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Aligarh Muslim University Act, 1920 Schedule 1 - Bare Act

StateCentral Government
Section TitleSchedule I
Act Info:


[See section 28(1)]


3[1.The Chancellor.--

(1)The Chancellor shall be elected by the Court by a simple majority.

(2)The Chancellor shall hold office for a term of three years and shall be eligible for re-election.

(3)The Chancellor shall, if present, preside over the meetings of the Court.

(4)Every proposal for the conferment of an honorary degree shall be subject to confirmation by the Chancellor.

1A.The Pro-Chancellor.--

(1)The Pro-Chancellor shall be elected by the Court by a simple majority.

(2)The Pro-Chancellor shall hold office for a term of three years and shall be eligible for re-election.

(3)Any casual vacancy in the office of the Pro-Chancellor shall be filled by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Executive Council and the person so appointed shall hold office until the next annual meeting of the Court.

(4)The Pro-Chancellor shall, in the absence of the Chancellor, perform the functions of the Chancellor.]

2.The Vice-Chancellor.--

4[(1) The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Visitor from a panel of at least three persons recommended by the Court from a panel of five persons recommended by the Executive Council :

Provided that if the visitor does not approve of any of the persons recommended by the Court, he may call for fresh recommendations.]

(3) The Vice-Chancellor shall be a whole-time salaried officer of the University.

(4) The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a term of five years from the date on which he enters upon his office and shall be eligible for re-appointment for not more than another term :

Provided that notwithstanding the expiry of the said period of five years, he shall continue in office until his successor is appointed and enters upon his office :

Provided further that the Visitor may direct that a Vice-Chancellor, whose term of office has expired, shall continue in office for such period, not exceeding a total period of one year, as may be specified in the direction.

(5) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (4), a person appointed as Vice-Chancellor shall, if he completes the age of sixty-five years during the term of his office or any extension thereof, retire from office.

(6) The emoluments and other terms and conditions of service of the Vice-Chancellor shall be such as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.

(7) If the office of the Vice-Chancellor becomes vacant due to his death, resignation or otherwise or if he is unable to perform his duties owing to absence, illness or any other cause, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall discharge the duties of the Vice-Chancellor until a new Vice-Chancellor assumes office :

Provided that if the Pro Vice-Chancellor is not available, the senior-most Professor shall discharge the duties of the Vice-Chancellor until a new Vice-Chancellor assumes office.

3.Powers and duties of the Vice-Chancellor.--

(1)The Vice-Chancellor shall be the ex-officio Chairman of the Court, the Executive Council, the Academic Council and the Finance Committee, and shall, in the absence of the Chancellor and the Pro-Chancellor, preside at the Convocation held for conferring degrees. He shall be entitled to be present at, and to address, any meeting of any authority or other body of the University, but shall not be entitled to vote thereat unless he is a member of such authority or body.

(2)It shall he the duty of the Vice-Chancellor to see that the Act, the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations are duly observed, and he shall have all powers necessary to ensure such observance.

(3)The Vice-Chancellor shall have the power to convene or cause to be convened meetings of the Court, the Executive Council, the Academic Council and the Finance Committee.


(1)The Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall he appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor on such terms and conditions as may be laid down in the Ordinances;

Provided that where the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor is not accepted by the Executive Council, the matter shall be referred to the Visitor who may either appoint the person recommended by the Vice-Chancellor or ask the Vice-Chancellor to recommend another person to the Executive Council :

Provided further that the Executive Council may, on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor appoint a Professor to discharge the duties of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor in addition to his own duties as a Professor.

(2)The term of office of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall be such as may be decided bythe Executive Council, but it shall not in any case exceed five years or until the expiration of the term of office of the Vice-Chancellor whichever is earlierand shall be eligible for re-appointment :

Provided that the Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall retire on attaining the age of sixty-years.

(3)The emoluments and other terms and conditions of service of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall be such as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.

(4)The Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall assist the Vice-Chancellor in respect of such matters as may be specified by the Vice-Chancellor in this behalf from time to time and shall also exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned or delegated to him by the Vice-Chancellor.

5[4A.Honorary Treasurer.--

(1)The Honorary Treasurer shall be elected by the Court by a simple majority.

(2)The Honorary Treasurer shall hold office for a term of three years and shall be eligible for re-election for another term.

(3)The Honorary Treasurer shall hold office on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.

(4)The Honorary Treasurer shall be a member of the Finance Committee and shall exercise general supervision over the funds of the University.]


(1)The Registrar shall be a whole time salaried employee of the University and shall be appointed on the recommendation of a Selection Committee constituted for the purpose.

(2)The emoluments and other terms and conditions of service of the Registrar shall be such as may be prescribed by the Ordinances :

Provided that the Registrar shall retire on attaining the age of sixty years:

Provided further that notwithstanding his attaining the age of sixty years, he shall continue in office until his successor is appointed and enters upon his office.

(3)When the office of the Registrar is vacant or when the Registrar is, by reason of illness, absence or any other cause, unable to perform the duties of his office, the duties of the office shall be performed by such person as the Vice-Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.

(4)(a) The Registrar shall have power to take disciplinary action against such of the employees of the University as may be specified in the orders of the Executive Council and to suspend them pending inquiry, to administer warnings to them or to impose on them the penalty of censure or the withholding of increment:

Provided that no such penalty shall be imposed unless the person concerned has been given a reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the action proposed to betaken in regard to him.

(b) An appeal shall lie to the Vice-Chancellor against any order of the Registrar imposing any of the penalties specified in item (a).

(c) In a case where the inquiry discloses that a punishment beyond the powers of theRegistrar is called for, the Registrar shall, upon conclusion of the inquiry, make a report to the Vice-Chancellor along with his recommendations :

Providedthat an appeal shall lie to the Executive Council against an order of theVice-Chancellor imposing any penalty.

(5)The Registrar shall be ex-officio Secretary of the Executive Council, theAcademic Council and the Faculties, but shall not be deemed to be a member ofany of these authorities. He shall be ex-officio Member-Secretary of the Court.

(6)It shall be the duty of the Registrar, --

(a)to be the custodian of the records, the common seal and such other property ofthe University as the Executive Council shall commit to his charge;

(b)to issue all notices convening meetings of the Court, Executive Council,Academic Council and Faculties, the Boards of Studies, the Boards of Examinersand of any committees appointed by the authorities of the University;

(c)to keep the minutes of all the meetings of the Court, Executive Council,Academic Council, Faculties and of any committees appointed by the authoritiesof the University;

(d)to conduct the official correspondence of the Court, Executive Council andAcademic Council;

(e)to arrange for and superintend the examinations of the University in accordancewith the manner prescribed by the Ordinances;

(f)to supply to the Visitor, copies of the agenda of the meetings of theauthorities of the University as soon as they are issued and the minutes of themeetings;

(g)to represent the University in suits or proceedings by or against theUniversity, sign powers of attorney and verify pleadings or depute hisrepresentative for the purpose; and

(h)perform such other duties as may be specified in these Statutes, or prescribedby the Ordinances or the Regulations or as may be required, from time to time,by the Executive Council or the Vice-Chancellor.

