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India's Premier Online Legal Search

Explore over a million cases from the Supreme Court, High Courts, Tribunal Courts, and the Privy Council...

Bonus Features Bonus features included in paid plans only.

Save Judgments

Save Judgements

Effortless way to save time & energy! Instantly save a judgment on the cloud by clicking on the star icon while viewing the judgment and access it later in the My Favourites under My Account.

Custom Notes

Custom Notes

Add a note to a judgement and access the stored content and the judgment on any of your devices. SooperKanoon's 99% uptime on servers ensures you will always find your notes and judgments when u need them.

Specialized Assistance

Organize Files

Being a lawyer entails constant interaction with clients, frequent trips, consultations and lots of phone calls. With Organizer, you can store client info, add date of filing, next hearing date, reminders, upload docs!

Search History

Tag Judgments

You can customize search results by adding tags to a judgment. Instead of creating static folders, you can group judgments using tags and view all judgments pertaining to a tag at any given point.

Pricing Plans Competitive pricing plans to suit your needs

Core Features, searching, accessing full text judgments are free! You only pay for Bonus Features


Rs. 1000/- /month
Rs. 10,000/- /year

  • No Ads
  • Any 1 Bonus feature
    • Custom Notes
    • Save Judgments
    • Tag Judgments New!
    • Organizer New!
    • Search History
    • Annotations New!
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Pro Plus

Rs. 1,900/- /month
Rs. 18,100/- /year

  • No Ads
  • Any 2 Bonus features
    • Custom Notes
    • Save Judgments
    • Tag Judgments New!
    • Organizer New!
    • Search History
    • Annotations New!
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Biz Plus

Rs. 3,700/- /month
Rs.36,100/- /year

  • No Ads
  • All Bonus features
    • Custom Notes
    • Save Judgments
    • Tag Judgments New!
    • Organizer New!
    • Search History
    • Annotations New!
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Trial 7 days

Rs. 0

  • No Ads
  • All Bonus features
    • Custom Notes
    • Save Judgments
    • Tag Judgments New!
    • Organizer New!
    • Search History
    • Annotations New!
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All Plans Include : Core Features

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"It's totally awesome, Just search for legal terms and you get relevant results!"

Vishwanath - Advocate, Supreme Court of India

"10 out of 10, highly recommended!"

A V Srinivas - Advocate, High Court of Karnataka

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Radhika - Advocate, High Court of Karnataka

"Very excellent job in legal field. Congratulations!"

Shiv P Shukla - Advocate, High Court of Lucknow

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Arjun Sehgal - Visitor

"Thank you for this very elegant, nice, simple, informative, and very useful site. All the best!"

Muhamed Ansari - Social Worker, Journalist, Advocate

"I find SooperKanoon services very useful in making my opinion,argument and pleading well thought. It gives complete citation of case law as well as references. I appreciate your efforts from the bottom of my heart."

Ajit Kumar Sinha - Advocate

"SooperKanoon is using the power of open source and technology to simplify time-consuming paperwork!"

Varadarajan - Advocate, High Court of Madras

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Sandeep - Advocate, Supreme Court of India

"I did a Google search and landed on the website. Though I was not sure in the beginning, and they took some time getting back to me, I am now very happy with the services."

Vadiraj - Advocate, High Court of Delhi

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Gangadhar - Advocate, High Court of Mumbai

"Your product rocks!. It's simple and quick. "

Xavier Paul - Advocate, Supreme Court of India

"Wonderful site! got a rare judgement which I could not get from other sites"

Gopinath - Advocate