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Kalyani University Act, 1981 Complete Act - Bare Act

StateWest Bengal Government
Act Info:


40 of 1981
22nd December, 1981
An Act to provide for the reconstitution of the University of Kalyani and for certain matters incidental thereto and connected therewith. WHEREAS it is expedient to reconstitute the University of Kalyani to enable it to function more efficiently as a University encouraging and providing for instruction, teaching, training and research in various branches of learning and courses of study, promoting advancement and dissemination of knowledge and learning, and extending higher education, to meet the growing needs of society and to make the constitution of various authorities or bodies of the University more democratic; It is hereby enacted as follows:
CHAPTER 1 Preliminary
Section 1 Short title and commencement
(1) This Act may be called the Kalyani University Act, 1981.
(2) This section and section 55 shall come into force at once; and the remaining provisioins of this Act shall come into force on such date or dates as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint, and different dates may be appointed for different provisions of this Act.
Section 2 Definitions
In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context,
(1) "affiliated" in relation to a college or an institution means affiliated to the University of Kalyani as constituted prior to the appointed day and continuing as such immediately before such day or affiliated to the University under this Act;
(2) "appointed day" means the date referred to in sub-section (5) of section 55;
(3) "college" means a college established or maintained by, or affiliated to, the University;
(4) "convocation" means a meeting of the Court for the purpose of conferring degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates or other academic distinctions;
11. Clause (4A) ins. by W.B. Act 9 of 1998. (4A) "districts" means the districts of Nadia and Murshidabad; (5) "employee" in relation to the University means any person employed by the University;
(6) "financial year" means the year ending on the 31st day of March;
(7) "Government College" means a college maintained and managed by the State Government;
(8) "Governor" means the Governor of the State of West Bengal;
(9) "hall" or "hostel" means a unit of residence for students, teachers, officers or non-teaching staff recognized by the University;
(10) "Librarian" means,
(a) in relation to the University, a Librarian, Deputy Librarian, Assistant Librarian or any other person discharging the functions of a Librarian on wholetime basis, by whatever name called, appointed or recognised as such by the University, and
(b) in relation to a college affiliated to the University, a Librarian, Deputy Librarian, Assistant Librarian or any other person discharging the functions of a Librarian on whole-time basis, by whatever name called, appointed or recognized by the University or appointed by such college;
(11) "Minister" means the Minister-in-charge of Higher Education appointed as such by the Governor;
(12) "non-teaching staff means,
(a) in relation to the University, the non-teaching staff, not holding any teaching post (including part-time teaching post), appointed or recognized as such by the University, and -
(b) in relation to an affiliated college, the non-teaching staff, not holding any teaching post (including part-time teaching post), ap-
(13) "prescribed" means prescribed by Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations or Rules made under this Act;
(14) "Principal" means the head of a college or of an institution, by whatever name called;
(15) "registered graduate" means a graduate registered under this Act, at least three months prior to the date of election of members to the Court, on application in the prescribed form and on payment of a fee of one rupee:
Provided that no person shall be eligible to be registered under this Act unless he has graduated himself from the University at least three years prior to the date of election of members to the Court;
(16) "regular student" means,
(a) in relation to the University, a student who has been prosecuting his studies in a post-graduate or undergraduate department of the University under any of the 22. Words subs. for the words "Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [Faculty Councils for postgraduate studies or Councils for undergraduate studies, as the case may be,] and who is not in default of payment of prescribed tuition fees and other dues of the University till such date as may be notified by the University in this behalf, and
(b) in relation to an affiliated college, a student who has been prosecuting his studies in an undergraduate or post-graduate degree class of such college and who is not in default of payment of prescribed tuition fees and othe dues of such college till such date as may be notified by the University in this behalf;
(17) "Statutes", "Ordinances", "Regulation" and "Rules" mean, respectively, the Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations and Rules of the University made under this Act;
(18) "Students" Union", in relation to the University or an affiliated college, means the Students' Union constituted in the manner prescribed;
(19) "Teacher" means a Principal, Professor, Assistant Professor, Reader, Lecturer, Demonstrator, Tutor, Instructor or any other person, appointed or recognized as such by the University, either whole-time or part-time, for the purpose of imparting, instruction or conducting research in the University or in any affiliated college or institution;
(20) "Teacher of the University" means a Professor, Reader, Lecturer or any other person, appointed or recognized as such by the University, either whole-time or part-time, for the purpose of imparting instruction or conducting research in the University;
(21) "University" means the University of Kalyani as constituted under this Act;
(22) "University Laboratory", "University Library", "University Museum " or "University Institution" means a laboratory, a library, a museum or an institution, as the case may be, maintained and managed by the University, whether established by it or not;
(23) "University Professor", "University Reader" or "University Lecturer" means a Professor, Reader or Lecturer appointed or recognized as such by the University.
CHAPTER 2 The University and its officers
Section 3 The University
(1) The Chancellor and the Vice-Chancellor of the University and the members of the Court and the Executive Council, for the time being, shall constitute a body corporate by the name of the University of Kalyani.
(2) The University shall have perpetual succession and a common seal and shall sue and be sued by the name of the University of Kalyani.
Section 4 Powers of the University
The University shall have the following powers,namely:
(1) to encourage and provide for instruction, teaching, training and research in such branches of learning and courses of study as it may think fit, and generally to promote the advancement and dissemination of knowledge and learning, and the extension of higher education;
(2) to establish, maintain and manage colleges, libraries, laboratories, museums and such other institutes, institutions or centres for study and research as it may deem necessary;
(3) to provide for specialisation of studies in colleges and for organisation by colleges of common laboratories, libraries, museums and such other institutes, institutions or centres for study and research work;
(4) to affiliate to itself or to recognize any college, institute, institution or centre;
(5) to disaffiliate any college, institute, institution or centre in any subject or subjects or to withdraw affiliation or recognition, if necessary;
(6) to prescribe for colleges, other than Government Colleges,
(a) the constitution, powers and functions of their Government Bodies, and
33. Sub-clause (b) subs. by W.B. Act 8 of 1988, w.e.f. 9.8.1985. Original sub-clause (b) was as under: "(b) the terms and conditions of service of (i) Librarians, and (ii) non-teaching staff.". (b) with the approval of the State Government,
(i) the terms and conditions of service of Teachers, Librarians and non-teaching staff, and
(ii) rules for provident fund;
(7) to prescribe for colleges the rules for Teachers' Councils 44. Words "and Provident Funds" om. by W.B. Act 8 of 1988, w.e.f. 9. 8. 1985. ****;
(8) to provide for the inspection, or investigation into the affairs, of colleges or institutions or centres recognized by it or affiliated to it and to exercise general supervision and control over them;
(9) to take over for a period not exceeding twelve months the management of any affiliated college, institution or centre, other than a Government College, institution or centre, in ordre to ensure that proper standard of teaching, training or instruction is maintained therein:
Provided that the University may, if it considers necessary so to do, extend such period so, however, that the aggregate period shall not exceed eighteen months;
(10) to dissolve the Governing Body of any affiliated college or institution or centre, other than a Government College, and, pending reconstitution of the Government Body thereof in such manner as may be prescribed, to appoint an Administrator or an ad hoc Governing Body:
Provided that the reconstitution of the Governing Body shall be made within a period of twelve months from the date of its dissolution:
Provided further that the University may, if it considers necessary so to do, extend such period so, however, that the aggregate period shall not exceed eighteen months;
(11) to institute and make appointment to Professorship, Readership, Lectureship and other posts required by the University for the purpose of imparting instruction or conducting research in the University;
(12) to create posts, as and when required, of officers and employees of the University besides those provided for in this Act;
(13) to prescribe, subject to the provisions of this Act, the constitution, powers and duties of the Boards of Studies, the Finance Committee, and other bodies;
(14) to prescribe the powers and duties of officers of the University;
(15) to prescribe, subject to the provisions of this Act, the terms and conditions of service, including the rules of conduct and discipline, and the emoluments for all posts of Teachers and other employees of the University;
(16) to make provisions for provident fund and other funds for the Teachers, officers and other employees of the University;
(17) to institute degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions;
(18) to hold examinations and to confer degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions on persons who
(a) shall have pursued an approved course of study in the University or in an affiliated college unless exempted thereform in the manner prescribed, and shall have passed the prescribed examinations of the University, or
(b) shall have carried on research under conditions prescribed;
(19) to withdraw or to cancel degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates or other academic distinctions under such conditions as may be prescribed by Statutes and after giving the person affected a reasonable opportunity to present his case;
(20) to confer honorary degrees or other academic distinctions under conditions prescribed;
(21) to prescribe, demand and receive fees, fines and other charges for examinations and other purposes;
(22) to establish, maintain, manage or recognize Halls, Hostels and other places of residence for the students, Teachers, officers or non-teaching staff of the University, to withdraw such recognition, and to take over the management and maintenance of the existing Halls, Hostels or places of residence, recognized by the University, with the consent of the authorities thereof;
(23) to provide for the promotion of the health and welfare of students and of discipline among them;
(24) to make grants to the National Cadet Corps and the National Service Scheme from the University Fund;
(25) to enter into an agreement with the State Government or with the approval of the State Government with any other Government or with any person, body or authority for the taking over by the University of the management of any college or institution, including its assets and liabilities, or for any other purpose not repugnant to the provisions of this Act;
(26) to acquire, hold and dispose of property, movable and immovable, and to make grants and advances for furthering any of its objects;
(27) to accept and administer gifts, endowments and benefactions, for the furtherance of any of its objects for the University or on behalf of any college or institution established by, affiliated to, or recognized by, the University;
(28) to institute awards, fellowships, travelling fellowships, scholarships, studentships, stipends, bursaries, exhibitions, medals and prizes;
(29) to accept grants from the Central or any State Government or the University Grants Commission, and, with the approval of the State Government, also from other sources, to raise loans, or to accept loans from the Central or the State Government or the University Grants Commission and from other sources:
Provided that raising of loans and acceptance of loans from other sources shall require the approval of the State Government;
(30) to co-operate with other universities, institutions and educational authorities in matters that relate to and further the educational objectives of the University;
(31) generally to do all such acts and things as may be necessary or desirable for, or incidental to, the advancement of the objects or purposes of the University.
Section 5 Jurisdiction of the University
55. Sub-sec. (1) subs. by W.B. Act 9 of 1998, which was earlier as under: "(l)Save as otherwise provided in this Act. the powers of the University conferred by or under this Act shall not extend beyond the local limits of the police-stations specified below, that is to say, Police-stations of Kalyani, Chakda and Haringhata in the district of Nadia and police-station of Bijpur in the district of 24-Parganas. Explanation. For the purpose of this sub-section, "the local limits of a police-station" shall mean the local limits thereof in accordance with a notification or notifications issued under clause (s) of sub-section (1) of section 4 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, and in force on the date of commencement of this Act.",. (1) Save as otherwise provided in this Act, the powers of the University conferred by or under this Act shall not extend beyond the limits of the districts and the local limits of the police station of Bijpur in the district of North 24-Parganas.
Explanation. For the purpose of this sub-section, "local limits of the police station of Bijpur" shall mean the local limits of the police station of Bijpur as declared generally or specifically by the State Government under clause (s) of section 2 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973, and in force on the date of commencement of this Act.
(2) No other University shall have jurisdiction to recognize or grant affiliation to any college or institution or centre withion the aforesaid limit.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1), any college, institution or centre situated beyond the limits of 66. Words subs. for the words "any police-station" by W.B. Act 9 of 1998. [the police station] referred to therein may, with the sanction of the State Govennment, apply to the University for affiliation and the University may, subject to such conditions and restrictions as it may with the approval of the State Government think fit to impose, affiliate to itself such college, institution or centre and admit the same to all the privileges of the University.