6.Finance Officer.--

(1)The Finance Officer shall be a whole time salaried employee of the Universityand shall be appointed on the recommendations of a Selection Committeeconstituted for the purpose on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed bythe Ordinance :

Providedthat a person appointed as a Finance Officer shall retire from office when heattains the age of 60 years :

Providedfurther that notwithstanding his attaining the age of 60 years, he shallcontinue in office until his successor is appointed and enters upon his officeor for a period of one year whichever is earlier.

(2)When the office of the Finance Officer is vacant or when the Finance Officer is,by reason of illness, absence or any other cause, unable to perform the dutiesof his office, the dudes of the office shall be performed by such person as theVice-Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.

(3)The Finance Officer shall be ex-officio Secretary of the Finance Committee, butshall not be deemed to be a member of such Committee!

6[(4)The Finance Officer shall advice the University as regards its financial policyand perform such other financial functions as may be assigned to him by theExecutive Council or as may be prescribed by these Statutes or the Ordinances :

Providedthat the Finance Officer shall not incur any expenditure or make any investmentexceeding ten thousand rupees without the previous approval of the ExecutiveCouncil.]

(5)Subject to the control of the Executive Council, the Finance Officer shall --

(a)hold and manage the property and investments including trust and endowedproperty;

(b)ensure that the limits fixed by the Finance Committee for recurring andnon-recurring expenditure for a year are not exceeded and that all moneys are expended on the purposes for which they are granted or allotted;

(c)be responsible for the preparation of annual accounts and the budget of the University for the next financial year and for their presentation to theExecutive Council;

(d)keep a constant watch on the state of the cash and bank balances and on the state of investment;

(e)watch the progress of the collection of revenue and advise on the methods of collection employed;

(f)have the accounts of the University regularly audited by an internal audit party;

(g)ensure that the registers of buildings, land, furniture and equipment are maintained up-to-date and that the stock-checking is conducted, of equipment and other consumable materials in all offices, Special Centres, Specialised Laboratories, colleges and institutions maintained by the University;

(h) call for explanation for unauthorised expenditure and for other financial irregularities and suggest disciplinary action against the persons at fault; and

(i) call for from any office, college or institution under the University, any information or returns that he may consider necessary for the performance of his duties.

(6)The receipt of the Finance Officer or of the person or persons duly authorised in this behalf by the Executive Council for any money payable to the university shall be sufficient discharge for payment of such money.

7.Deans of Faculties.--

(1)Every Dean of a Faculty shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor from among the Professors in the Faculty for a period of three years and shall be eligible for re-appointment :

Provided that a Dean on attaining the age of sixty years shall cease to hold office as such :

Provided further that the persons holding office as Principal of the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College and the Zakir Hussain Engineering College on the commencement of the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act, 1972, shall continue to hold theoffice of the Deans of their respective Faculties until the expiry of their term of office.

(2)When the office of the Dean is vacant of when the Dean is, by reason of illness, absence or any other cause, unable to perform the duties of his office, theduties of the office shall be performed by such person as the Vice-Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.

(3)The Dean shall be the Head of the Faculty and shall be responsible for the conduct and maintenance of the standards of teaching and research in theFaculty. He shall have such other functions as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.

(4)The Dean shall have the right to be present and to speak at any meeting of the Board of Studies or committee of the Faculty, as the case may be, but not the right to vote thereat unless he is a member thereof.

8. 7[Chairmen of Departments].--

In the case of Departments which have more than one Professor, the 7[Chairman of Department] shall be appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor from among the Professors. In the case of Departments where there is only one Professor, the Executive Council shall have the option to appoint on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor, either the Professor, or a Reader as the 7 [Chairman of Department]. A person appointed as the 7 [Chairman of Department] shall hold office as such for a period of three years and shall be eligible for re-appointment. A 7 [Chairman of Department] may resign his office at any time during his tenure or also to decline the offer of appointment as the 7 [Chairman of Department].

8[9. x x x]

10. Dean of Students' Welfare.--

(1)The Dean of Students' Welfare shall be appointed from amongst the teachers of the University not below the rank of a Reader, by the Executive Council on there commendation of the Vice-Chancellor.

(2)The Dean so appointed under clause (1) shall be a whole time officer and shall hold office for a term of three years and shall be eligible for reappointment :

Provided that the Executive Council may, if it is considered necessary, appoint, on there commendation of the Vice-Chancellor, a teacher, not below the rank of a Reader to discharge the duties of the Dean of Students' Welfare in addition to his duties and in such a case the Executive Council may sanction a suitable allowance.

(3)The person who is appointed as the Dean of Students' Welfare shall continue to hold his lien on his substantive post and shall be eligible to all the benefitsthat would have otherwise accrued to him but for his appointment as Dean ofStudents' Welfare.

(4)When the office of the Dean of Students' Welfare is vacant or when the Dean ofStudents' Welfare is, by reason of illness or absence or any other cause, unableto perform the duties of his office, the duties of the office shall be performedby such person as the Vice-Chancellor may appoint for the purpose.

(5)The duties and powers of the Dean of Students' Welfare shall be prescribed bythe Ordinances.


(1)A Provost shall be appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation ofthe Vice-Chancellor and shall exercise such powers and perform such duties asmay be assigned to him by the Vice-Chancellor.

(2)A Provost shall hold office for a term of two years and shall be eligible forreappointment.


(1)The Proctor shall be appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation ofthe Vice-Chancellor and shall exercise such powers and perform such duties asmay be assigned to him by the Vice-Chancellor.

(2)The Proctor shall hold office for a term of two years and shall be eligible forre-appointment.


(1)The Librarian shall be appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendationof a Selection Committee constituted for the purpose and shall be a whole-timeofficer of the University.

(2)The Librarian shall be the 9[Chairman of Department] of LibraryScience and shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may beassigned to him by the Executive Council.


