Central Provinces Court of Wards Act, 1899 Section 12 - Bare Act

StateCentral Government
Section TitleNotices to Claimants Against Government Ward
Act Info:

(1)On the issue of a notification under section 10, the Court of Wards shallpublish in the 1 [Official Gazette] and in such other manner as the 2 [3 [State]Government] may, by general or special order, direct, a notice, in English andalso in the vernacular, calling upon all persons having claims against theGovernment ward or his immoveable property to submit the same in writing to itwithin six-months from the date of the publication of the notice aforesaid.

(2)Every such claim (other than a claim on the part of the Government) notsubmitted to the Court of Wards in compliance with the provisions ofsub-section (i), shall, save in the case provided for by section 16, sub-section(2), clause (c), be deemed for all purposes and on all occasions, whether duringthe continuance of the management or afterwards, to have been duly discharged:

Providedthat, if the Court of Wards is satisfied that the claimant was unable to complywith the provisions of sub-section (i), it may receive his claim at any timeafter the date of the expiry of the period aforesaid, but any claim so receivedshall, notwithstanding any law, contract, decree or award to the contrary, ceaseto carry interest from the date of the expiry of the period aforesaid.


1.Substituted by the A. O. 1937for "local officialGazette".

2.Substituted by the A. O. 1937for "L.G.".

3.Substituted by for "provincial" by the A.O. 1950.