77. Sub-sec. (4) ins, by W.B. Act 9 of 1998. (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, with effect from such date as the State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint in this behelf (hereinafter referred to in this section as the said date),
(a) such colleges existing on the said date within the limits of the districts as may be specified in the notification, shall
(i) be deemed to be affiliated to the University and shall continue to be so affiliated until the University otherwise directs; and
(ii) cease to be affiliated to the University of Calcutta or any other University to which they may have been affiliated before the said date;
(b) any Teacher, Principal or member of the Governing Body of any such college holding, by virtue of his being such Teacher, Principal or member, any office in or under the University of Calcutta or any of the authorities of the said University, shall cease to hold such office, and the vacancy so caused shall be deemed to be a casual vacancy for the purposes of the Calcutta University Act, 1979;
(c) no college or institution situated within the local limits of the jurisdiction of the University, but not admitted to its privileges, shall be associated with, or be admitted to, the privileges of any other university except with the previous approval of the State Government.
Section 6 Delegation of powers
The University may delegate such of its powers as it may deem expedient to any of its authorities referred to in section 16 or to any of its officers, and may, at any time, withdraw at its discretion any power so delegated.
Section 7 Officers of the University
The following shall be the officers of the University:
(1) The Vice-Chancellor;
(2) the Registrar;
(3) the Finance Officer;
88. Clause (4) subs. by W.B. Act 9 of 1998. which was earlier as under: "(4) persons holding such other posts as may be declared by Statutes to be posts of officers of the University.". (4) persons holding such other posts as may be approved by the State Government and declared by statutes to be posts of officers of the University.
Section 8 The Chancellor
(1) The Governor shall, by virtue of his office, be the Chancellor of the University. He shall be the head of the University and the President of the Court and shall, when present, preside at the meetings of the Court.
(2) The Chancellor shall exercise such powers as may be conferred on him by or under the provisions of this Act.
(3) Where power is conferred upon the Chancellor to make nominations to any authority or body of the University, the Chancellor shall, to the extent necessary, nominate persons to represent interests not otherwise adequately represented.
(4) Every proposal to confer any honorary degree shall be subject to confirmation by the Chancellor.
Section 9 The Vice-Chancellor
(1) The Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Chancellor on the unanimous recommendation of the Court. If the Court fails to make any such recommendation, the Vice-Chancellor shall
(a) The Vice-Chancellor shall hold office for a term of four years or till he attains the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier, and shall be eligible for re-appointment for another term of four years or till he attains the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier.
(b) The Chancellor may, notwithstanding the expiration of the term of the office of the Vice-Chancellor or his attaining the age of 65 years, allow him to continue in office till a successor assumes office, provided that he shall not continue as such for any period exceeding six months.
(3) The Vice-Chancellor shall be a whole-time officer of the University and shall be paid from the University Fund such salary and allowances as the Chancellor may decide in consultation with the State Government.
(4) The Vice-Chancellor may resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to the Chancellor.
(a) If the Vice-Chancellor is, by reason of leave, illness or other cause, temporarily unable to exercise the powers and perform the duties of his office, then, during the period of such temporary inability the Chancellor in consultation with the Minister may appoint any person to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Vice-Chancellor.
(b) When a vacancy occurs in the office of th Vice-Chancellor by reason of death, resignation or expiry of the term of his office or otherwise, then, pending the appointment of a Vice-Chancellor, the Chancellor in consultation with the Minister may appoint any person to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Vice-Chancellor for any period not exceeding six months.
(6) The vacancy in the office of the Vice-Chancellor occurring by reason of death, resignation or expiry of the term of his office or otherwise shall be filled up by appointment of a Vice-Chancellor in accordance with the provisions of sub-section (1) within a period of six months from the date of occurrence of the vacancy and such period shall be held to include any period for which a Vice-Chancellor is allowed to continue in office under clause (b) of sub-section (2) or a person is appointed to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Vice-Chancellor under clause (b) of sub-section (5).
Section 10 Powers and duties of the Vice-Chancellor
(1) The Vice-Chancellor shall be the principal executive and academic officer of the University and shall, in the absence of the Chancellor, preside at the meeting of the Court. He shall, by virtue of his office, be a member and the Chairman of the Executive Council 99. Words subs. for the words "and the Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [, the Faculty Councils for post-graduate studies and the Councils for undergraduate studies] and also the Chairman of any othe authority or body of the University of which he may be a member. He shall also be entitled to be present at and to address any meeting of any other
(2) The Vice-Chancellor shall have the power to convene meetings of the Court, the Executive Council, 1010. Words subs. for the words "the Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [the Faculty Councils for post-graduate studies, the Councils for undergraduate studies] and of any other authority or body of the University.
(3) It shall be the duty of the Vice-Chancellor to ensure that the provisions of this Act, and the Statutes, the Ordinances, the Regulations and the Rules, are faithfully observed, and to take such action as may be necessary for this purpose.
(4) The Vice-Chancellor shall have the power to exercise general control and supervision over all other officers of the University and over all Teachers and other employees of the University and generally over all the affairs of the University.
(5) The Vice-Chancellor shall exercise such other powers and discharge such other duties as may be delegated to him by any authority or body of the University or as may be prescribed by Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations or Rules.
(6) The Vice-Chancellor may take on behalf of the University such action as he may deem expedient in any matter which, in his opinion, is either urgent or of an emergent nature and shall report the same for confirmation at the next meeting of the authority or body which, in the ordinary course, would have dealt with the matter:
Provided that if the action taken by the Vice-Chancellor is not approved by the authority or body concerned, the matter shall immediately be referred to the Chancellor whose decision thereon shall be final.
(7) The Vice-Chancellor may, with the approval of the Executive Council, at any time delegate any of his powers other than the powers referred to in sub-section (6) to any other officer subordinate to him.
Section 11 The Registrar
(1) The Registrar shall be a whole-time officer of the University. He shall be appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of a Committee consisting of the Vice-Chancellor as Chairman, two nominees of the Executive Council, a nominee of the Chancellor and a nominee of the State Government for such period and on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by Statutes.
(2) The Registrar may resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to the Vice-Chancellor.
(3) If the Registrar is for any reason temporarily unable to exercise the powers or perform the duties of his office, the Vice-Chancellor may, with the approval of the Executive Council, appoint a Teacher of the University or an officer of the University, temporarily for a total period not exceeding six months, to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Registrar.
Section 12 Powers and duties of the Registrar
Subject to the supervision,direction and general control of the Vice-Chancellor, the Registrar shall act as the Secretary of the Court as also of the Executive Council and shall exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be prescribed, or delegated to him by or under this Act and the Statutes, the Ordinances or the Regulations, as the case may be.
Section 13 The Finance Officer
(1) The Finance Officer shall be a whole-time officer of the University and shall be appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of a Committee consisting of the Vice-Chancellor as Chairman, two nominees of the Executive Council, a nominee of the Chancellor and a nominee of the State Government, for such period and on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by Statutes.
(2) The Finance Officer may resign his office by writing under his hand addressed to the Vice-Chancellor.
(3) If the Finance Officer is for any reason temporarily unable to exercise the powers or perform the duties of his office, the Vice-Chancellor may, with the approval of the Executive Council, appoint a person temporarily for a total period not exceeding six months, to exercise the powers and perform the duties of the Finance Officer.
Section 14 Powers and duties of the Finance Officer
(1) Subject to the supervision, direction and general control of the Vice-Chancellor, the Finance Officer shall be in charge of the administration of the funds, the finances and the properties and assets of the University and of all trusts and endowments; and he shall take special interest in activities that aim at raising funds for the purposes of the University and augmenting the resources of the University.
(2) The Finance Officer shall exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be prescribed, or delegated to him by or under this Act and the Statutes, the Ordinances or the Regulations, as the case may be.
Section 15 Supervisory powers of the Registrar and the Finance Officer
In their respective spheres of duties, the Registrar and the Finance Officer shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, have the power of supervision and control over all officers and employees serving in departments under their charge and shall exercise such disciplinary power as may be conferred on them by or under this Act and the Statutes, the Ordinances or the Regulations, as the case may be.
CHAPTER 3 Authorities of the University
Section 16 Authorities
The following shall be the authorities of the University:
(1) the Court;
(2) the Executive Council;
(3) the Faculty Councils for post-graduate studies;
(3A) the Councils for undergraduate studies;
(4) the Boards of Studies;
(5) the Finance Committee;
(6) such other authorities as may be established under the Statutes.
Section 17 The Court
The Court shall consist of the following members:
(1) ex officio members
(i) the Chancellor;
(ii) the Vice-Chancellor;
(iii) the immediately preceding Vice-Chancellor;
(iv) the Deans of the 1212. Words subs. for the words "Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [Faculty Councils for post-graduate studies;]
1313. Clause (v) subs. by W.B. Act 9 of 1998, which was earlier as under: "(v) the Secretary, Education Department, Government of West Bengal or his nominee not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government of West Bengal;". (v) the Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal, or his nominee not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government of West Bengal;
(vi) the Secretary, Finance Department, Government of West Bengal or his nominee not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government of West Bengal;
(vii) the President, West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education;
(viii) the President, West Bengal Board of Secondary Education;
(ix) the Chairman of the Kalyani 1414. Word subs. for the words "Notified Area Authority;" by W.B. Act 12 of 1995. [Municipality;]
1515. Clause (x) subs. by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. Previous clause (x) was as under: "(x) four Professors of the University Departments, of whom at least one shall belong to any Department under each Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies, elected by such Professors: Provided that if there is no Department under any Faculty Council for postgraduate and undergraduate studies, the election of a Professor of a Department under such Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies shall be held after the establishment of such Department, and there shall be deemed to be a vacancy in the office of member to be filled up by such Professor until such election takes place.". (x) six Professors of the University Departments, one each belonging to any Department under each Faculty Council for post-graduate studies, elected jointly by the Professors of the University:
Provided that if there is no Department under the Faculty Council for post-graduate studies concerned, the election of a Professor of a Department under such Faculty Council for post-graduate studies shall be held after the establishment of such Department or Departments, and there shall be deemed to be a vacancy in the office of. the member to be filled up by such Professor until such election takes place;
(xi) twelve Teachers of the University Departments other than Pro- fessors, elected by such Teachers of the University from amongst themselves, of whom
(a) four shall be from the Departments under the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Arts and Commerce including one from the Commerce Department,
(b) four shall be from the Departments under the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Science,
(c) one shall be from the Departments under the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Education,
(d) one shall be from the Departments under the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Engineering, Technology and Management,
(e) one shall be from the Departments under the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Law, and
(f) one shall be from the Departments under the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Music and Fine Arts:
Provided that if there is no Department under the Faculty Council for post-graduate studies concerned, the election of a Teacher of a Department under such Faculty Council for postgraduate studies shall be held after the establishment of such
1717. Clause (xii) subs, by W.B. Act 12 of 1995, which was earlier as under: "(xii) three Teachers, other than Principals, of whom not more than one shall belong to any college, elected by the Teachers of affiliated colleges from amongst themselves;". (xii) 1818. Word subs. for the word "five" by W.B. Act 9 of 1998. [seven] Teachers, not being Principals, of whom not more than one shall belong to any affiliated college, elected by the Teachers of affiliated colleges from amongst themselves;
1919. Clause (xiii) first subs. by W.B. Act 12 of 1995, then again subs. by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. Previous clause (xiii) was as under: "(xiii) four Principlas of affiliated colleges, of whom one shall belong to a college under the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education and one shall belong to a college under the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Engineering and Technology, elected by the Principals of affiliated colleges from amongst themselves.". (xiii) four Principals of affiliated colleges, of whom one shall belong to a Teachers' training college and one shall belong to a college teaching in engineering and technology, elected by the Principals of the affiliated colleges;
(xiv) two persons elected by registered graduates from amongst themselves;
(xv) 2020. Words subs. for the words "one member" by W.B. Act 9 of 1998. [two members] of the West Bengal Legislative Assembly representing the territorial jurisdiction of the University elected by the members of the West Bengal Legislative Assembly;
(xvi) four regular post-graduate students of the University, of whom not more than one shall belong to any Faculty Council for post-graduate studies, elected jointly by such students from amongst themselves. Explanation. Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Act, a member elected under this clause shall hold office for a period of two years from the date of his election or till he ceases to be a regular student, whichever is earlier;
(xvii) 2222. Words subs. for the words "one regular student prosecuting his studies" by W.B. Act 12 of 1995. [two regular students, not belonging to the same college, prosecuting studies] in undergraduate or post-graduate degree classes of affiliated colleges elected by an electoral college constituted in the manner prescribed.