(1)The Court shall consist of the following members, namely :--


(i) Chancellor;

(ii) Pro-Chancellor;

(iii) Vice-Chancellor;

(iv) Pro-Vice-Chancellor;

(v) Honorary Treasurer;

(vi) All Ex-Vice-Chancellors;

(vii) All Deans of Faculties;

(viii) Dean of Student' Welfare;

(ix) Librarian;

(x) Registrar;

(xi) Five Provosts by rotation according to seniority;

(xii) Proctor;

Representatives of the Departments and Colleges

(xiii) Twenty Chairmen of Departments, by rotation according to seniority;

(xiv) Principals of Colleges;

Representatives of teachers other than Chairman of Departments and Principals of Colleges

(xv) Two Professors, who are not Chairmen of Departments, to be elected from amongst themselves;

(xvi) Three Readers to be elected from amongst themselves;

(xvii) Five Lecturers to be elected from amongst themselves;

Representatives of Schools maintained by the University

(xviii) Two Principals of Schools maintained by the University be rotation according toseniority;

Representatives of non-teaching staff

(xix) Five representatives of non-teaching staff, to be elected from amongst themselves.

Representatives of ex-students

(xx) Twenty-five representatives of ex-students to be elected by the Alumini (Old Boys) Association;

Representative of donors

(xxi) Ten representatives of donors who have donated at least a sum of ten thousand rupees of transferred property worth at least ten thousand rupees to the University, to be elected from amongst themselves; Representatives of learned professions, Industry and commerce

(xxii) The persons representing the learned professions, industry and commerce, to be elected by the Court;

Representatives of the All-India Muslim Education conference

(xxiii) Five representatives of the All-India Muslim Education Conference;

Representatives of Parliament

(xxiv) Ten members of Parliament, six to be elected by the House of the People (Lok Sabha) from amongst its members and four to be elected by the Council of State (Rajya Sabha) from amongst its members;

Representatives of Muslim culture and learning

(xxv) fifteen persons representing Muslim culture and learning to be elected by the Court, of whom ten shall be persons residing outside the State of Uttar Pradesh;

(xxvi) Six persons representing Muslim College of Oriental Learning in India, to be elected by the Court;

(xxvii) Four persons from amongst the Chairman (including Presidents) of the Wakf Boards constituted under the Wakf Act, 1954 (29 of 1954), or under any other law inforce in a State, to be elected by the Court;

(xxviii) Two persons representing Urdu Language and literature, to be elected by the Court;

(xxix) Five persons representing Muslim Educational and Cultural Societies situated outside the state of Uttar Pradesh, to be elected by the Court;

Representatives of students

(xxx) (a) President, Vice-President, Secretary and one nominee of the Executive Council of the Students Union ex-officio;

(b) Eleven students to be elected by a simple majority by students of the various faculties classified into groups in the manner prescribed by the Ordinances;

Nominated persons

(xxxi) Five persons to be nominated by the Visitor;

(xxxii) One person to be nominated by the Chief Rector;

(xxxiii) One person to be nominated by the Chancellor;

Provided that in making nominations under items (xxxi) to (xxxii), due regard shall be had to the representation of the different areas of the country in view of the All-India character of the University;

Provided further that no employee of the University shall be eligible to be a member under items (xx) to (xxix) or under items (xxxi) to (xxxxiii).

(2) All the members of the Court, other than ex-officio members and members representing students, shall hold office for a term of three years.

(3) An ex-officio member shall cease to be a member of the Court as soon as hevacates the office by virtue of which he is such a member.

(4)Members representing students shall hold office for a period of one year or till such time as they continue to be students, whichever is earlier.

15.Meetings of the Court.--

(1) An annual meeting of the Court shall be held on a date to be fixed by the Executive Council unless some other date has been fixed by the Court in respect of any year. At an annual meeting, a report of the working of the University during the previous year, together with a statement of the receipts and expenditure and the balance sheet, as audited, and the financial estimates for the next year shall be presented and any vacancies among the members of the Executive Council which are to be filled up by the Court shall be filled.

(2) A copy of the statement of receipts and expenditure, the balance sheet and the financial estimates referred to in clause (1) shall be sent to every member of the Court at least seven days before the date of the annual meeting.

11[(3) One-third of the members of the Court shall form a quorum for a meeting of the Court.]

(4) Special meetings of the Court may be convened by the Executive Council or the Vice-Chancellor, or, if there is no Vice-Chancellor, by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, or if there is no Pro-Vice-Chancellor by the Registrar:

Provided that a special meeting of the Court shall also be called if 12[one-third of the members] of the Court make a requisition in writing in this behalf.

13[16.Executive Council.--

(1)The Executive Council shall consist of the following members, namely :--

(i) Vice-Chancellor;

(ii) Pro-Vice-Chancellor;

(iii) Honorary Treasurer;

(iv) Five Deans of Faculties, by rotation according to seniority;

(v) Two Principals of Colleges, other than the Principal of the Women's College, byrotation according to seniority;

(vi) Principal, Women's College;

(vii) One Provost, by rotation according to seniority;

(viii) Proctor;

(ix) Six Members of the Court, none of whom shall be an employee of the University,to be elected from amongst themselves;

(x) Two representatives of Professors and Readers to be elected from amongstthemselves;

(xi) Two representatives of Lecturers to be elected from amongst themselves;

(xii) Three persons to be nominated by the Visitor;

(xiii) One person to be nominated by the Chief Rector;

Provided that no employee of the University shall be eligible for nomination under items(xii) and (xiii).

(2) All the members of the Executive Council, other than ex-officio members, shallhold office for a term of three years.

(3) Fifteen members of the Executive Council shall form a quorum for a meeting ofthe Executive Council."]

17.Powers and functions of Executive Council.--

(1)The Executive Council shall have the management and administration of therevenue and property of the University and the conduct of all administrativeaffairs of the University not otherwise provided for.

(2)Subject to the provisions of the Act, the Statutes and the Ordinances, theExecutive Council shall, in addition to all other powers vested in it, have thefollowing powers, namely :--

(i)to appoint the Registrar, Finance Officer, Librarian, Principals of Colleges andinstitutions established by the University and such Professors, Readers,Lecturers and other members of the teaching and academic staff as may benecessary, on the recommendation of the Selection Committee constituted for thepurpose :

Providedthat no action shall be taken by the Executive Council in respect of the number,qualifications and the emoluments of teachers, without consideration of therecommendations of the Academic Council;

(ii)to appoint members of the administrative staff;

(iii)to grant leave of absence to any officer of the University, other than theChancellor, and the Vice-Chancellor, and to make the necessary arrangements forthe discharge of the functions of such officer during his absence;

(iv)to regulate and enforce discipline among members of the teaching, administrativeand other staff of the University in accordance with these Statutes and theOrdinances;

(v)to manage and regulate the finances, accounts, investments, property, businessand all other administrative affairs of the University, and for that purpose, toappoint such agents as it may think fit;

(vi)to invest any money belonging to the University including any applied income, insuch stocks, funds, shares or securities as it shall, from time to time, thinkfit, or in the purchase of immovable property in India, with the like power ofvarying such investments from lime to time;

(vii)to transfer or accept transfers of any movable or immovable property on behalfof the University;

