Central Provinces Court of Wards Act, 1899 Section 16 - Bare Act

StateCentral Government
Section TitleReport to State Government
Act Info:

16.Report to 1 [State] Government

(1)When all claims have been investigated under section 15, the Court of Wardsshall submit to the 2 [1 [State] Government] a schedule. ofthe debts and liabilities of the Government ward, and the 2 [1 [State]Government] may, when the estate appears to be involved beyond all hope ofextrication or for any other sufficient reason, by an order published in the 3 [OfficialGazette], direct that, on a date to be fixed by the order, the superintendenceof the property and person of the ward shall be relinquished by the Court ofWards.

(2)On the date so fixed--

(a)the superintendence shall terminate ;

(b)the owner of the property under superintendence shall be restored to thepossession thereof, subject to any contracts entered into by the Court of Wardsfor the preservation or benefit of such property ;

(c)the claims referred to in section 12, sub-section (2), shall revive.

(3)In calculating the periods of limitation applicable to suits to recover andenforce debts and liabilities revived under this section, the time during whichsuch superintendence has continued shall be excluded.


1.Substituted for "provincial" by the A.O. 1950.

2.Substituted by the A. O. 1937for "L. G.".

3.Substituted by the A. O. 1937 for "local official Gazette "