Explanation. Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Act, a member elected under this clause shall hold office for a period of three years from the date of his election or till he ceases to be a regular student, whichever is earlier;
(xuiii) one Research Scholar or Research Fellow elected jointly by Research Scholars and Research Fellows.
Explanation I. "Research Scholar" or "Research Fellow" shall mean a whole-time Research Scholar or Research Fellow of the University who receives a stipend for the University.
Explanation II. Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Act, a Research Scholar or a Research Fellow elected under this clause shall cease to hold office on the expiration of the term of Research Scholarship or Research Fellowship, as the case may be;
(xix) three members elected by the members of the non-teaching staff of the University from amongst themselves;
(xx) one member elected by the officers of the University from amongst themselves;
2323. Clause (xxa) ins. by W.B. Act 9 of 1998. (xxa). one member elected by the Librarians of the University and of the colleges affiliated to the University from amongst themselves;
(xxi) 2424. Words subs. for words "one member" by W.B. Act 9 of 1998. [three members] elected by the members of the non-teaching staff of the colleges affiliated to the University from amongst themselves;
(xxii) four persons to be nominated by the State Government of whom
(a) one shall be a member of a registered trade union within the territorial jurisdiction of the University,
(b) one shall be member of a peasants' association within the territorial jurisdiction of the University,
(c) one shall be a member of a primary school teachers' association within the territorial jurisdiction of the University, and
(d) one shall be a member of a secondary school teachers' association within the territorial jurisdiction of the University;
(xxiii) two persons having special interest in the University education nominated by the Chancellor.
Section 18 Powers and functions of the Court
(1) Subject to such conditions as may be provided by or under the provisions of this Act, the Court shall exercise the following powers and perform the following functions:
2525. Clause (i) first W. B. Act 12 of 1995, then again subs. by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. Previous clause (i) was as under: "(i) to initiate proposals for the establishment of Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies and to establish University Departments, institutions, centres, libraries, laboratories, workshops and museums for study and research;". (i) to initiate proposals for the establishment of any Faculty Council for post-graduate studies or any Council for undergraduate studies and to establish University Departments, institutions, centres, libraries, loboratories, workshops and museums for study and research;
(ii) to create and institute, with the approval of the State Government, Professorships, Readerships, Lectureships, and such posts including posts of officers as may be necessary for the establishment of the University Departments, institutions, centres, libraries, laboratories 2626. Word ins. by W.B. Act 12 of 1995. [, workshops] and museums referred to in clause (i);
(iii) to institute degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions;
(iv) to institute fellowships, travelling fellowships, scholarships, studentships, stipends, bursaries, exhibitions, medals and prizes to be awarded out of the University Fund;
(v) to confer degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions on persons who
(a) have pursued prescribed courses of studies or have been exempted therefrom in the manner prescribed, and have passed such examinations as may be prescribed; or
(b) have carried on research in accordance with such conditions as may be prescribed;
(vi) to withdraw or to cancel degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates or other academic distinctions under such conditions as may be prescribed by Statutes and after giving the person affected a reasonable opportunity to present his case;
(vii) to confer honorary degrees or other academic distinctions;
(viii) to consider the Annual Statement of Accounts, the Audit Report in respect of the Annual Statement of Accounts, the Internal Audit Report and the Annual Budget approved by the Executive Council and to pass such resolutions relating thereto as may be considered necessary:
Provided that for the purpose of passing a resolution adopting, modifying or rejecting the Annual Budget, it shall be necessary for a majority of the total membership of the Court to vote in favour of the resolution;
(ix) to consider the Annual Report as prepared by the Executive Council and to pass such resolutions relating thereto as may be considered necessary;
(x) to consider, and advise on, such other reports from the Executive Council or any other body as may be made to it;
(xi) to consider, and advise on, proposals from the Executive Council for entering into agreement with the Government or, with the approval of the State Government, with any person, body or authority for the taking over by the University of the management of any college or institution, including its assests and liabilities, or for any other purpose not repugnant to the provisions of this Act;
(xii) to consider, and advise on, proposals from the Executive Council for co-operation with other universities, institutions and educational authorities in matters that relate to or further the educational objectives of the University;
(xiii) to consider and suggest measures for the improvement of the administration and finances of the University, and generally for the furtherance of its objectives;
(xiv) to make rules for the transaction of its own business;
(xv) to exercise all other powers and perform all other functions conferred and imposed on the Court by or under this Act.
(2) The Court shall not exercise the powers and perform the functions referred to in clauses (i) to (vii) of sub-section (1) except on the recommendation of the Executive Council, but may send proposals in respect thereof to the Executive Council for its recommendation.
(3) The Court shall have the power to review the action of the Executive Council, save where the Executive Council has acted in accordance with the powers conferred on it by or under this Act:
Provided that if any question arises as to whether the Executive Council has acted in accordance with the powers conferred on it by or under this Act, the matter shall be decided by reference to the Chancellor whose decision shall be final.
Section 19 Meetings of the Court
(1) The Court shall meet at least thrice in a financial year, other than for convocation, on dates to be fixed by the Vice-Chancellor. One of such meetings shall be held before March and shall be called the Annual Meeting. The Court may also meet at such other times as it may, from time to time, decide.
(2) One-third of the total number of members of the Court plus one shall be a quorum for a meeting of the Court:
Provided that such quorum shall not be required at a convocation.
(3) The Vice-Chancellor may, whenever he thinks fit, and shall, upon a requisition in writing signed by not less than one-third of the total number of members of the Court, convene a meeting of the Court. A meeting on such requisition shall be held within fifteen days of the receipt of the requisition by the Vice-Chancellor.
Section 20 The Executive Council
(1) The Executive Council shall consist of the following members:
(a) ex officio members
(i) the Vice-Chancellor;
(ii) the Deans of the 2727. Words subs. for the words "Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies;" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [Faculty Councils for post-graduate studies;]
2828. Clause (iii) subs. by W.B. Act 9 of 1998. Previous clause (iii) was as under: "(iii) the Secretary, Education Department, Government of West Bengal or his nominee not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government of West Bengal;". (iii) the Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Government of West Bengal, or his nominee not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government of West Bengal;
(iv) the Secretary, Finance Department, Government of West Bengal or his nominee not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government of West Bengal;
(v) the President, West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education;
(b) other members
2929. Clause (vi) subs. by W.B. Act 17 of 1999, which was earlier as under: "(vi) four Professors of the University not belonging to the same Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies elected jointly by the Professors of the University: Provided that if there is no Professor of the University belonging to any Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies, the election of a Professor of the University belonging to such Faculty Council for postgraduate and undergraduate studies shall be held after the appointment of such Professor, and there shall be deemed to be a vacancy in the office of member to be filled up by such Professor until such election takes place:". Professor of a Department under such Faculty Council for postgraduate studies shall be held after the establishment of such Department or Departments, and there shall be deemed to be a vacancy in the office of the member to be filled up by such Professor until such election takes place; (vi) six Professors of the University not belonging to the same Faculty Council for post-graduate studies elected jointly by the Professors of the University:
Provided that if there is no Department under the Faculty Council for post-graduate studies concerned, the election of a
(vii) 3030. Words subs. for the words "five post-graduate Teachers" by W.B. Act 12 of 1995. [six Teachers of the University] other than Professors of whom at least one shall be from each of the 3131. Words subs. in two places, for the words "Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [Faculty Councils for post-graduate studies] elected jointly by such Teachers of the University as are members of the 3131. Words subs. in two places, for the words "Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [Faculty Councils for postgraduate studies] from amongst themselves:
3232. Proviso first ins. by W.B. Act 12 of 1995, then subs. by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. Previous proviso was as under: "Provided that if there is no Teacher of the University, other than a Professor, belonging to any Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies, the election of a Teacher of the University, other than a Professor, belonging to such Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies shall be held after the appointment of such Teacher of the University, other than a Professor, and there shall be deemed to be a vacancy in the office of member to be filled up by such Teacher until such election takes place;". Provided that if there is no Department under Faculty Council for post-graduate studies concerned, the election of a Teacher of a Department under such Faculty Council for post-graduate studies shall be held after the establishment of such Department or Departments, and there shall be deemed to be a vacancy in the office of the member to be filled up by such Teacher until such election takes place;
3333. Clause (viii) subs, by W.B. Act 12 of 1995, which was earlier as under: "(viii) one post-graduate Teacher elected by such Teachers of the University as are members of the Court from amongst themselves;". (viii) two Teachers of the University, other than Professors, not belonging to the same 3434. Words subs. for the words "Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [Faculty Council for post-graduate studies] elected by such Teachers as are members of the Court from amongst themselves;
(ix) one person, other than a Teacher or a student or a member of the non-teaching staff or an officer, elected by the members of the Court from amongst themselves;
(x) the member elected under clause (xv) of sub-section (1) of section 17;
(xi) the member elected under clause (xx) of sub-section (1) of section 17;
(xii) one non-teaching staff of the University elected jointly by such non-teaching staff of the University and the affiliated colleges as are members of the Court from amongst themselves;
(xiii) 3535. Sub-clause (a) first subs. by W.B. Act 12 of 1995, then again subs. by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. Previous sub-clause (a) was as under: "(a)(i) two Teachers, other than Principals, of affiliated colleges, elected by such Teachers, other than Principals, of affiliated colleges as are members of the Court from amongst themselves, and (ii) one Principal of an affiliated college elected by such Principals of affiliated colleges as are members of the Court from amongst themselves;". (a)
(i) two Teachers, other than Principals, of affiliated colleges, elected by such Teachers, other than Principals, of affiliated colleges as are members of the Court from amongst themselves,
(ii) two Principals of affiliated colleges elected by such Principals of affiliated colleges as are members of the Court from amongst themselves, and
(iii) five Teachers, other than Principals, of whom
(A) four shall be the members of the Council for Undergraduate Studies in Arts, Science, Commerce, Education, Law, Music and Fine Arts, and
(B) one shall be the member of the Council for Undergraduate Studies in Enginering and Technology, elected by such Teachers as are members of the Councils for undergraduate studies:
Provided that if there is no Teacher who is a member of the Council for undergraduate studies concerned, the election of a Teacher shall be held after the office of the member of such Council for undergraduate studies is filled up, and there shall be deemed to be a vacancy in the office of the member of the Executive Council to be filled up by such Teacher until such election takes place;
(b) one post-graduate student elected by such students as are members of the Court from amongst themselves; (xiv) one person nominated by the Chancellor.
(2) All elections to the Executive Council shall be held in the manner prescribed by Statutes.