(viii)to provide the buildings premises, furniture and apparatus and other meansneeded for carrying on the work of the University;

(ix)to enter into, vary, carry out and cancel contracts on behalf of the University;

(x)to entertain, adjudicate upon, and, if thought fit, to redress any grievances ofthe officers of the University, the teaching staff, the students and theUniversity's servants, who may, for any reason feel aggrieved;

(xi)to appoint examiners and moderators and, if necessary to remove them, and to fixtheir fees, emoluments and travelling and other allowances, after consulting theAcademic Council;

(xii)to maintain a register of donors to be University;

(xiii)to select a common seal for the University and provide for the custody and useof such seal;

(xiv)to make such special arrangements as may be necessary for the residence anddiscipline of women students;

(xv)to delegate any of its powers to the Vice-Chancellor, Pro- Vice-Chancellor, theRegistrar or the Finance Officer or such other employee or authority of theUniversity or to a Committee appointed by it as it may deem fit;

(xvi)to institute fellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals and prizes; and

(xvii)to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferredor imposed on it by the Act or the Statutes.

18.Academic Council.--

(1)The Academic Council shall consist of the following members, namely ;--

(i) Vice-Chancellor;

(ii) Pro-Vice-Chancellor;

(iii) Deans of Faculties;

(iv)14[Chairman] of Departments of Studies;

(v) Principals and 14[Chairman] of Institutions;

(vi) Dew of Students' Welfare;

15[(vii)x x x x]

(viii) Librarian;

(ix) Five professors other than the 16[Chairmen of Departments;]

(x) Five readers other than the 16[chairmen of Departments;]

(xi) Five lecturers;

(xii) Five persons not being in the service of the University, co-opted by the Academic Council for their special knowledge, provided that not more than two persons shall be co-opted from subjects assigned to any one faculty;

17[(xiii) The President, Students' Union;

(xiv) Two post-graduate students, one research student and one under-graduate student,to be elected by the students from amongst themselves :

"Provided that no student-member of the Academic Council shall participate in the discussions in respect of matters relating to examinations, Selection Committees, appointment and conditions of service of the teaching staff.]

Group I


(a) Faculty of Arts;

(b) Faculty of Social Sciences;

Group II


(a) Faculty of Science,

(b) Faculty of Medicine.

(c) Faculty of Engineering and Technology;

Group III


(a) Faculty of Theology,

(b) Faculty of Commerce,

(c) Faculty of Law.

(2)The members of the Academic Council, other than ex-officio members 18[and student-members] shall hold office for a term of two years.

19[(2A)The President, Students' Union shall hold office for so long as he continues to hold the office of the President, Students' Union, and every other student-member shall hold office for a period of one year :

Provided that a student-member shall cease to hold office upon his ceasing to be a student of the University.]

19.Powers of the Academic Council.--

Subject to the Act, the Statutes and the Ordinances, the Academic Council shall, in addition to all other powers vested in it, have the following powers, namely :--

(a) to exercise general supervision over the academic policies of the University and to give directions regarding methods of instruction, co-operative teaching among colleges, evaluation of research or improvements in academic standards;

(b) to bring about inter-faculty co-ordination, to establish or appoint committees or Boards, for taking up projects on an inter-faculty basis;

(c) to consider matters of general academic interest either at its own initiative or referred to by a faculty, or the Executive Council and to rake appropriate action thereon; and

(d) to frame such regulations and rules consistent with the Statutes and Ordinances regarding the academic functioning of the University, discipline, residence, admissions, award of fellowships and studentships, fee concessions, corporate life and attendance.

20.Faculties and Departments.--

(1)The University shall have the following Faculties, namely :--

(i) Faculty of Theology;

(ii) Faculty of Arts;

(iii) Faculty of Science;

(iv) Faculty of Social Sciences;

(v) Faculty of Engineering and Technology;

(vi) Faculty of Medicine;

(vii) Faculty of Law;

(viii) Faculty of Commerce; and

(ix) Such other Faculties as may be prescribed by these Statutes.

(2)(a)Each Faculty shall consist of such Departments as may be assigned to it by the Ordinances.

(b) No Department shall be established or abolished except by the Statutes.

(c) The Departments of Studies in existence in the University at the commencement of the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act, 1972 and the Faculties relating thereto are set out in the Annexure to these Statutes.

(d) Each Department shall consist of the following members, namely :--

(i) teachers;

(ii) Persons conducting research in the Faculties concerned;

(iii) Dean of the Faculty or Deans of the Faculties concerned;

(iv) Honorary Professors, if any, attached to Department; and

(v) Such other persons as may be members of the Department in accordance with the provisions of tin Ordinances.

(e) Each Department shall have a 20[chairman] who shall be appointed in accordance with these Statutes and shall perform such functions as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.

(3)Every Faculty, other than the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, may comprise the following members, namely :

(i) Dean of Faculty who shall be the Chairman;

(ii) All Professors in the Faculty;

(iii) All 21[Chairmen of Departments] assigned to the Faculty who are not Professors;

(iv) Principal, Women's College;

(v) One Reader from each Department;

(vi) Two Lecturers from each Department (one above ten years of service and one below ten years);

(vii) Four persons nominated by the Academic Council from other Faculties of the University; and

(viii) Five persons not in the service of the University co-opted by the Faculty for their special knowledge of any subject assigned to the faculty, provided that not more than one person may be co-opted in respect of a subject assigned to a single Department;

Provided that the Principal, Women's College shall be on the Faculties of the subjects for which instruction is provided in that College :

Provided further that the Readers and Lecturers of categories (v) and (vi) shall serve on the Faculties by rotation, according to seniority.

(4) The Faculty of the Engineering and Technology shall consist of the following members, namely :--

(i) Dean of the Faculty, who shall be the Chairman;

(ii) Head of the University Polytechnic;

(iii) All Professors in the Faculty;

(iv) One Reader and one Lecturer by rotation according to seniority from each Department or Section in the Faculty;

(v) Not more than three Readers from the University Polytechnic;

(vi) One Lecturer at the University Polytechnic, by rotation according to seniority;

(vii) Persons not connected with the University having expert knowledge of the subject or subjects concerned, co-opted by the Faculties; one for each Department of the Faculty; and

(viii) Three members selected by the Academic Council for their special knowledge of any subject assigned to the Faculty or of any allied branches of knowledge.

(5)All members of a Faculty, other than the ex-officio members shall hold office for a term of two years.

(6)The conduct of the meetings of a Faculty and the quorum required for each Faculty shall be prescribed by the Ordinances.

