointed under section 42, shall take such steps as may be necessary to take into their custody or under their control, the property, effects and actionable claims to which the industrial concern is, or appears to be, entitled, and all the property and effects of the industrial concern shall be deemed to be in the custody of the directors or administrators, as the case may be, as from the date of the notified order;

(d) the directors appointed under section 42 shall, for all purposes, be the directors of the industrial concern, duly constituted under the Companies Act, 1956, and such directors, or, as the case may be, the administrators, appointed under section 42, shall alone be entitled to exercise all the powers of the directors, or, as the case may be, of the persons exercising powers of superintendence, direction and control of the industrial concern, whether such powers are derived from the said Act or from the memorandum of articles of association of the industrial concern or from any other source whatsoever.

Section 44 - Powers and duties of directors and administrators

(1) Subject to the control of the Reconstruction Bank, the directors, or, as the case may be, the administrators appointed under section 42, shall take such steps as may be necessary for the purpose of efficiently managing the business of the industrial concern and shall exercise such powers and have such duties as may be prescribed.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the powers vested in them under sub-section (1), the directors, or, as the case may be, the administrators appointed under section 42, may, with the previous approval of the Reconstruction Bank, make an application to a court for the purpose of cancelling or varying any contract or agreement entered into at any time before the issue of the notified order under section 42, between the industrial concern and any other person, and the court may, if satisfied after due inquiry that such contract or agreement had been entered into in bad faith and is detrimental to the interests of the industrial concern, make an order cancelling or varying (either unconditionally or subject to such conditions as it may think fit to impose) that contract or agreement and the contract or agreement shall have effect accordingly.

Section 45 - No right to compensation for termination of contract of managing director, etc

(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any contract or in any law for the time being in force, no managing or whole-time director or any other director or a manager or any person in charge of management of an industrial concern shall be entitled to any compensation for the loss of office or for the premature termination, under this Act, of any contract of management entered into by him with such concern.

(2) Nothing contained in sub-section (1) shall affect the right of any such managing or whole-time director, or any other director or manager or any such person in charge of management to recover from the industrial concern, moneys recoverable otherwise than by way of such compensation.

Section 46 - Application of Act 1 of 1956

(1) Where the management of an industrial concern, being a company as defined in the Companies Act, 1956, is taken over by the Reconstruction Bank, then notwithstanding anything contained in the said Act or in the memorandum or articles of association of such concern,--

(a) it shall not be lawful for the shareholders of such concern or any other person to nominate or appoint any person to be a director of the concern;

(b) no resolution passed at any meeting of the shareholders of such concern shall be given effect to unless approved by the Reconstruction Bank;

(c) no proceeding for the winding up of such concern or for the appointment of a receiver in respect thereof shall lie in any court, except with the consent of the Reconstruction Bank.

(2) Subject to the provisions contained in sub-section (1) and to the other provisions contained in this Act and subject to such other exceptions, restrictions and limitations, if any, as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify in this behalf, the Companies Act, 1956, shall continue to apply to such concern in the same manner as it applied thereto before the issue of the notified order under section 42.

Section 47 - Restriction on filing of suits for dissolution, etc., of an industrial concern not being a company when its management is taken over

Where the management of an industrial concern not being a company as defined in the Companies Act, 1956, is taken over by the Reconstruction Bank, no suit or proceedings for dissolution or for partition shall, in so far as it relates to that industrial concern, lie in any court or before any tribunal or other authority except with the consent of the Reconstruction Bank.

Section 48 - Official assignee or receiver not to be appointed without the consent of the Reconstruction Bank

No proceeding for the appointment of any official assignee or receiver in relation to any industrial concern the management of which has been taken over by the Reconstruction Bank shall lie in any court except with the consent of the Reconstruction Bank.

Section 49 - Power of Central Government to grant relief in the case of certain assisted industrial concerns

(1) The Central Government may, if it is satisfied on an application made to it by the Reconstruction Bank that it is necessary so to do for the purpose of reconstructing, reviving or rehabilitating any assisted industrial concern, declare by notification in the Official Gazette, that the operation of all or any of the contracts, assurances of property, agreements settlements, awards, standing orders or other instruments in force (to which such assisted industrial concern is a party, or which may be applicable to such assisted industrial concern) immediately before the issue of such notified order, shall remain suspended or any rights, privileges, obligations and liabilities accruing or arising thereunder before the said date, shall remain suspended or shall be enforceable with such adaptations and in such manner as may be specified in the notified order.