(3) One-third of the total number of members of the Executive Council plus one shall be a quorum for a meeting of the Executive Council,
Section 21 Powers and functions of the Executive Council
Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Executive Council shall exercise the following powers and perform the following functions:
(i) to initiate proposal for the making of Statutes and Ordinances including proposals for amendment or repeal thereof, in the manner hereinafter provided;
3636. Clause (ii) subs. by W.B. Act 17 of 1999, which was earlier as under: "(ii) to recommend to the Court the initiation of action for the establishment of the Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies and, after consulting the respective Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies, the establishment of University Departments, institutions, centres, libraries, laboratories, workshops and museums for study and research;". (ii) to recommend to the Court the initiation of action for the establishment of a Faculty Council for post-graduate studies or Council for undergraduate studies and, after consulting the respective Faculty Council for post-graduate studies, the establishment of University Departments, institutions, centres, libraries, laboratories and museums for study and research;
(iii) to maintain University Departments, University institutions, University libraries, University laboratories and University museums;
(iv) to establish, maintain, manage and recognize Halls and Hostels;
(v) to direct the inspection of University libraries, University laboratories, 3737. Words ins. by W.B. Act 12 of 1995. [University workshops,] University museums, Halls and Hostels;
3838. Clause (va) ins. by W.B. Act 9 of 1998. (va) to approve the results of examinations on the recommendation of the Faculty Councils* for post-graduate studies and the Councils for undergraduate studies, as the case may be:
(vi) to recommend to the Court, after consulting the respective 3939. Words subs. for the words "Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [Faculty Council for post-graduate studies,] the institution of fellowships, travelling fellowships, scholarships, studentships, stipends, bursaries, exhibitions, medals and prizes, the expenses of which shall be met from the University Fund, and to award the same after institution thereof by the University;
(vii) to recommend to the Court after consulting the respective 3939. Words subs. for the words "Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [Faculty Council for post-graduate studies,] the creation and institution of Professorships, Readerships, Lectureships and such posts as may be necessary for the establishment of the University Departments, institutions, centres, libraries, laboratories 4040. Word ins. by W.B. Act 12 of 1995. [, workshops] and museums referred to in clause (i) of sub-section (1) of section 18;
(viii) to create, with the approval of the State Government, posts of officers, Teachers and other employees of the University or to recommend to the Court for creation of posts of officers and Teachers of the University;
(ix) to prescribe 4141. Words ins. by W.B. Act 9 of 1998. [, with the approval of the State Government,] the minimum qualifications for posts of officers, Teachers and other employees of the University;
(x) to appoint Teachers, officers and other employees of the University and to fix their emoluments and define their duties and other terms and conditions of service in accordance with the Statutes and the Ordinances and to suspend, discharge or otherwise punish in accordance with the Statutes and the Ordinances such Teachers, officers and other employees;
(xi) to pass appropriate order on the basis of the recommendation of the respective 4242. Words subs. for the words "Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [Council for undergraduate studies] regarding affiliation of a college or an institution in one or more subjects or withdrawal of affiliation or recognition of a college or an institution or temporary take over of the management of an affiliated or a recognised college or institution;
(xii) to make draft of Statutes, on the recommendation of the respective 4242. Words subs. for the words "Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [Council for undergraduate studies], for colleges, other than Government Colleges, prescribing the constitution, powers and functions of their Governing Bodies;
(xiii) to determine, with the approval of the State Government, the terms and conditions of service of 4343. Word ins. by W.B. Act 8 of 1988 w.e.f. 9.8.85. [Teachers,] Librarians and non-teaching staff of all colleges other than Government Colleges;
(xiv) to make rules for Teachers' Council for colleges and, with the approval of the State Government, rules for provident fund for colleges other than Government Colleges;
(xv) to prescribe and collect fees or charges for the registration of students and their admission to courses of studies organised by the University, for holding examinations, for the grant of degrees, diplomas and certificates, and for other like purposes;
(xvi) to recommend to the Court after consulting the respective 4545. Words subs. for the words "Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies;" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [Faculty Council for post-graduate studies or the Council for undergraduate studies, as the case may be,] the institution of degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions;
(xvii) to recommend to the Court, on the advice of the appropriate body, the conferment of degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions on persons who have pursued prescribed courses of studies or have been exempted therefrom in the prescribed manner, and have passed such examinations or have carried on research under such conditions, as may be prescribed;
(xviii) to approve the constitution or reconstitution of the respective department of teaching in the University on the recommendation of the respective 4646. Words subs. for the words "Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies;" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [Faculty Council for post-graduate studies;]
(xix) to recommend to the Court the conferment of honorary degrees and other academic distinctions;
(xx) to make regulations regarding the courses of studies and the division of subjects after obtaining and considering the recommendation of the 4747. Words subs. for the words "Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies;" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [Faculty Council for post-graduate studies or the Council for undergraduate studies, as the case may be,] in this regard;
(xxi) to make regulations regarding the examinations which shall be recognized as the equivalent examinations held by the University;
(xxii) to make regulation regarding all other matters which may be or are required to be prescribed or provided for by regulations;
(xxiii) to make regulations regarding the conduct of examinations held by the University and the condition under which students may be admitted to the different course of studies of and the examinations held by the University;
(xxiv) to provide for co-operation and reciprocity among colleges, institutions and laboratories and the University so as to foster the development of academic life and to ensure the fullest utilisation of the teaching resources available on the recommendation of the respective 4747. Words subs. for the words "Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies;" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [Faculty Council for postgraduate studies or the Council for undergraduate studies, as the case may be;]
(xxv) to give directions regarding the form, custody and use of the common seal of the University;
(xxvi) to acquire, hold and dispose of property, movable and immovable, and to administer all assets, properties and funds of the University, and to undertake all measures necessary or desirable for the conservation or augmentation of the resources of the University:
Provided that for the purpose of disposing of any property valued at not less than one lakh of rupees, previous approval of the Court shall be necessary;
(xxvii) to accept and administer gifts, endowments and benefactions for the furtherance of the purposes of this Act;
(xxviii) to accept grants and, with the approval of the State Government, to raise or accept loans on behalf of the University and to make
(xxix) to enter into an agreement with the State Government or with the approval of the State Government with any other Government or with any person, body or authority for the taking over by the University of the management of any college, institution or centre including its assets and liabilities, or for any other purpose not repugnant to the provisions of this Act on the recommendation of the Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies concerned;
(xxx) to manage the Press Establishment, the Publication Bureau and the Employment Bureau of the University, if any, and to exercise general supervision over Students' Unions, University Extension Boards, University Sports Board and other bodies instituted by the University;
(xxxi) to approve the Annual Statement of Accounts, the Audit Report in respect of the Annual Statement of Accounts, the Internal Audit Report and the Annual Budget of the University and to submit the same to the Court for consideration;
(xxxii) to prepare the annual report and submit the same to the Court for consideration;
(xxxiii) to make due provision for the health, welfare, residence and discipline of students and their relationship with the University and to provide for such other training of students as may be considered desirable;
(xxxiv) to co-operate with other universities, institutions, associations, societies or bodies on such terms and for such purposes, not inconsistent with the purposes of this Act, as it may determine;
(xxxv) to make rules for the transaction of its own business;
(xxxvi) to exercise all other powers and perform all other functions conferred and imposed on the Executive Council by or under this Act;
(xxxvii) to exercise general supervision over 4848. Words subs. for the words "the Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [the Faculty Council for post-graduate studies and the Council for undergraduate studies] and give such directions to these Councils for the due discharge of their respective duties as it may consider necessary.
Section 22 The Faculty Councils for post-graduate studies
4949. Sec. 22. first subs. by W.B. Act 9 of 1998, then again subs. by W.B. Act 17 of 1999, (a) original sec. 22 containing amendments by W.B. Act 12 of 1995 was as under: "22. The Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies. (1) There shall be the following Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies: (a) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Arts and Commerce; (b) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Science; (c) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education; (d) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Engineering and Technology. (2) The Faculty Council for Post-Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Arts and Commerce and the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Science shall each consist of the following members: (i) the Vice-Chancellor Chairman; (ii) the Head or Heads of the Department or Departments concerned; (iii) the Professors of the Departments concerned; (iv) one Teacher of the University other than Professor from each Department of the Faculty Council concerned elected by such Teachers jointly from amongst themselves; (v) the Principals of affiliated colleges concerned; (vi) two Teachers participating in undergraduate teaching in the affiliated colleges in the subject concerned elected by such Teachers from amongst themselves; (vii) three persons having special knowledge in the subject or subjects concerned nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. (3) The Faculty Council for Post-Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education shall consist of the following members: (i) the Vice-Chancellor Chairman; (ii) the Heads of the Department concerned; (iii) the Professor or Professors of the Department or Departments concerned; (iv) the Principals of affiliated colleges concerned; (v) one Teacher of the University other than Professor from each Department of the Faculty Council elected jointly by such Teachers; (vi) one Teacher from affiliated colleges participating in teaching in the subject concerned elected by teachers of such colleges from amongst themsevles; (vii) three persons having special knowledge in the subject concerned nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. (3A) The Faculty Council for Post-Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Engineering and Technology shall consist of the following members: (i) the Vice-Chancellor Chairman; (ii) the Heads of the Department concerned; (iii) the Professor or Professors of the Department or Departments concerned; (iv) the Principals of affiliated colleges concerned; (v) one Teacher of the University other than Professor from each Department of the Faculty Council elected jointly by such Teachers; (vi) three Teachers from affiliated colleges participating in teaching in the subject concerned elected by Teachers of such colleges from amongst themselves; (vii) three persons having special knowledge in the subject concerned nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. (4) Each Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies shall have a Secretary to be appointed by the Executive Council. (5) One-third of the total number of members or a Faculty Council for postgraduate and undergraduate studies plus one shall be a quorum for a
meeting of the Faculty Council. (b) Previous sec. 22 as subs. by W.B. Act 9 of 1998 was as under: "22. The Faculty Councils for post-graduate studies. (1) There shall be the following Faculty Councils for post-graduate studies: (a) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Arts, Commerce and Education; (b) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Science; (c) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduaate Studies in Engineering, Technology and Management. (2) Each Faculty Council for post-graduate studies shall consist of the following members: (i) the Vice-Chancellor Chairman; (ii) the Dean of the Faculty Council concerned; (iii) the Head or Heads of the Department or Departments concerned, if any; (iv) the Professor or Professors of the Department or Departments concerned. if any; (v) two Teachers (participating in post-graduate teaching in the subject or subjects concerned) for constituent colleges or professional colleges, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor; (vi) four Teachers of the University, other than Professors, at least one of whom shall be from any Department under the Faculty Council for postgraduate studies concerned, elected jointly by such Teachers; (vii) one person having special knowledge in the subject or subjects concerned, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor; (viii) three Teachers participating in undergraduate leaching in the subject or subjects concerned, elected by the members of the Councils for undergraduate studies for amongst themselves: Provided that in the case of the Faculty Council for post-graduate studies in (a) Engineering, Technology and Management, and (b) Arts, Commerce and Education, the Principal or Principals of the college or colleges in which instruction is provided for undergraduate courses of study in engineering, technology and education as well as for post-graduate courses of study in management, shall also be the members of the Faculty Council concerned. (3) Each Faculty Council for post-graduate studies shall have a Secretary to be appointed by the Executive Council. (4) One-third of the total number of members of a Faculty Council for postgraduate studies shall be a quorum for a meeting of the Faculty Council.".
(1) There shall be the following Faculty Councils for post-graduate studies:
(a) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Arts and Commerce;
(b) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Science;
(c) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Education;
(d) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Engineering, Technology and Management;
(e) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Law; and
(f) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Music and Fine Arts.
(2) Each Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies, other than
(a) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Education,
(b) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Engineering Technology and Management,
(c) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Law, and
(d) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Music and Fine Arts,shall consist of the following members:
(i) the Vice-Chancellor Chairman;
(ii) the Dean of the Faculty Council for post-graduate studies concerned;
(iii) the Head or Heads of the Department or Departments concerned, if any;
(iv) the Professor or Professors of the Department or Departments concerned, if any;
(v) one Teacher participating in the post-graduate teaching in the subject or subjects concerned, if any, from constituent colleges or professional colleges, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor;
49a49a. Sub-clause (vi) subs. by W.B. Act 12 of 2001, which was earlier as under: "(vi) one Teacher of the University, not being a Professor, from the Departments of the University under the Faculty Council for post-graduate studies concerned, elected jointly by such Teachers from amongst themselves;". (vi) five Teachers of the University, not being Professors, from the Departments of the University under the Faculty Council for postgraduate studies concerned, elected jointly by such Teachers from amongst themselves:
Provided that not more than one such Teacher shall be elected from any such Department;
(vii) one person having special knowledge in the subject or subjects concerned, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor;
(viii) three Teachers participating in undergraduate teaching in the subject or subjects concerned, elected by the members of the Council for undergraduate studies concerned.