21.Powers and functions of the Faculties.--

In addition to the powers and functions of the Faculties prescribed under the Ordinances, they shall have power--

(a) to co-ordinate teaching and research activities of Departments and Centres assigned to the Faculty, and to promote and provide for inter-disciplinary teaching and research; and to arrange for examinations and periodical tests in subjects falling within the purview of the faculty;

(b) to appoint Boards of Studies or committees or to undertake research projects common to more than one Department;

(c) to approve courses of study proposed by the Departments;

(d) to forward to the Executive Council the recommendation of the Boards of Studies or Committee for Advanced Studies and Research;

(e) to propose the draft of Ordinances for the examinations for courses conducted by the Faculty;

(f) to recommend proposals for the creation and abolition of leaching posts; and

(g) to perform such other functions as the Executive Council and Academic Council may prescribe.

22.Boards of Studies.--

(1) Each Department shall have a Board of Studies which shall consist of :

(i) the Head of the Department-Chairman;

(ii) Dean of the Faculty concerned;

(iii) the Professors in the Department:

(iv) four Readers in the Department by rotation according to seniority;

(v) four Lecturers in the Department, at least two of whom shall be with less than seven years of service by rotation according to seniority;

(vi) two persons teaching allied or cognate subjects in the University assigned by the Academic Council; and (vii) two experts not in the service of the University co-opted by the Board of Studies.

(2)The term of appointment of members other than the ex-officio members of the Boards of Studies shall be for a period of two years.

(3)The functions of the Board of Studies shall be to recommend to the Faculty in the manner provided in the Ordinances--

(a) courses of studies and appointment of examiners for under-graduate and post-graduate courses, but excluding research degrees;

(b) approve subjects for research for various degrees and other requirements of research degrees;

(c) appointment of supervisors of research; and

(d) measures for the improvement of the standard of post-graduate teaching andresearch :

Provided that where the number of teachers in a Department does not exceed twenty, the aforesaid functions shall be performed by the Department.

23.Departmental Committees.--

(1)Each teaching department, where the number of teachers exceeds twenty shall havea Departmental Committee consisting of the following members, namely.--

(i) Head of the Department-Chairman;

(ii) Dean of the Faculty concerned;

(iii) Professors in the Department;

(iv) Four Readers in the Department by rotation according to seniority; and

(v) Four Lecturers in the Department by rotation according to seniority.

(2) The Readers and Lecturers shall hold office as members of the Departmental Committee for a period of two years.

(3) The functions of the Departmental Committee shall be to allocate teaching work, recommend the creation or abolition of teaching posts or their upgrading, make recommendations regarding the field of study of each post at the time of recruitment and consider matters of general and academic interest to the Department and of its functioning.

(4) Where the number of teachers in a teaching Department does not exceed twenty, the functions of the Departmental Committee shall be performed by that Department.

22[24.x x x]

22[25.x x x]

26.Finance Committee.--

(1)The Finance Committee shall consist of the following members, namely :--

(i) Vice-Chancellor;

(ii) Pro-Vice-Chancellor;

(iii) Two Deans of the Faculties, to be nominated by the Executive Council;

(iv) One person nominated by the Executive Council from amongst its members other than those in the service of the University;

(v) Three persons nominated by the Visitor.

(2) Five members of the Finance Committee shall form a quorum for a meeting of theFinance Committee.

(3) All members of the Finance Committee, other than ex-officio members, shall holdoffice for a term of three years.

(4) The Vice-Chancellor shall preside at the meetings of the Finance Committee.

(5) A member of the Finance Committee shall have the right to record a minute ofdissent if he does not agree with any decision of the Finance Committee.

(6) The Finance Committee shall meet at least twice every year to examine theaccounts and to scrutinise proposals for expenditure.

(7) The annual accounts and the Financial estimates of the University prepared bythe Finance Officer shall be laid before the Finance Committee for considerationand comments and thereafter submitted to the Executive Council for approval.

(8) The Finance Committee shall fix limits for the total recurring expenditure andthe total non-recurring expenditure for the year, based on the income andresources of the University (which, in the case of productive works, may includethe proceeds of loans). No expenditure shall be incurred by the University inexcess of the limits so fixed.

(9) No expenditure other than that provided for in the budget shall be incurred bythe University without the approval of the Finance Committee.

27.Selection Committees.--

(1)The Selection Committee for appointment to the posts specified in column (1) ofthe Table below shall consist of the Vice-Chancellor, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, anominee of the Visitor and the persons specified in the corresponding entry incolumn (2) of the said Table :

Providedthat where the appointment of a teacher is to be made in a College or theUniversity Polytechnic, the Principal of that College or the UniversityPolytechnic, as the case may be, shall also be an ex-officio member of theSelection Committee constituted for such appointment :

Provided further that the Selection Committee for teaching posts in the Faculty of Engineering and Technology shall include 3 nominee of the All India Council of Technical Education.





(i) The 23[Chairman of the Department] concerned, if he is a Professor.

(ii) One Professor of the Department to be nomninated by the Vice-Chancellor.

(iii) Three persons not in the service of the University, nominated by the Executive Council, out of a panel of names recommended by the Acdemic Council for their special knowledge of or interest in the subject with which the Professor will be concerned.


(i) The 23[Chairman of the Department] concerned.

(ii) One Professor of the Department to be nominated by the Vice Chancellor.

(iii) Two persons not in the service of the University, nominated by the Executive Council, out of a panel of names recommended by the Academic Council for their special knowledge of or interest in the subject with which the Reader or Lecturer will be concerned.

Registrar/Finance Officer

(i) Two members of the Executive Council nominated by it.

(ii) One person, not connected with the University, nominated by the Executive Council.


(i) Two persons not in the service of the University, who have special knowledge of the subject of Library Science/Library Administration to be nominated by the Executive Council.

(ii) One person, not in the service of the University, nominated by the Executive Council.

Principal of College or Institution maintained by University

Three persons not in the service of the University, of whom two shall be nominated by the Executive Council and one by the Academic Council for their special knowledge of or interest in a subject in which instruction is being provided by the College or Institution.

(2)The Vice-Chancellor, or in his absence, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, shall preside at the meetings of the Selection Committee.

(3)The meetings of the Selection Committee shall be convened by the Vice-Chancellor or in his absence, by the Pro-Vice-Chancellor.

(4)The procedure to be followed by a Selection Committee in making recommendations shall be laid down in the Ordinances.

(5)If the Executive Council is unable to accept the recommendations made by the Committee, it shall record its reasons and submit the case to the Visitor for final orders.

(6)Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing clauses of this Statute or Statute 29, the Executive Council may invite a person of high academic distinction and professional attainment to accept a post of Professor or Reader in the University, as the case may be, on such terms and conditions as it deems fit, and on the person agreeing to do so, appoint him to the post.

(7)The Executive Council of the University may appoint a teacher or any other academic staff working in any other University or institution for undertaking a joint project in accordance with the manner prescribed in the Ordinances.