(2) The notified order made under sub-section (1) shall remain in force, in the first instance, for a period of two years, but the duration of such order may be extended from time to time by a further notified order by a period not exceeding two years at a time :

Provided that no such order shall in any case remain in force for more than eight years in the aggregate from the date of issue of the first notified order.

(3) Any notified order made under sub-section (1) shall have effect, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other law, agreement or instrument or any decree or order of a court, tribunal, officer or other authority or of any submission, settlement or standing order.

(4) Any remedy for the enforcement of any right, privilege, obligation or liability referred to in sub-section (1) and suspended or modified by notified order made under that sub-section shall, in accordance with the terms of that notified order, remain suspended or modified, and all proceedings relating thereto pending before any court, tribunal, officer or other authority shall accordingly remain stayed or be continued subject to such adaptations, so, however, that on the notified orders ceasing to have effect --

(a) any right, privilege, obligation or liability so remaining suspended or modified shall become revived and enforceable as if the notified order had never been made;

(b) any proceeding so remaining stayed shall be proceeded with, subject to the provisions of any law which may then be in force, from the stage which had been reached when the proceeding became stayed.

(5) In computing the period of limitation for the enforcement of any right, privilege, obligation or liability referred to in sub-section (1), the period during which it or the remedy for the enforcement thereof, remained suspended shall be excluded.

(6) During the period of operation of the notified order made under sub-section (1), the Central Government may, if satisfied that it is necessary so to do in the public interest,--

(a) for the reconstruction, revival or rehabilitation of an assisted industrial concern; or

(b) for the proper management of the assisted industrial concern; or

(c) for scaling down the liabilities of the assisted industrial concern, where the financial condition and other circumstances of the assisted industrial concern are such that such scaling down is necessary; authorise the Reconstruction Bank to prepare a scheme --

(i) for the reconstruction, revival or rehabilitation of the assisted industrial concern; or

(ii) for scaling down the liabilities of the assisted industrial concern; or

(iii) for the amalgamation of the assisted industrial concern with any other industrial concern (referred to in this section as the "transferee industrial concern").

(7) The scheme referred to in sub section (6) may contain provisions for all or any of the following matters, namely

(a) the constitution, name and registered office, the capital, assets, powers, rights, interests, authorities and privileges, the liabilities, duties and obligations of the assisted industrial concern on its reconstruction, or, as the case may be, of the transferee industrial concern;

(b) in the case of amalgamation of the assisted industrial concern the transfer to the transferee industrial, concern of the business, properties, assets and liabilities of the assisted industrial concern on such terms and conditions as may be specified in the scheme;

(c) any change in the Board of Directors, or the appointment of a new Board of Directors, of the assisted industrial concern on its reconstruction, or, as the case may be, of the transferee industrial concern and the authority by whom, the manner in which, and the other terms and conditions on which, such change or appointment shall be made and in the case of appointment of a new Board of Directors or of any director, the period for which such appointment shall be made;

(d) the alteration of the memorandum and articles of association of the assisted industrial concern on its reconstruction, or, as the case may be, of the transferee industrial concern for the purpose of altering the capital thereof or for such other purposes as may be necessary to give effect to the reconstruction or amalgamation;

(e) subject to the provisions of the scheme, the continuation by, or against, the assisted industrial concern on its reconstruction or, as the case may be, the transferee industrial concern of any actions or proceedings pending against the assisted industrial concern immediately before the date of the notified order made under sub-section (1);

(f) the reduction of the interest or rights which the members and other creditors have, in, or against, the assisted industrial concern before its reconstruction or amalgamation to such extent as the Reconstruction Bank considers necessary in the interest of the reconstruction, revival or rehabilitation of the assisted industrial concern or for the maintenance of the business of the assisted industrial concern;

(g) the payment in cash or otherwise to the members and other creditors in full satisfaction of their claims --

(i) in respect of their interests or rights, in, or against, the assisted industrial concernbefore the reconstruction or amalgamation; or

(ii) where their interests or rights aforesaid, in, or against, the assisted industrial concern has or have been reduced under clause (f), in respect of such interests or rights as so reduced;