(3) A Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in
(a) Education, or
(b) Engineering, Technology and Management, or
(c) Law, or
(d) the Faculty Council for Post-Graduate Studies in Music and Fine Arts, shall consist of the following members:
(i) the Vice-Chancellor Chairman;
(ii) the Dean of the Faculty Council for post-graduate studies concerned;
(iii) the Head or Heads of the Department or Departments concerned, if any;
(iv) the Professor or Professors of the Department or Departments concerned, if any:
Provided that if there is no Department under the Faculty Council for post-graduate studies concerned, the Professor or Professors of such Department or Departments of constituent colleges or professional colleges, as the case may be, shall be the member or members of the Faculty Council for post-graduate studies concerned, and shall cease to be such member or members on the establishment of any such Department or Departments of the University, and any vacancy caused by such cessation of membership shall be a casual vacancy;
(v) two Teachers, not being Professors, participating in post-graduate teaching in the subject or subjects concerned, if any, in constituent colleges or professional colleges, as the case may be, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor;
49b49b. Sub-clause (vi) subs. by W.B. Act 12 of 2001, which was earlier as under: "(vi) three Teachers of the University, not being Professors, from the Departments of the University under the Faculty Council for post-graduate studies concerned, elected jointly by such Teachers from amongst themselves: Provided that if there is no Department under the Faculty Council for post-graduate studies concerned, the election of a Teacher of a Department from the said Faculty Council for post-graduate studies shall be held afte the establishemnt of such Department, and there shall be deemed to be a vacancy in the office of the member to be filled up by such Teacher until such election takes place;". (vi) two Teachers of the University, not being Professors, from the Departments of the University under the Faculty Council for postgraduate studies concerned, elected jointly by such Teachers from amongst themselves:
Provided that not more than one such Teacher shall be elected from any such Department;
(vii) one person having special knowledge in the subject or subjects concerned, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor;
(viii) three Teachers participating in undergraduate teaching in the subject or subjects concerned, elected by the members of the Council for undergraduate studies concerned.
(4) Each Faculty Council for post-graduate studies shall have a Secretary to be appointed by the Executive Council.
(5) One-third of the total number of members of a Faculty Council for post-graduate studies shall be a quorum for a meeting of the Faculty Council.
Section 23 Powers and functions of the Faculty Councils for postgraduate studies
Subject to the provisions of this Act, and the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations, a Faculty Council for post-graduate studies shall exercise the following powers and perform the following duties:
(i) to make proposals to the Executive Council for the establishment of University Departments, institutions, centres, libraries, laboratories and museums for study and research to be maintained by the University;
(ii) to recommend to the Executive Council the creation and institution of Professorships, Readerships, Lecturerships and other teaching posts and the duties and emoluments thereof;
(iii) to make proposals to the Executive Council for the promotion of research and, through special committees, if any, constituted for the purpose, to call for reports on such research work from persons engaged therein, and to make recommendations to the Executive Council thereon;
(iv) to recommend to the Executive Council the minimum qualifications for the posts of Teachers and Teachers of the University;
(v) to make proposals to the Executive Council regarding provisions to be made for enabling the University to undertake specialisation of studies and for organisation of common laboratories, libraries, museums, institutes of research and other institutions, maintained by the University;
(vi) to constitute or reconstitute the departments of teaching with the approval of the Executive Council;
(vii) to make provisions for lectures and instructions for students of constituent colleges and University Laboratories and also for other persons who are not such students;
(viii) to advise the Executive Council on the institution of degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions;
(ix) to consider the results of examinations leading to the conferment of any post-graduate degree, diploma or certificate of the University, and to recommend such results to the Executive Council for approval;
(x) to provide for the inspection or the investigation into the affairs of any Department of the University or any institution established, maintained or managed by the University and submit report to the Executive Council;
(xi) to have general supervision over the Boards of Studies attached to the Faculty Council;
(xii) to frame rules relating to the courses of post-graduate studies and the division of subjects in regard thereto and to recommend to the Executive Council the making of Regulations in this behalf;
(xiii) to appoint, if required by the Executive Council, after considering the views of the Boards of Studies attached to the Faculty Council, Boards of Examiners in the subject or subjects relating to post-graduate studies, including the subjects for doctoral thesis and prizes and medals;
(xiv) to call for such reports or information as the Faculty Council may consider necessary for efficient discharge of its duties from the teaching departments, research units or Boards of Studies;
(xv) to consider any educational matter relating to the Faculty Council and to arrive at decisions or make recommendations pertaining thereto to the appropriate authority or officer;
(xvi) to maintain contact with the corresponding Council for undergraduate studies for the purpose of sharing ideas and ensuring co-ordination;
(xvii) to submit each year its annual report to the Executive Council;
(xviii) to make rules for the transaction of its own business;
(xix) to exercise all other powers and perform all other functions conferred and imposed on it by or under this Act;
(xx) to delegate to the teaching departments, research units, and Board of Studies attached to it the responsibility for such academic matters as respectively concern such departments, units and Boards;
(xxi) to recommend to the Executive Council the conferment of postgraduate degrees, diplomas and certificates.
Section 23A The Councils for undergraduate studies
5151. Secs. 23A and 23B first ins. by W.B. Act 9 of 1998, then sec. 23A subs. by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. Previous sec. 23A was as under: 23A. The Council for undergraduate studies. (1) There shall be the following Councils for undergraduate studies: (a) the. Council for undergraduate studies in Arts, Science, Commerce and Education; (b) the Council for undergraduate studies in Engineering and Technology. (2) The Council for undergraduate studies in Arts, Science, Commerce and Education, shall consist of the following members: (i) the Vice-Chancellor Chairman; (11) the Deans of the Faculty Councils for post-graduate studies in Arts, Commerce and Education, and Science; (iii) ten Teachers of affiliated colleges imparting teaching in Arts, Science, Commerce and Education, of whom two shall be from a Teachers' training college or other professional college, if any, elected by the Teachers of such colleges; (iv) two teachers participating in post-graduate teaching in the subject or subjects concerned, elected by the members of the Faculty Councils for postgraduate studies from amongst themselves; (v) four Principals, of whom three shall be from the undergraduate colleges of Arts, Science and Commerce and one shall be from a Teachers' training college, elected jointly by the Principals of such colleges; (vi) two persons having special knowledge in the subject or subjects concerned, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. (3) The Council for undergraduate studies in Engineering and Technology shall consist of the following members: (i) the Vice-Chancellor Chairman; (ii) the Dean of the Faculty Council for post-graduate studies in Engineering and Technology; (iii) not more than six Teachers participating in teaching in the subject concerned from amongst themselves; (iv) the Principal or Principals of the engineering and technological colleges; (v) the Head or Heads of the Department or Departments concerned, if any; (vi) two persons having special knowledge in the subject concerned, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. (4) Each Council for undergraduate studies shall have a Secretary to be appointed by the University. (5) All elections to the Council for undergraduate studies shall be held in the manner prescribed by the Statutes. (6) One-third of the total number of members of the Council for undergraduate studies shall be a quorum for a meeting for the Council.". (1) There shall be the following Councils for undergraduate studies:
(a) the Council for Undergraduate Studies in Arts, Science, Commerce Education, Law, Music and Fine Arts;
(b) the Council for Undergraduate Studies in Engineering and Technology.
(2) The Council for Undergraduate Studies in Arts, Science, Commerce, Education, Law, Music and Fine Arts shall consist of the following members: '
(a) the Vice-Chancellor Chairman;
(b) the Deans of the Faculty Councils for Post-Graduate Studies in Arts and Commerce, Science, Education, Law, and Music and Fine Arts;
(c) ten Teachers of affiliated colleges imparting teaching in Arts, Science, Commerce, Education, Law, and Music and Fine Arts, of whom one shall be from a Teachers' training college, one shall be from a Law college and one shall be from a college, if any, teaching Music and Fine Arts, elected by the Teachers of such colleges;
(d) five Teachers participating in post-graduate teaching in the subject or subjects concerned, one each from each Faculty Council for postgraduate studies concerned, elected by the members of the Faculty Councils for post-graduate studies concerned from amongst themselves;
(e) five Principals, of whom three shall be from the undergraduate colleges of Arts, Science, and Commerce, one shall be from a Teachers' training college, and one shall be from a Law college or from any college teaching Fine Arts or Music or both, elected jointly by the Principals of such colleges;
(f) two persons having special knowledge in the subject or subjects concerned, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.
(3) The Council for Undergraduate Studies in Engineering and Technology shall consist of the following members:
(a) the Vice-Chancellor Chairman;
(b) the Deans of the Faculty Councils for Post-Graduate Studies in Science, and Engineering, Technology and Management;
(c) six Teachers, not belonging to the same Department, participating in teaching in the subject or subjects concerned, elected by the Teachers of engineering and technological colleges from amongst themselves;
(d) two Principals of engineering and technological colleges, elected jointly by the Principals of such colleges;
(e) the Head or Heads of the Department or Departments concerned, if any;
(f) two persons having special knowledge in the subject concerned, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.
(4) Each Council for undergraduate studies shall have a Secretary to be appointed by the University.
(5) All elections to the Councils for undergraduate studies shall be held in the manner prescribed by the Statutes.
(6) One-third of the total number of members of a Council for undergraduate studies shall be a quorum for a meeting of the Council.
Section 23B Powers and functions of the Councils for undergraduate studies
Subject to the provisions of this Act, and the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations, a Council for undergraduate studies shall exercise the following powers and perform the following functions:
(i) to recommend to the Executive Council the affiliation of a college or an institution in one or more subjects;
(ii) to ensure annual inspection of college;
(iii) to exercise general supervision over the colleges to ensure that the conditions of affiliation are properly fulfilled, the standard of teaching is uniformly maintained and syllabuses as prescribed are properly completed within the academic year;
(iv) to fix the last date of admission of students to different courses of studies and the date of commencement of examinations in consultation with other Councils for undergraduate studies;
(v) to appoint Head Examiners, Examiners, Paper-setters, Scrutineers, Co-ordinators, Convenors, Tabulators and other persons under the general supervision of the Executive Council;
(vi) to consider the results of examinations below the post-graduate level leading to the conferment of any degree, diploma or certificate of the University, and to recommend such results to the Executive Council for approval;
(vii) to recommend to the Executive Council the disaffiliation or withdrawal of affiliation of any college in respect of any subject or subjects, if, on receipt of a written report from a team of Inspectors appointed by the University, the Council is of opinion that proper standard of teaching is not maintained or conditions of affiliation are not properly fulfilled or the results of the candidates sent up by the college for any examination are unsatisfactory or the college has failed to comply with the directives of the Council;
(viii) to establish, maintain and manage halls and hostels of undergraduate colleges;
(ix) to recommend to the Executive Council the temporary take over of the management of an affiliated or a recognised college or institution, other than a Government College, in consultation with the Executive Council in order to ensure that proper standards of teaching, training or instruction are maintained therein;
(x) to provide for the inspection or investigation into the affairs of undergraduate colleges or institutions, recognised by the Council or affiliated to the University, and to exercise general supervision and control over them;
(xi) to make due provision for health, welfare, residence, and discipline of students and their relationship with colleges and the University and to provide for such training of students as may be considered desirable;
(xii) to recommend to the Executive Council the dissolution of the Governing Body of an affiliated college or institution, other than a Government College, and pending reconstitution of the Governing Body, the appointment of an Administrator or an ad hoc Governing Body;
(xiii) to collect fees for examination, condonation of short percentage for appearing at an examination as non-collegiate student, mark sheet, late admission, change of examination centre, scrutiny of answer script, and change of name or surname, and any other charge for registration and migration of students and grant of diplomas, certificates or any other documents at such rate as may be prescribed by the Executive Council;
(xiv) to exercise supervision to ensure that all properties and funds of ' the Council are properly controlled and administered;
(xv) to extend facilities and other assistance including exhibits of records, books of accounts, ledgers and any other documents to officers deputed by the University for inspection;
(xvi) to approve the annual report of the activities of the Council during the previous academic year and submit the same to the Executive Council on or before such date as may be fixed by the Executive Council;
(xvii) to abide by, and implement promptly, the decisions that may be arrived at by the University from time to time in regard to the Council;
(xviii) to follow the guidelines and the rules framed by the University from time to time;
(xix) to have general responsibility for academic affairs in relation to undergraduate studies with which the Council is concerned;
(xx) to have general supervision over the Board of Studies attached to the Council in accordance with the rules framed for the purpose;
(xxi) to maintain contact with the corresponding Council for post-graduate studies for the purpose of sharing ideas and ensuring co-ordination;
(xxii) to frame rules relating to the courses of undergraduate studies and the division of subjects in regard thereto, and to recommend to the Executive Council the making of Regulations in this behalf.