Note1.-- When the appointment is being made for an inter-disciplinary project, the Head of the project shall be deemed to be the 23[Chairman of the Department] concerned.

Note2.-- The Professor shall be concerned with the speciality for which thes election is being made and that the Vice-Chancellor shall consult the 23[Chairman of the Department] and the Dean of Faculty before nominating the Professor.


Anyauthority of the University may appoint as many standing or special committeesas it may deem fit, and may appoint to such committees persons who are notmembers of such authority. Any such committee may deal with the subjectdelegated to it subject to subsequent confirmation by the authority appointingit.

29.Terms and conditions of service of teachers.--

(1)All the teachers of the University or any of its Institutions shall, in theabsence of any agreement to the contrary, be governed by the terms andconditions of service as specified in the Statutes, Ordinances and Regulationsof the University :

Providedthat no alteration in the salary, the rate of contribution to the Provident Fundand the age of superannuation of teacher in the service of the Universityshall be made to his disadvantage except with the previous approval of theVisitor.

(2)(a)All appointments to permanent posts of teachers in the University shall be madeby the Executive Council on the recommendation of a Selection Committee inaccordance with the provisions of these Statutes after such posts have been dulyadvertised and the candidates concerned have been interviewed by the SelectionCommittee, except in cases where such Committee decides to consider the case ofa candidate otherwise than by an interview. Except as otherwise provided for inhis contract of service, every teacher thus selected shall be placed onprobation for a period of one year, on the expiry of which period he may beconfirmed in his post. If he is not so confirmed, the Executive Council may, ifit deems fit, dispense with his services after the expiry of his probationaryperiod as may be practicable or extend the period of his probation for one yearat the end of which, if he is not confirmed in his post, his services shall bedispensed with after the expiry of the period of extension of his probation :

Providedthat, if a person in the permanent service of the University is appointed onprobation to a higher post in the same department, he shall not lose his lien onhis substantive post, nor shall he be deprived of the benefits of leave rulesand of the Provident Fund Statutes to which he was entitled at the time of hisappointment to the higher post during the period of his probation :

Providedfurther that the service of a teacher appointed on probation may be terminatedat any time during the probationary period by giving two months' notice withoutassigning any reason.

(b) In making temporary appointments to posts of teachers--

(i) if the temporary vacancy is for a duration longer than one academic session, it shall be filled on the advice of the Selection Committee in accordance with the procedure indicated in the preceding item (a) and

(ii) if the temporary vacancy is for a period less than a year, an appointment to such vacancy shall be made on the recommendation of a local Selection Committee consisting of :--

(A) the Dean of the Faculty;

(B)The 24[Chairman of the Department;] and

(C)A nominee of the Vice-Chancellor :

Providedthat if the same person holds the offices of the Dean and the head of theDepartment, the Selection Committee may contain two nominees of theVice-Chancellor :

Providedfurther that in case of sudden casual vacancies of teaching posts caused bydeath or any other reason, the Dean may, in consultation with the 24[Chairman of the Department] concerned, make a temporary appointment for u month andreport to the Vice-Chancellor and the Registrar about such appointment.

(c)No. teacher appointed temporarily shall, if he is not recommended by a regularSelection Committee for appointment under these Statutes be continued in serviceon such temporary employment, or even a fresh appointment unless he issubsequently selected by a local Selection Committee or a Regular SelectionCommittee, for a temporary or permanent appointment, as the case may be.

(3)Every teacher of the University shall be ordinarily appointed on a writtencontract, the form of which shall be prescribed by Regulations. A copy of thecontract shall be deposited with the Registrar.

(4)No teacher of the University shall be confirmed in his post unless he hasfulfilled the conditions laid down in the contract of his appointment and unlessthe Vice-Chancellor on the recommendation of the Dean of the faculty and 24[Chairman of the Department] concerned, and in the case of the 24[Chairman of Department,] on the recommendation of the Dean concerned, testifies to hisfitness for confirmation.

(5)All temporary teachers whose total service in the University exceeds one yearshall be required within two months of the completion of one year to produce aphysical fitness certificate signed by a registered Medical Graduate, not belowthe status of a Civil Surgeon, provided that if the physical fitness examinationis conducted at the University Health Service, the certificate signed by theChief Medical Officer shall be deemed to be sufficient.

(6)Teachers appointed on probation and those in whose case probation has beenwaived shall be required to produce a physical fitness certificate of the natureprescribed in clause (5) before joining their appointment :

Providedthat nothing in this clause shall apply to such teachers who are already holdinga permanent post in the University.

(7)Teachers holding temporary appointments shall not be confirmed in their postsunless they produce a physical fitness certificate as required in the foregoingclauses.

(8)No fee shall be charged if the physical fitness examination is conducted at theUniversity Health Service.

(9)All the teachers of the University shall, if they are not employed for a fixedperiod, retire at the age of sixty. The Executive Council may, however, in theinterests of the University grant extension of service up to the age ofsixty-three subject to the condition that such extension shall not be for morethan one year at a time :

Providedthat the teachers whose retirement is due on the 1st of September or a laterdate in any academic year inclusive of such leave preparatory to retirement asmay be due to them may be retained at their option in the service of theUniversity till the end of the academic year.

(10)(a) A teacher due for retirement shall apply well before the date of retirement forsuch leave as may be due to him before retirement, and if he fails to so apply,he shall not be entitled to avail of the leave after retirement. Leave soapplied for may be sanctioned, or refused in the interests of the University. Ifleave is so refused, the leave due shall be availed of after retirement.

(b) All recommendations for extension of service beyond sixty years shall be sent tothe Registrar by the Head of the Department through the Dean of the Facultyconcerned or by the Dean of the Faculty if such recommendation is concerned the 24 [Chairman of a Department,] at least six months before the date of retirement.

(11) Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing clauses of this Statute, theUniversity may permit any Professor or Reader to accept, concurrently on apart-time basis, appointment in any University or Institution on such terms andconditions as may be prescribed in the Ordinances.

30.Seniority lists.--

(1)Whenever, in accordance with these Statutes, any person is to hold an office orbe a member of an authority of the University by rotation according toseniority, such seniority shall be determined according to the length ofcontinuous service of such person in his grade and in accordance with such otherprinciples as the Executive Council may from lime to time prescribe.

(2)It shall be the duty of the Registrar to prepare and maintain, in respect ofeach class of persons to whom the provisions of these Statutes apply, a completeand up-to-date seniority list in accordance with the provisions of the foregoingclause.

(3)If two or more persons have equal length of continuous service in a particulargrade or the relative seniority of any person or persons is otherwise in doubt,the Registrar may, on his own motion and shall, at the request of any suchperson, submit the matter to the Executive Council whose decision thereon shallbe final.