(h) the vesting of controlling interest, in the reconstructed industrial concern, in the Central Government or its nominee either by the appointment of additional director or by the allotment of additional shares;

(i) the allotment to the members of the assisted industrial concern, for any share or shares held by them therein before its reconstruction or amalgamation (whether their interest on such shares has been reduced under clause (f) or not), of shares in the assisted industrial concern on its reconstruction, or, as the case may be, in the transferee industrial concern and where any member claims payment in cash and not allotment of shares, or where it is not possible to allot shares to any member, the payment in cash to those members in full satisfaction of their claims,--

(i) in respect of their interest in shares in the assisted industrial concern before its reconstruction or amalgamation; or

(ii) where such interest has been reduced under clause (f), in respect of their interest in shares as so reduced;

(j) the continuance of the services of such of the employees of the assisted industrial concern as may be specified in the scheme, in the assisted industrial concern itself on its reconstruction, or in the transferee industrial concern on such terms and conditions as may be specified in the scheme;

(k) notwithstanding anything contained in clause (j), where any employees of the assisted industrial concern whose services are proposed in the draft scheme referred to in sub-section (2), have, by notice in writing given to the Reconstruction Bank at any time before the expiry of one month next following the date on which the draft scheme is sent to the assisted industrial concern, intimated their intention of not becoming employees of the assisted industrial concern on its reconstruction or in the transferee industrial concern, the payment, to such employees, and to other employees whose services have not been continued in the assisted industrial concern on its reconstruction or in the transferee industrial concern, of compensation, if any, to which they are entitled under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 and such pension, gratuity, provident fund and other retirement benefits ordinarily admissible to them under the rules or authorisations of the assisted industrial concern as in force immediately before the date of its reconstruction or amalgamation;

(l) any other terms and conditions for the reconstruction or amalgamation of the assisted industrial concern;

(m) such incidental, consequential and supplemental matters as are necessary to secure that the reconstruction or amalgamation shall be fully and effectively carried out.

(8) (a) A copy of the scheme prepared by the Reconstruction Bank shall be sent, in draft, to the assisted industrial concern and also to the transferee industrial concern and any other industrial concern concerned in the amalgamation for suggestions and objections, if any, within such period as the Reconstruction Bank may specify for this purpose :

(b) The Reconstruction Bank may make such modifications, if any, in the draft scheme as it may consider necessary in the light of the suggestions and objections received from the assisted industrial concern and as also from the transferee industrial concern, and any other industrial concern concerned in the amalgamation and from any members or other creditors of such industrial concerns and the transferee industrial concern :

Provided that where the transferee industrial concern is a company, the scheme aforesaid shall be laid before such company in the general meeting for the approval of the scheme by its members and no such scheme shall be preceded with unless it has been approved, with or without modification, by a special resolution passed by the members of such company.

(9) The scheme shall thereafter be placed before the Central Government for its sanction and the Central Government may sanction the scheme without any modifications or with such modifications as it may consider necessary, and the scheme as sanctioned by the Central Government shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may specify in this behalf;

Provided that different dates may be specified for different provisions of the scheme.

(10) For the purpose of assisting it to exercise the powers conferred on it by sub-section (9), the Central Government may constitute an advisory committee consisting of such officers of the Central Government, Reserve Bank, State Bank, public financial institutions and nationalised banks, having knowledge of, or experience in, one or more of the following matters, namely : --

(a) industry and industrial sickness;

(b) finance and banking;

(c) industrial relations;

(d) law;

as it may think fit.

(11) The sanction accorded by the Central Government under sub-section (9) shall be conclusive evidence that all the requirements of this scheme relating to the reconstruction, or, as the case may be, amalgamation, have been complied with and a copy of the sanctioned scheme certified in writing by an officer of the Central Government to be a true copy thereof, shall, in all legal proceeding (whether in appeal or otherwise) be admitted as evidence to the same extent as it may think fit.

(12) On and from such date of the coming into operation of the scheme or any provision thereof, the scheme or such provision shall be binding on the assisted industrial concern, or, as the case may be, on the transferee industrial concern, and any other industrial concern concerned in the amalgamation and also on all the members and other creditors and employees of each of those assisted industrial concerns and of the transferee industrial concern, and on any other person having any right or liability in relation to any of the assisted industrial concerns or the transferee industrial concern including the trustees or other persons managing, or connected in any other manner with, any provident fund or other fund maintained by any of those industrial concerns or the transferee industrial concern.

