Government of India Act, 1935 [Repealed] Section 230 - Bare Act

StateCentral Government
Section TitleExtra Provincial Jurisdiction of High Courts
Act Info:

(1)1[His Majesty in Council] may, if satisfied that an agreement in that behalf has been made between the Governments concerned, 6extend the jurisdiction of a High Court in any Province to any area in2[British] India not forming part of that Province, and the High Court shall there upon have the same jurisdiction in relation to that area as it has in relation to anyother in relation to which it exercises jurisdiction.

(2) Nothing in this section affects the provisions of any law or letterspatent in force immediately before the commencement of Part III of thisAct empowering any High Court to exercise jurisdiction in relation to morethan one Province or in relation to a Province and an area not forming partof any Province.

(3) Where a High Court exercises jurisdiction in relation to any area or areas outside the Province in which it has its principal seat, nothing in this Act shall be construed--

(a) as empowering the Legislature of the Province in which the Court has its principal seat to increase, restrict or abolish that jurisdiction; or

(b) as preventing the Legislature having power to make laws in that behalf for any such area from passing such laws with respect to the jurisdiction of the Court in relation to that area as it would be competent to pass if the principal seat of the Court were in that area.


1. Substituted, by ibid., by the word 'Governor-General'.

2. Omitted by the India (Provisional Constitution) Order, 1947.