31.Powers in respect of granting and withdrawing degrees.--

(1)The Executive Council may, by resolution passed by a majority of not less thantwo-thirds of the members present and voting :--

(a)on the recommendation of Academic Council, make proposals to the Chancellor forthe conferment of honorary degrees;

(b)withdraw, any ordinary degree or diploma conferred by the University; and

(c)with the sanction of the Chancellor, withdraw any honorary degree.

(2)Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), in cases of urgency, theChancellor may, on the recommendations of the Executive Council alone, confer anhonorary degree.

32.Students' Union.--

(1)There shall be a Students' Union for the University.

(2)Every student of the University shall be deemed to be a member of the Students'Union.

(3)There shall be a General Council of the Students' Union which shall consist ofsuch number of students, and shall be constituted in such manner as may beprescribed by the Ordinances.

(4)The University may, after ascertaining the views of the Students' Council, insuch manner as may be prescribed by the Ordinances, fix such fees as thestudents may be required to pay for their membership of the Students' Union.

(5)The powers and functions of the Students' Union and of the General Council shallbe such as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.

33.Teachers' Association.--

(1)There shall be a Teachers' Association for the University. (2) The constitutionof the Association shall be such as may be prescribed in the Ordinances.

34.Non-academic Staff Association.--

(1)There shall be a Staff Association for the staff of the University other thanacademic staff.

(2)The constitution of the Staff Association referred to in clause (1) shall besuch as may be prescribed in the Ordinances.

35.Maintenance of discipline among students of the University.--

(1)All powers relating to discipline and disciplinary action in relation tostudents shall vest in the Vice-Chancellor.

(2)The Vice-Chancellor may delegate all or any of his powers as he deems proper tothe Proctor and to such other officers as he may specify in this behalf.

(3)Without prejudice to the generality of his powers relating to the maintenance ofdiscipline and taking such action in the interest of maintaining discipline asmay seem to him appropriate, the Vice-Chancellor may, in the exercise of hispowers, by order, direct that any student or students be expelled, orrusticated, for a specified period, or be not admitted to a course or courses ofstudy in a College, Department or Institution of the University for a statedperiod, or be punished with fine or an amount to be specified in the order, orbe debarred from taking a University or College or Departmental Examination orExaminations for one or more years, or that the results of the student orstudents concerned in the Examination or Examinations in which he or they haveappeared be cancelled.

(4)The Principals of Colleges, Heads of Special Centres, Deans of Faculties andHeads of Teaching Departments in the University shall have the authority toexercise all such disciplinary powers over the students in their respectiveColleges, Special Centres, Institutions, Faculties and Teaching Departments inthe University as may be necessary for the proper conduct of the Institution,Special Centres and teaching in the concerned Departments.

(5)Without prejudice to the powers of the Vice-Chancellor and the Proctor asaforesaid, detailed rules of discipline and proper conduct shall be framed bythe University. The Principals of Colleges, Heads of Special Centres, Deans ofFaculties and Heads of Teaching Departments in the University may frame suchsupplementary rules, as they deem necessary for the aforesaid purposes. Everystudent shall be supplied with a copy of rules so made.

(6)At the time of the admission, every student shall be required to sign adeclaration to the effect that he submits himself to the disciplinaryjurisdiction of the Vice-Chancellor and the other authorities of the University.

36.Establishment of Colleges and Institutions.--

Theestablishment of Colleges and Institutions and the abolition thereof shall begoverned by these Statutes :

Providedthat the Colleges and Institutions which have been established in accordancewith the Act, the Statutes or the Ordinances in force immediately before thecommencement of the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act, 1972, shall bedeemed to be the Colleges and Institutions- established by these Statutes.


Convocationsof the University for the conferring of degrees or for other purposes shall beheld in such manner as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.

38.Acting Chairman of meetings.--

Whereno provision is made for a President or Chairman to preside over a meeting of anauthority of the University or any committee of such authority or when thePresident or Chairman so provided for is absent, the members present shall electone from among themselves to preside at such meeting.


(1)Any member, other than an ex-officio member of the Court, Executive Council, AcademicCouncil or any other authority of the University or any committee of suchauthority may resign by letter addressed to the Registrar, and the resignationshall take effect as soon as such letter is received by the Registrar.

(2)Any officer of the University, whether salaried or otherwise, other than Dean,may resign his office by letter addressed to the Registrar :

Providedthat such resignation shall take effect only on the date from which the same isaccepted by the authority competent to fill the vacancy.

40.Removal of members andemployees.--

(1)A member of the Court, Executive Council or Academic Council may be removed by aresolution of the Court, Executive Council or Academic Council, as the case maybe, passed by a majority of not less than two-thirds of its members on either ofthe following grounds, namely :--

(i)such member has become incapable of performing his duties;

(ii)such member has been convicted by a Court of an offence which, in the opinion ofthe Court of the University, Executive Council or Academic Council, as the casemay be, involves moral turpitude.

(2)Notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary in the terms of his contractof service or of his appointment, any officer of the University, salaried or otherwise, may be removed from that office by the authority which is competent to fill the vacancy on either of the following grounds, namely :--

(i) the officer has become incapable of performing his duties;

(ii) the officer has been convicted by a Court of an offence which, in the opinion of the Court of the University, Executive Council or Academic Council, as the case may be, involves moral turpitude :

Provided that nothing in this clause shall be deemed to affect any rights accruing to an officer appointed on contract in accordance with the terms of such contract.

(3)(a) Notwithstanding anything contained in the terms of the contract of service of a teacher, the Executive Council shall be entitled to dismiss a teacher on grounds of misconduct after following the procedure specified in clause (c), but save as aforesaid, the Executive Council shall not be entitled to determine the employment of a teacher save for good cause and after giving three months' notice in writing or payment of three months' salary in lieu of such notice.

(b) The determination of a teacher's employment shall require a two-thirds majority of the members of the Executive Council present and voting.

(c) The Vice-Chancellor may suspend a teacher against whom any misconduct is alleged and shall report the case to the next meeting of the Executive Council, but before any orders for dismissal are passed, the teacher shall be informed of the allegations made against him and shall be given a reasonable opportunity to makesuch representation to the Executive Council or to any Committee thereof appointed for the purpose, as he may desire to make; and, further, he shall been titled to claim the benefit of due enquiry, with full opportunity to inspectevidence and cross-examine witnesses, and offer his own evidence and witnesses, before the Executive Council or before a person or persons appointed by it to conduct the enquiry.

(d) Any dismissal on the ground of misconduct shall lake effect on the date on which the teacher was first suspended.