Section 24 Dean
5252. Sub-sec. (1) first subs. by W.B. Act 9 of 1998, then again subs. by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. Previous sub-sec. (1) was as under: "(1) There shall be a Dean for each Faculty Council for post-graduate studies who shall be a Professor of the University.". (1) There shall be a Dean for each Faculty Council for post-graduate studies who shall be a Professor of the University:
Provided that every Dean of a Faculty Council for post-graduate studies or Council for undergraduate studies holding office as such Dean on the date immediately before the date of coming into force of the Kalyani University (Amendment) Act, 1998 (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), shall continue, and shall be deemed to have continued, to hold his office as such Dean on and from the date of coming into force of the said Act, and shall cease to hold office as such Dean on the expiry of the term of his office or till the office of the Dean is filled up by election in the prescribed manner, whichever is earlier.
(2) The Dean shall be elected by the members of the Faculty Council 5353. Words ins. by W.B. Act 9 of 1998. [for post-graduate studies] and shall act as Vice-Chairman of the Faculty Council. He shall exercise such powers and perform such functions as may be prescribed by Regulations.
(2A) The Dean or the seniormost Dean, as the case may be, shall act as the Vice-Chairman of the Council for undergraduate studies concerned.
(3) The Dean shall hold office for such term as may be prescribed by Statutes.
Section 25 The Boards of Studies
There shall be Boards of Studies attached to every 5555. Words subs. for the words "Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies." by W.B. Act 9 of 1998. [Faculty Council for post-graduate studies or Council for undergraduate studies.] The constitution of the Boards of Studies shall be prescribed by Statutes and the powers and functions of the Boards of Studies shall be prescribed by Regulations.
Section 26 The Finance Committee
There shall be a Finance Committee with the Vice-Chancellor as the Chairman. The constitution, powers and functions of the Finance Committee shall be prescribed by Statutes and its procedure in financial matters, including the delegation of its powers, shall be prescribed by Ordinances.
Section 27 Selection Committee for teaching posts
(1) A University Professor shall be appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of a Selection Committee consisting of
(i) the Vice-Chancellor as Chairman;
(ii) the Dean of the Faculty Council concerned;
(iii) a person, not holding any office of profit under the University and having special knowledge of the subject which the Professor will teach, nominated by the Chancellor;
(iv) two persons, not holding any office of profit under the University and having special knowledge of the subject which the Professor will teach, nominated by the Executive Council..
(2) A University Reader or a University Lecturer shall be appointed by the Executive Council on the recommendation of a Selection Committee consisting of
(i) the Vice-Chancellor as Chairman;
(ii) the Dean of the Faculty Council concerned;
(iii) the Head of the Department concerned, if any;
(iv) a person, not holding any office of profit under the University and having special knowledge of the subject which the Reader or the Lecturer will teach, nominated by the Chancellor;
(v) two persons, not holding any office of profit under the University and having special knowledge of the subject which the Reader or the Lecturer will teach, nominated by the Executive Council.
Section 28 Procedure for holding meetings of Selection Committee
(1)Three members, of whom at least two shall be persons having special knowledge in the subject concerned, shall be a quorum for a meeting of a Selection Committee.
(2) If the Executive Council does not accept the recommendation of a Selection Committee, it shall refer the recommendation back to the Selection Committee with reasons for reconsideration and if the Executive Council does not accept the reconsidered views of the Selection Committee, the matter shall be referred to the Chancellor with reasons and the decision of the Chancellor shall be final.
Section 29 Letter of appointment of Teachers, officers and employees
(1) Every Teacher, every officer and every employee of the University shall, on appointment as such, be provided with a letter of appointment containing such terms and conditions of appointment as may be prescribed by Ordinances.
(2) A Teacher or an officer or an employee appointed against a permanent vacancy shall be on probation ordinarily for a period of one year from the date of such appointment and such period of probation may, at the discretion of the appropriate authority of the University, be extended for a further period not exceeding one year.
(3) If, at any time during the period of probation, the probationer's work is not considered satisfactory, the probationer shall be discharged by the authority concerned.
(4) On satisfactory completion of the period of probation, a Teacher or an officer or an employee, as the case may be, shall be confirmed with effect from the date of his appointment on probation by an order in writing made by the University in this behalf and the fact of such confirmation shall be communicated to the person concerned:
Provided that if, on completion of the period of probation, no such order of confirmation is made and communicated to the person concerned within a period of two months of the completion of, the period of probation, the person concerned shall be deemed to have been confirmed with effect from the date of his appointment on probation.
Section 30 Termination of service of temporary Teacher, officer or employee
The services of a temporary Teacher or officer or employee shall not be terminated before the expiration of the period for which he is appointed except after serving one month's notice or paying him one month's salary in lieu thereof.
Section 31 Standing committee for selection of officers and non-teaching employees
5656. Sec. 31 subs, by W.B. Act 8 of 1988, which was earlier as under: "31. Standing Committee for selection of officers or employees. The Executive Council may constitute standing committee or standing committees for selection of persons for appointment to the posts of officers and to the other non-teaching posts and may, subject to the provisions of this Act, prescribe by Ordinances the procedure and the method of such selection.". The Executive Council may, subject to the provisions of this Act, prescribe by Ordinances the constitution of a standing committee or standing committees for selection of persons for appointment to the posts of officers and to the other non-teaching posts of the University and the procedure and the method of such selection.
Section 32 Tribunal
(1) If in the case of any dispute between the University and any Teacher, officer or employee of the University no final order has been passed by the University within a period of one year from the date on which the dispute was referred to the University by such Teacher, officer or employee, such dispute shall, on the request of such Teacher, officer or employee, such dispute shall, on the request of such Teacher, officer or employee, be referred to a Tribunal consisting of the following members, namely:-
(i) a Chairman, who shall be nominated by the Chancellor in consultation with the Minister;
(ii) one person to be nominated by the Executive Council;
(iii) one person to be nominated by the Teacher, officer or employee concerned.
(2) Any appeal from an employee of the University in a disciplinary matter shall be referred to the Tribunal and shall be decided and disposed of by the Tribunal.
(3)The Tribunal may call for any record, report or other information from the University if, in its opinion, such record, report or other information is necessary for efficient discharge of its functions, and the University shall furnish such record, report or other information to the Tribunal.
(4) The decision of the Tribunal shall be final and no suit or proceeding shall lie in any civil court in respect of the matters decided by the Tribunal.
(5) Every request under sub-section (1) shall be deemed to be a submission to arbitration upon the terms of this section, within the meaning of the Arbitration Act, 1940, and all the provisions of that Act with the exception of section 2 thereof shall apply accordingly.
CHAPTER 4 General provisions governing all authorities or other bodies ofthe University
Section 33 Disqualifications
(1) No person shall be qualified for election or nomination as a member of any authority or body of the University or shall continue as such member if he
(i) is of unsound mind or a deaf-mute, or
(ii) is an undischarged insolvent, or
(iii) has been convicted by a court of law for an offence involving moral turpitude.
(2) In case of any doubt or dispute, the Chancellor's decision whether a person is disqualified under the provisions of sub-section (1) shall be final.
(3) No person shall be entitled to stand as a candidate for election to any authority or body of the University from more than one constituency.
(4) No person shall be entitled to be enrolled as a voter for, or to cast his vote at, an election to any authority or body of the University from more than one constituency:
Provided that this sub-section shall not apply in the case of an election of members of the Court to the Executive Councils or of members of the 5757. Words subs. for the words "Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [Faculty Councils for post-graduate studies or the Councils for undergraduate studies] to the Executive Council.
Section 33A Part-time Teachers or part-time non-teaching staff not to be entitled to be enrolled as voters or to be nominated
5858. Sec. 33A ins. by W.B. Act 20 of 1986. Notwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Act, no person shall,
(a) if he is a Teacher, not holding any whole-time teaching post, or appointed for a specified period, or
(b) if he is a member of the non-teaching staff, not appointed on a regular scale of pay, or not holding any whole-time non-teaching post, be entitled to be enrolled as a voter for, or to cast his vote at, an election to any authority or body of the University or of any college or institution affiliated to the University or to be nominated to any such authority or body.
Explanation. "Regular scale of pay" shall mean pay which, subject to any conditions prescribed by the University, rises by periodical increments from a minimum to a maximum.
Section 34 Term of office of members
(1) Save as otherwise provided in sub-section (4), an elected or nominated member of any authority or body of the University shall hold office for a period of four years from the date of his election or nomination, as the case may be:
Provided that in respect of the first elections and nominations under this Act, the said period of four years shall commence from the date of the first meeting of the authority or body held after such elections and nominations.
(2) The term of office of members other than ex officio members of any authority or body of the University shall be held to include any period which may elapse between the expiry of the said term and the date of election of new members to such authority or body to fill vacancies arising by efflux of time.
(3) When elections are held on more than one date, the last of such dates shall be taken to be the date of election for the purposes of this section.
(4) Any member elected or nominated to fill a casual vacancy shall hold office for the unexpired portion of the term of office of the member in whose seat he is so elected or nominated.
Section 35 Cessation of membership in certain cases
(1) When a person is qualified to be a member of any authority or body of the University by virtue of his membership of any other authority or body, he shall cease to be a member of the authority or body of the University when he ceases to be a member of the other.
(2) When a person is elected or nominated as a member of any authority or body of the University from any constituency, he shall cease to be such a member when he ceases to belong to that constituency.
Section 36 Filling of vacancies
(1) Any casual vacancy among the elected members of any authority or body of the University shall be filled, in such manner and within such time as may be prescribed, by election by such authority or body of a person representing the interest which the member, whose seat has become vacant, represented.
(2) Any vacancy among the nominated members of any authority or body of the University shall be filled, within such time as may be prescribed, by nomination by the person or authority that nominated the member whose seat has become vacant.
(3) Vacancies arising by efflux of time in the seats of elected members of any authority or body of the University shall be filled by election to be held on such date or dates, not later than six months or such extended period as the Chancellor may, by order made in this behalf, specify so however that the aggregate period shall not exceed one year, from the date on which the vacancies arise, as the Vice-Chancellor may fix.
Section 37 Proceedings of the University or the authorities or bodies of the University not invalidated by vacancies
No Act or proceedings of the University or of any authority or body of the University shall be deemed to be invalid merely by reason of the existence of a vacancy or vacancies among its members or the invalidity of the election of any of the members.