(13) On and from such date as may be specified by the Central Government in this behalf, the properties, and the assets of the assisted industrial concern shall, by virtue of, and to the extent provided in the scheme, stand transferred to, and vest in, and the liabilities of the assisted industrial concern shall, by virtue of, and to the extent provided in, the scheme stand transferred to, and become the liabilities of, the transferee industrial concern.

(14) If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of the scheme the Central Government may, by order, do anything, not inconsistent with such provisions, which appears to it to be necessary or expedient for the purpose of removing the difficulty.

(15) Copies of the scheme or of any order made under sub-section (14) shall be laid before each House of Parliament, as soon as may be, after the scheme has been sanctioned by the Central Government, or, as the case may be, the order has been made.

(16) Where the scheme is a scheme for amalgamation of the assisted industrial concern, any business acquired by the transferee industrial concern under the scheme or under any provisions thereof shall, after the coming into operation of the scheme or such provision, be carried on by the transferee industrial concern, in accordance with the law governing the transferee industrial concern, subject to such modifications in that law or such exemptions of the transferee industrial concern from the operation of any provisions thereof as the Central Government, on the recommendation of the Reconstruction Bank, may, by notification in the Official Gazette, make for the purposes of giving full effect to the scheme :

Provided that no such modification or exemption shall be made so as to have effect for a period of more than seven years from the date of the acquisition of such business.

(17) Nothing in this sub-section shall be deemed to prevent the amalgamation with an assisted industrial concern by a single scheme of several industrial concerns in respect of each of which an order has been made under sub-section (1) of this section.

Section 50 - Power of High Court to authorise Reconstruction Bank to prepare scheme for reconstruction, etc., of industrial concern

(1) Where any company, being an industrial concern, is being wound up by the High Court, and the High Court is of opinion that a scheme should be made for the reconstruction, revival or rehabilitation of such industrial concern, it may, by order, authorise the Reconstruction Bank to prepare, and submit to it, a scheme for such reconstruction, revival or rehabilitation of the industrial concern.

(2) The Reconstruction Bank may, in pursuance of the order made by the court under sub-section (I), prepare a scheme for the reconstruction, revival or rehabilitation of the industrial concern referred to in sub-section (1), and the scheme so made may contain all or any of the matters specified in sub-section (7) of section 49;

Provided that no such scheme shall provide for the amalgamation or merger of the company in liquidation or of any undertaking owned by it with any other company, or any other undertaking owned by such other company, except on the authority of a special resolution passed by the members of that other company.

(3) The High Court may, if it is satisfied, after considering the scheme prepared under sub-section (2), that the scheme ensures the reconstruction, revival or rehabilitation of the industrial concern which is a company being wound up by the court; and such reconstruction, revival or rehabilitation would ensure an increase in the production of goods needed by the community, approve the scheme with or without any modification and the scheme so approved shall have effect, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other provisions of this Act or any other law, or any agreement, award or other instrument for the time being in force.

Section 51 - Chief Metropolitan Magistrate and District Magistrate to assist Reconstruction Bank in taking charge of property

(1) Where any property, effects or actionable claims have been sold or leased in pursuance of any power conferred by section 39, section 40 or section 41 or where the management of an industrial concern is taken over by the Reconstruction Bank or its nominee or an undertaking or an industrial concern is amalgamated under section 49, the Reconstruction Bank or the administrator or any director, or any other person authorised by the Reconstruction Bank may, for the purpose of taking into custody or control any such property, effects or actionable claims may request in writing the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate or the District Magistrate within whose jurisdiction any property or books of account or other documents relating to such property or effects or actionable claims may be situated, or found, to take possession thereof, and the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate or the District Magistrate, as the case may be, shall, on such request being made to him,--

(a) take possession of such property, effects or actionable claims and books of account and other documents relating thereto, and

(b) forward them to the Reconstruction Bank, administrator, director or other person, as the case may be.

(2) For the purpose of securing compliance with the provisions of sub-section (1), the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate or the District Magistrate may take or cause to be taken such steps and use, or cause to be used, such force as may, in his opinion, be necessary.

(3) No act of the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate or the District Magistrate done in pursuance of this section shall be called in question in any court or before any authority.

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