(e) Before a notice is given or payment is made to the teacher under sub-clause (a), he shall be informed by the Executive Council of the cause of the action proposed to be taken against him and shall be given a reasonable opportunity of making such representations to the Executive Council or to any Committee thereof appointed for the purpose, as he may desire to make.

(f) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Statutes, the teacher may at any time require his employment to be terminated by giving the Executive Council three months' notice in writing.

41.Residence condition for membership and office.--

Notwithstanding anything contained in these Statutes, no person who is not ordinarily resident in India shall be eligible to be an officer of the University or a member of any authority of the University.

42.Membership of authorities by virtue of membership of other bodies.--

Notwithstanding anything contained in these Statutes a person who holds any post of the University or is a member of any authority or body of the University in his capacity as a member of a particular authority or body or as the holder of a particular appointment shall hold office so long only as he continues to be a member of that particular authority or body or the holder of that particular appointment, as the case may be.

43.Alumni (Old Boys) Association.--

No member of the Alumni (Old Boys) Association shall be entitled to vote or stand for the election to the Court unless--

(i) he has been a member of the Association for at least five years continuously prior to the date of election;

(ii) he pays such subscription and satisfies other conditions, as may be prescribed by the Ordinances; and

(iii) he is a graduate of the Aligarh Muslim University or an ex-student of the Muhammedan Anglo-Oriental College or the Muhammedan Anglo-Oriental Collegiate School, Aligarh :

Provided that if he is not a graduate, he should have been a member of the Association for at least ten years continuously prior to the date of election.

EXPLANATION.-- The word "graduate" in this State shall include a graduate of the Muhammedan Anglo-Oriental College, Aligarh.

44.Delegation of powers.--

Subject to the provisions of the Act and these Statutes, any officer or authority of the University may delegate his or its powers to any other officer or authority or person under their respective control and subject to the condition that overall responsibility for the exercise of the powers so delegated shall continue to vest in the officer or authority delegating such powers.


(a) Faculty of Arts :

(i) Department of Arabic,

(ii) Department of English,

(iii) Department of Hindi,

(iv) Department of Linguistics,

(v) Department of Persian,

(vi) Department of Philosophy,

(vii) Department of Sanskrit,

(viii) Department of Urdu;

(b) Faculty of Social Sciences :

(i) Department of Economics,

(ii) Department of Education,

(iii) Department of History,

(iv) Department of Islamic Studies,

(v) Department of Library Science,

(vi) Department of political Science,

(vii) Department of Psychology,

(viii) Department of Sociology,

(ix) Centre of West Asian studies;

(c) Faculty of Commerce :

(i) Department of Law;

(e) Faculty of Theology :

(i) Department of Sunni Theology,

(ii) Department of Shia Theology;

(f) Faculty of Science :

(i) Department of Botany,

(ii) Department of Chemistry,

(iii) Department of Geography,

(iv) Department of Geology,

(v) Department of Mathematics and Statistics,

(vi) Department of Physics,

(vii) Department of Zoology,

(viii) Department of Military Science;

(g) Faculty of Medicine.

(i) Department of Anatomy,

(ii) Department of Physiology,

(iii) Department of Bio-Chemistry,

(iv) Department of Pharmacology,

(v) Department of Pathology,

(vi) Department of Micro-Biology,

(vii) Department of Surgery,

(viii) Department of Radiology and Elecro-Therapeutics,

(ix) Department of Forensic Medicine,

(x) Department of Medicine,

(xi) Department of Paediatrics,

(xii) Department of Social and Preventive Medicine,

(xiii) Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,

(xiv) Department of Ophthalmology,

(xv) Department of Unani Tib and Surgery;

(h) Faculty of Engineering and Technology :

(i) Department of Electrical Engineering,

(ii) Department of Mechanical Engineering

(iii) Department of Civil Engineering,

(iv) Department of Technology.


1. Substituted for the Schedule by the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (34 of 1972), section 32 (17-6-1972).

2. Throughout the statutes, for the words "Head of Department" wherever they occur the words "Chairman of Department" be substituted

3. Substituted for statutes 1 and 1A by the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (62 of 1981) section 21 (ii) (10-2-1982).

4. Substituted for clauses (1) and (2) by the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (62 of 1981), section 21 (iii) (10-2-1982).

5. Inserted by the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (62 of 1981), section21 (iv) (10-2-1982).

6. Substituted by the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (61 of 1981);section 21(v) (10-2-1982).

7. Throughout the statutes, for the words "Head of Department" wherever they occur the words "Chairman of Department" be substituted

8. Statute 9 omitted by the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (62 of 1981),section 21(vi) (10-2-1982).

9. Throughout the statutes, for the words "Head of Department" wherever they occur the words "Chairman of Department" be substituted

10. Substituted for Statute 14 by the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (62of 1981), Section 21(vii) (10-2-1982).

11. Substituted for Cl. (3) by the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (62 of1981), Section 21(viii)(a) [10-2-1982].

12. Substituted for the words "thirty five members" by the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (62 of 1981), Section .21(viii)(b).

13. Substituted for statute 16 by the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (62of 1981), S. 21 (ix) [10-2-1982].

14. Substituted for the word "Heads" by the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (62 of 1981), S. 21(x)(a)(1) [10-2-1982].

15. Item (vii) omitted by the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (62 of1981), S. 21(x)(a)(1) [10-2-1982], S. 21(x)(a)(2) [10-2-1982]

16. Throughout the statutes, for the words "Head of Department" wherever they occur the words "Chairman of Department" be substituted

17. Inserted, by the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (62 of 1981), S.21(x)(a)(1) [10-2-1982], S. 21(x)(a)(2) [10-2-1982] S. 21 (x)(a)(3) [10-2-1982].

18. Inserted by the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (62 of 1981), S.21(x)(a)(1) [10-2-1982], S. 21(x)(a)(2) [10-2-1982] S. 21 (x)(a)(3) [10-2-1982],S. 21(x)(b) [10-2-1982].

19. Inserted by the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (62 of 1981), S.21(x)(a)(1) [10-2-1982], S. 21(x)(a)(2) [10-2-1982] S. 21 (x)(a)(3) [10-2-1982],S. 21(x)(b) [10-2-1982], S. 21(x)(c) [10-2-1982].

20. Word 'head' to be read as 'chairman' in view of S. 21 of the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (62 of 1981) --Ed.

21. Throughout the statutes, for the words "Head of Department" wherever they occur the words "Chairman of Department" be substituted

22. Statutes 24 and 25 omitted by the Aligarh Muslim University (Amendment) Act (62of 1981), S. 21(xi) [10-2-1982].

23. Throughout the statutes, for the words "Head of Department" wherever they occur the words "Chairman of Department" be substituted

24. Throughout the statutes, for the words "Head of Department" wherever they occur the words "Chairman of Department" be substituted

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