5959. 'Explan.' subs. by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. which was earlier as under: "Explanation. For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby declared that where the office of any member of any authority or body of the Univeristy cannot be filled up, when such authority or body is constituted for the first time, on account of any election or appointment not being for any reason feasible, there shall be deemed to be a vacancy in the office of such member until such election takes place or such appointment is made.". Explanation. For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that when the office of any member of any authority or body of the University cannot be filled up, when there has been an addition to the number of members of any existing authority or body or when such authority or body is created or constituted for the first time, on account of an election or appointment not being feasible for any reason whatsoever, there shall be deemed to be a vacancy in the office of such member until such election takes place or such appointment is made, provided that the term of office of any member of any authority or body of the University filled up by election in the manner prescribed by Statutes or otherwise shall, when such authority or body is created or constituted for the first time, be coterminous with the term of office of any other member of the Court or the Executive Council, as the case may be, filled up by election or otherwise.
Section 38 Election Tribunal
(1) There shall be an Election Tribunal to which shall be referred any question as to whether any person is eligible under this Act for election or nomination or has been duly elected or nominated as, or is entitled to be, a member of any authority or body of the University, and the decision of the Election Tribunal on such question shall be final.
(2) The constitution of the Election Tribunal shall be prescribed by Statutes.
(3) If, during the progress of any election of members to any authority or body of the University, the Election Tribunal is satisfied that such election is vitiated by fraud or corrupt practice, the Election Tribunal may make an order annulling the proceedings in respect of such election or any part thereof and directing fresh proceedings to be started, in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations, from such stage as may be specified in the order and such order of the Election Tribunal shall be final.
(4) No suit or proceeding shall lie in any civil court against a decsion or an order of the Election Tribunal under sub-section (1) or sub-section (3), as the case may be.
Section 39 Casting vote by the Chairman
At a meeting of the Court, the Executive Council, 6060. Words subs. for the words "the Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [the Faculty Council for post-graduate studies, the Council for undergraduate studies] or any other authority or body of the University, the person presiding at the meeting shall not vote in the first instance, but shall have and exercise a casting vote in the case of an equality of votes.
CHAPTER 5 Funds of the University, Accounts, Audit and Inspection
Section 40 The University Fund
The University shall have a fund to be known as the University Fund to which shall be credited all its income from fees, fines, contributions, grants, donations, loans and advances and from any other source whatsoever. The University may also create, by Ordinances made in this behalf, separate special funds for the administration of endowments, trusts or specific grants or grants for other special purposes.
Section 41 General limitation of financial powers of the University
(1) The budget of the University showing the receipt and expenditure of the University on different accounts for a financial year shall be submitted to the State Government for approval at least four months before the beginning of such financial year in such form as may be specified by the State Government.
(2) The State Government shall, within [three months] of commencement of the financial year to which the budget relates, communicate its approval or otherwise of the budget to the University:
Provided that the State Government shall, from time to time, release grants to the University to incur expenditure till the budget is approved.
(3) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Act, the University shall not, except with the prior approval of the State Government, incur any expenditure on any account in excess of the amount specified in the budget on that account.
Section 42 Provident Fund
Any Provident Fund instituted by the University for the benefit of its employees shall be governed by the provisions of the Provident Funds Act, 1925, as if such Fund were a Government Provident Fund and the Executive Council shall have power to frame Ordinances, not inconsistent with the provisions of that Act, for the administration of the Fund.
Section 43 Annual Accounts and Audit
(1) The Annual Statement of Accounts of the University shall, after examination by the Executive Council, be subjected to such audit as the State Government may direct.
(2) Such Annual Statement of Accounts shall, together with copies of the audit report thereon, be submitted to the Court and to the State Government and shall thereupon be published by the University.
(3) The University shall have a continuous internal audit, and the report of such audit shall be submitted to the State Government as soon as possible after the end of every financial year.
Section 44 Inspections
(1) The State Government shall have the right
(a) to cause an inspection to be made, by such person or persons as it may direct,
(i) of the University, its buildings, laboratories, libraries, museums, press establishment, workshops and equipment,
(ii) of any college or institution maintained by or affiliated to the University, and
(iii) into all affairs of the University and of such college or institution including examination and other work conducted or done by the University or such college or institution, and
(b) to cause an enquiry to be made into the income, expenditure, properties, assets and liabilities of the University and of any college or institution maintained by or affiliated to the University.
(2) The State Government shall, in every such case of inspection or enquiry, give previous notice to the University, and, if the inspection or enquiry relates to such college or institution, both to the University and the college or the institution, as the case may be, of its intention to cause such inspection or enquiry.
(3) The State Government shall communicate to the Court and the Executive Council or to such college or institution, as the case may be, its views on the results of such inspection or enquiry and may, after considering the opinion of the Court and the Executive Council or of such college or institution thereon, advise the University or such college or institution regarding the action which the State Government considers fit to be taken by the University or by such college or institution in the matters concerned and the University or such college or institution shall report to the State Government, within such time as the State Government may direct, the action which is proposed to be taken or has been taken by the University or by such college or institution to give effect to such advice of the State Government.
(4) The State Government may, after considering the report referred to in sub-section (2), advise the University or such college or institution, as the case may be, to take such further action in the matters concerned as may, in the opinion of the State Government, be necessary, and the University or such college or institution shall take or cause to be taken such further action within such time as may be specified in that behalf by the State Government.
CHAPTER 6 Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations and Rules
Section 45 Statutes
Subject to the provisions of this Act, Statutes may be made to provide for all or any of the following matters:
(a) the declaration of posts as posts of officers of the University referred to in clause (4) of section 7;
(b) the establishment of authorities of the University referred to in clause (6) of section 16;
(c) the powers, duties, and terms and conditions of service of the officers of the University in so far as these have not been specifically provided for in this Act;
(d) the constitution, powers and duties of the authorities of the University in so far as these have not been specifically provided for in this Act;
(e) the rules and procedure for holding elections to the Court, the Executive Council and other authorities and bodies of the University;
(f) the terms and conditions of affiliation or recognition of colleges or institutions, including terms and conditions for continuance of such affiliation or recognition and rules for disaffiliation or withdrawal of recognition of such colleges or institutions;
(g) the terms and conditions of recognition of colleges as professional colleges;
(h) the constitution, powers and functions of the Governing Bodies of colleges, other than Government Colleges;
(i) the terms and conditions of service and the minimum emoluments for posts of Principals, Teachers and such other employees as the University may deem fit, of all affiliated colleges, other than Government College;
(j) the rules for Provident Funds for Teachers of colleges, other than Government Colleges;
(k) the rules for the grant of pension (including gratuity) to the Teachers of the University;
(l) the holding of convocations to confer degrees, titles, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions, including honorary degrees and distinctions;
(m) the conditions for the registration of graduates of the University and for the maintenance of a Register for registered graduates;
(n) all other matters which under this Act are required to be or may be prescribed by Statutes.
Section 46 How to make Statutes
(1) The Executive Council may of its own motion, and shall, when required by the Court, make a draft of any Statute and submit the same to the Court. The draft so submitted shall be considered by the Court at a meeting or meetings be held within a period of six weeks from the date of such submission (hereinafter referred to as the said period), and the draft so submitted shall, unless rejected or amended by the Court before the expiry of the said period by a majority of the total number of its members existing at the time, be deemed to have been passed by the Court. If the Court so rejects or amends the draft of any Statute, it shall be sent back to the Executive Council with the views of the Court for reconsideration. Thereupon, the Executive Council shall reconsider the draft and resubmit it to the Court with such changes as it may deem necessary. On such resubmission of the draft, it shall again be considered by the Court at a meeting or meetings to be held within a period of six weeks from the date of such submission (hereinafter referred to as the latter period) and the draft so resubmitted shall, unless rejected by the Court before the expiry of the latter period by a majority of the total number of its members existing at the time, be deemed to have been passed by the Court without any amendment, or be passed by the Court with such amendments as it may deem fit to make therein within the latter period and by the same majority as aforesaid.
(2) A Statute, passed in the manner provided in sub-section (1), shall be presented to the Chancellor for assent and shall come into force on being assented to by the Chancellor in consultation with the Minister.
(3) A Statute shall remain in force until repealed or amended by a new Statute similarly passed and assented to by the Chancellor.
Section 47 Ordinances
Subject to the provisions of this Act and the Statutes, Ordinances may be made to provide for all or any of the following matters:
(a) the admission of students to the University and the colleges affiliated to or recognized by it and their enrolment as such;
(b) the levy of fees in University Laboratories;
(c) the conditions of residence and rules of discipline of the students of the University, including students of the colleges affiliated to or recognized by it, and the levy of fees for residence in Halls;
(d) the appointment of Teachers, officers and other employees of the University, their emoluments, their duties and other terms and conditions of their service, in so far as these have not been specifically provided for in this Act or in the Statutes;
(e) rules for the institution of Provident Fund or other funds for the benefit of the employees of the University;
(f) rules for the establishment, maintenance and management of University Libraries, University Museums, Halls and other University Institutions for study, research and residence;
(g) rules for the recognition of libraries, laboratories, museums, hostels, and institutions for study, research and residence, other than those established, maintained and managed by the University;
(h) rules for the taking over of the management of an affiliated or a recognized college or institution, other than a Government College or institution, in order to ensure that proper standards of teaching, training and instruction are maintained therein;
(i) rules for the exercise of general supervision and control over affiliated or recognized colleges or institutions and for the giving of financial aid to them;
(j) rules for the inspection or investigation into the affairs of colleges or other institutions, affiliated to or recognized by the University, to ensure that proper standards of teaching, training and research are maintained therein;
(k) rules for the imposition and collection of fees, fines and other dues payable to the University;
(l) the duties and functions of the Teachers of the University including the Heads of Departments;
(m) rules for the registration of students;
(n) the appointment, duties and remuneration of examiners;
(o) rules for the administration of gifts, endowments and benefactions, and for the institution and award of fellowships, scholarships, studentships, stipends, bursaries, exhibitions, medals and prizes;
(p) rules and procedure for accepting grants and for realising or accepting loans other than loans from the Central or any State Government or the University Grants Commission;
(q) all other matters which under this Act or the Statutes are required to be or may be prescribed by Ordinances.
Section 48 How to make Ordinances
(1) The Executive Council shall take into consideration drafts of Ordinanaces proposed to be passed, after notice thereof has been given to the members of the Executive Council at least three weeks in advance of the date fixed for consideration of the same by the Executive Council. The Vice-Chancellor may direct a shorter notice in a matter which in his opinion is of an emergent nature.
(2) An Ordinance shall be deemed to be passed by the Executive Council if it is agreed to by a majority of the total number of members of the Executive Council existing at the time.
(3) An Ordinance passed by the Executive Council in the manner provided hereinbefore in this section shall be submitted to the Chancellor for assent and shall come into force on being assented to by the Chancellor and shall be reported to the Court at its next meeting.
(4) The Chancellor may direct that the operation of any Ordinance shall be suspended until such time as the Court has had an opportunity of considering the same.
(5) An Ordinance shall, unless cancelled or modified by the Chanceellor, remain in force until repealed or amended by a new Ordinance similarly passed and brought into force.
Section 49 Regulations
Subject to ther provisions of this Act and the Statutes and the Ordinances, Regulations may be made to provide for all or any of the following matters:
(a) the powers and functions of the Boards of Studies;
(b) the functions and duties of Teachers' Councils in Universities and in Colleges and institutions other than Government Colleges and institutions;
(c) the conditions for admission to the different courses of study and examinations of students;
(d) the rules for the conduct of University examinations;
(e) the courses of study and the division of subjects upon the recommendations of 6262. Words subs. for the words "the Faculty Council for post-graduate and undergraduate studies;" by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. [the respective Faculty Council for post-graduate studies or Council for undergraduate studies, as the case may be;]
(f) the minimum qualifications for Principals, other Teachers and Teachers of the University;
(g) all other matters which under this Act or the Statutes or the Ordinances are required to be or may be prescribed by Regulations.
Section 50 How to make Regulations
(1) The Executive Council or a Committee appointed by it shall take into consideration drafts of Regulations, consistent with this Act and the Statutes and the Ordinances after notice of the proposed Regulations has been given to the members of the Executive Council at least three weeks in advance of the date fixed for consideration of the same by the Executive Council or the Committee appointed by it. The Vice-Chancellor may direct a shorter notice in a matter which in his opinion is of an emergent nature.
(2) A Regulation shall be deemed to be passed by the Executive Council if it is agreed to at a meeting of the Executive Council by a majority of the total number of members of the Executive Council existing at the time. A Regulation shall come into force immediately on being passed unless otherwise directed by the Chancellor.
(4) A Regulation shall, unless cancelled or modified by the Court under sub-section (3), remain in force until repealed or amended by a new Regulation similarly passed and brought into force.
Section 51 Rules
Subject to the provisions of this Act and the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations, Rules may be made for the purpose of duly carrying out the provisions of, or exercising the powers conferred by, this Act or to provide for matters which, by the Statutes, the Ordinances or the Regulations, are required to be prescribed by Rules.
CHAPTER 7 Miscellaneous and Transitory Provisions
Section 52 Delegation
(1) The Vice-Chancellor or, with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor, the Registrar, may, subject to the provisions of this Act, delegate such of his powers or duties conferred or imposed by or under this Act as may be prescribed by the Statutes to an officer of the University under his direct administrative control.
(2) Subject to the provisions of this Act,
(a) the Court may delegate any of its powers or duties, conferred or imposed by or under this Act, to
(i) the Vice-Chancellor,
(ii) the Executive Council,
(iii) a committee constituted from among its own members, or
(iv) a committee appointed in accordance with the Statutes;
(b) the Executive Council may delegate any of its powers or duties, Conferred or imposed by or under this Act, to
(i) the Vice-Chancellor,
(ii) a committee constituted from among its own members,
(iii) a committee constituted in accordance with the Statutes or the Ordinances,
(iv) any of the Faculty Councils for post-graduate studies or Councils for undergraduate studies, or
(v) the Finance Committee;
(c) [the Faculty Council for post-graduate studies or the Council for undergraduate studies] may delegate any of its powers or duties, conferred or imposed by or under this Act, to
(i) the Vice-Chancellor,
(ii) a committee constituted from among its own members,
(iii) a committee constituted in accordance with the Regulations, or
(iv) any of the Boards of Studies;
(d) the Finance Committee may delegate any of its powers or duties, conferred or imposed by or under this Act, to
(i) the Vice-Chancellor, or
(ii) a committee constituted from among its own members,
Section 53 Passing of properties and rights, etc
All properties and all rights of whatever kind used, enjoyed or possessed by, and all interests of whatever kind owned by or vested in or held in trust by or for, the University of Kalyani as constituted prior to the appointed day (hereinafter referred to as the former University) as well as all liabilities legally subsisting against the former University shall pass to the University as constituted under this Act.
Section 54 Completion of courses of studies in colleges affiliated to the former University
6565. Sec. 54 renumbered as sub-sec. (1) of that sec. and sub-sec. (2) ins. by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations, any student of a college affiliated to the former University, who was studying for any examination of the former University, shall be permitted to complete his course in preparation therefor and the University shall hold, for such students, examinations in accordance with the curricula of study in force in the former University for such period as may be prescribed.
6565. Sec. 54 renumbered as sub-sec. (1) of that sec. and sub-sec. (2) ins. by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) or elsewhere in this Act, or the Statutes, or the Ordinances, or the Regulations, made under this Act, or the Calcutta University Act, 1979 (hereinafter referred to as the said Act), or the Statutes, or the Ordinances, or the Regulations, made under the said Act, any student of a college in the district of Murshidabad or Nadia, affiliated to the University of Calcutta as constituted under the said Act (hereinafter referred to as the said University), before the date referred to in the notification published in the Official Gazette under sub-section (4) of section 5 of this Act, who was studying for any examination of the said University, shall be permitted to complete his course in preparation therefor, and the said University shall hold, for such students, examinations in accordance with the Regulation in force in the said University, and shall declare results and confer degree, diploma or other academic distinction of the said University upon the qualified students on the results of the examinations.
Section 55 Transitory provisions and repeal
(1) The Vice-Chancellor holding office at the date of publication of this Act in the Official Gazette shall be the first Vice-Chancellor of the University and he shall be deemed to have been appointed under this Act and he shall hold office for a period of two years from the date of publication of this Act in the Official Gazette or till he attains the age of 65 years, whichever is earlier.
(2) The first Vice-Chancellor shall, with the approval of the Chancellor and with the assistance of a committee consisting of not less than nine members nominated by the State Government, cause the Statutes, the
6666. Sub-sec. (3) subs. by W.B. Act 23 of 1983, which was earlier as under: "(3) The first Vice-Chancellor shall, within six months from the date of publication of this Act in the Official Gazette or within such longer period, not exceeding one year from the date of publication of this Act in the Official Gazette, as the State Government may by notification direct, cause arrangements to be made for constituting the Court, the Executive Council, the Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies and the Boards of Studies in accordance with the provisions of the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations of the former University as reviewed or amended under sub-section (2), as if they had already come into force.". (3) The first Vice-Chancellor shall, within six months from the date of publication of this Act in the Official Gazette or within such longer period as the State Government may, from time to time, by notification direct, cause arrangements to be made so as to complete, within the period of his office as the first Vice-Chancellor appointed under sub-section (1), the constitution of the Court, the Executive Council, the Faculty Councils for postgraduate and undergraduate studies and the Boards of Studies in accordance with the provisions of the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations of the former University as reviewed or amended under sub-section (2), as if they had already come into force.
(4) If, for any reason,
(a) the constitution of the Court, the Executive Council and other bodies referred to in sub-section (3) cannot be completed within the period of office of the first Vice-Chancellor appointed under sub-section (1), then, on the expiry of such period, the Chancellor may, in consultation with the Minister, on such terms and conditions as he thinks fit, appoint the first Vice-Chancellor whose period of office has expired or another person to be the Vice-Chancellor for the purposes of this section for such period 6767. Words "not exceding eighteen months" first subs. for the words "not exceeding one year" by W.B. Act 7 of 1985, then the words within third brackets subs. for the words "not exceeding eighteen months" by W.B. Act 25 of 1985. [not exceeding two years] as the Chancellor thinks fit, or
(b) a vacancy occurs in the office of the first Vice-Chancellor before the expiry of the period of his office, then, the Chancellor may, in consultation with the Minister, on such terms and conditions as he thinks fit, appoint another person to be the Vice-Chancellor for the purposes of this section for the unexpired portion of such period or such further period 6767. Words "not exceding eighteen months" first subs. for the words "not exceeding one year" by W.B. Act 7 of 1985, then the words within third brackets subs. for the words "not exceeding eighteen months" by W.B. Act 25 of 1985. [not exceeding two years] as the Chancellor thinks, fit, and references in this Act to the first Vice-Chancell or shall be deemed to include references, to the Vice-Chancellor appointed under this sub-section.
(5) The State Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, appoint a date and on and from such date the Court, the Executive Council, the Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies and the Boards of Studies shall commence to exercise their respective functions and the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations of the former University as reviewed or amended under sub-section (2) shall come into force 6868. Words subs. for the words "and shall be the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations of the University" by W.B. Act 23 of 1983. [and shall be the first Statutes, the first Ordinances and the first Regulations of the University.]
(a) The Kalyani University (Temporary Supersession) Act, 1978 (hereinafter referred to in this sub-section as the said Act) shall stand repealed with effect from the date of publication of this Act in the Official Gazette.
(b) Notwithstanding such repeal,
(i) until the appointed day, the Kalyani University Council, referred to in clause (b) of section 4 of the said Act, shall continue to exercise all the powers and perform all the duties in the manner and on the terms and conditions provided in the said Act, and
(ii) anything done or any action taken under the said Act shall be deemed to have been validly done or taken under this Act.
(7) 6969. Words subs. for the words "The Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations" by W.B. Act 23 of 1983. [The first Statutes, the first Ordinances and the first Regulations] of the University shall remain in force until new Statutes, new Ordinances and new Regulations are made under the provisions of this Act.
(8) The first Vice-Chancellor may, subject to the approval of the Chancellor, appoint such administrative, clerical and other staff as he deems necessary for giving effect to the provisions of this section.
(9) On and from appointed day the Kalyani University Act, 1960 shall stand repealed and thereupon
(a) the Statutes, the Ordinances and the Regulations of the former University shall, subject to the provisions of sub-section (5), stand repealed and all authorities or bodies of the former University shall cease to function;
(b) all colleges and institutions affiliated to or recognised by the former University and continuing as such immediately before the appointed day shall be deemed to be affiliated to, or recognized by, the University;
(c) all colleges or institutions of whatever kind established, maintained or managed by the former Univeristy prior to the appointed day shall be deemed to be colleges or institutions established, maintained or managed by the University under this Act;
(d) all affairs, functions or activities of the former University including studies and examinations, commenced and in progress before the appointed day, shall be deemed to be in progress as if they had been commenced by the University under this Act;
(e) all things done or deemed to have been done, and all actions taken or deemed to have been taken and all appointments made by the former university under the Kalyani University Act, 1960 shall be deemed to be things done or actions taken or appointmnets made by the University under this Act as if this Act had been in force when such things were done or such actions were taken or such appointments were made:
Provided that until such repeal, references to the Vice-Chancellor under the said Act shall be deemed to be references to the first Vice-Chancellor under this Act.
(10) In construing the provisions of section 17, section 20 and section 22 and in construing the provisions of the Statutes, the Ordinanaes and the Regulations of the University in relation to the Constitution, under this section, of the Court, the Executive Council, the Faculty Councils for postgraduate and undergraduate studies and the Boards of Studies, references to the heads of departments of teaching of the University, the University Professors, University Readers and University Lecturers, and Teachers of the University shall be deemed to be references to the persons holding offices respectively as the heads of departments of teaching, Professors, Readers, Lecturers and Teachers of the University of Kalyani, immediately 7070. Words subs. for the words "before the date of appointment of the first Vice-Chancellor." by W.B. Act 23 of 1983. [before the date of publication of final list of voters for election under this Act and the Statutes to the Court, the Executive Council, the Faculty Councils for post-graduate and undergraduate studies or the Boards of Studies, as the case may be.]
(11) The provisions of this section shall have effect notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained elsewhere in this Act or in any other law.
Section 55A Special provision for continuance in office
7171. Sec. 55A ins. by W.B. Act 17 of 1999. Bengal Regulation 5 of 1816 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or in any other law for the time being in force, any person who was a member of any authority or body of the University on the date immediately before the date of coming into force of the Kalyani University (Amendment) Act, 1998, shall continue, and shall be deemed to have continued, to be a member of such authority or body till he ceases to be a member of such authority or body on the expiry of the term of his office as such member or, upon the creation of any office of member of any Faculty Council for post-graduate studies or Council for undergraduate studies by virtue of coming into existence thereof, till the office of such member is filled up in the prescribed manner, whichever is earlier.
Section 56 Removal of difficulties
If on account of any lacuna or omission in the provisions of this Act, or for any other reason whatsoever, any difficulty arises as to the first constitution of any authority of the University under this Act, or otherwise in giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the State Government, as occasion may require, may by order do anything which appears to it to be necessary for the purpose of removing the difficulty notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained elsewhere in this Act or in any other law.
West Bengal State Acts

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