Homoeopathy Central Council Act, 1973 Chapter IV - Bare Act

StateCentral Government
Section TitleThe Central Register of Homeopathy
Act Info:

(1) The Central Council shall cause to be maintained in the prescribed manner, a register of practitioners of Homoeopathy to be known as the Central Register of Homoeopathy which shall contain

(a) in Part I, the names of all persons who are for the time being enrolled on any State Register of Homoeopathy and possess any of the recognised medical qualifications;

(b) in Part II, the names of all persons, other than those included in Part I, who are for the time being enrolled on any State Register of Homoeopathy.

(2) It shall be the duty of the Registrar of the Central Council to keep and maintain the Central Register of Homoeopathy in accordance with the provisions of this Act and of any orders made by the Central Council, and from time to time to revise the register and publish it in the Gazette of India and in such other manner as may be prescribed.

(3) Such register shall be deemed to be a public document within the the meaning of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, and may be proved by a copy published in the Gazette of India.

Section 22 - Supply of copies of State Register of Homoeopathy

Each Board shall supply to the Central Council three printed copies of the State Register of Homoeopathy as soon as may be after the commencement of this Act and subsequently after the first day of April of each year, and each Board shall inform the Central Council without delay of all additions to, and other amendments in the State Register of Homoeopathy made from time to time.

Section 23 - Registration in the Central Register of Homoeopathy

The Registrar of the Central Council may on receipt of the report of registration of a person in a State Register of Homoeopathy or an application made in the prescribed manner by any person, enter his name in the Central Register of Homoeopathy, provided that the Registrar is satisfied that the person concerned is eligible under this Act for such registration.

Section 24 - Professional conduct

(1) The Central Council may prescribe standards of professional conduct and etiquette and a code of ethice for practitioners of Homoeopathy.

(2) Regulation made by the Central Council under sub-section (1) may specify which violations thereof shall constitute infamous conduct in any professional respect, that is to say, professional misconduct, and such provision shall have effect notwithstanding anything contained in any law for the time being in force.

Section 25 - Removal of names from the Central Register of Homoeopathy

(1) If the name of any person enrolled on a State Register of Homoeopathy is removed therefrom in pursuance of any power conferred by or under any law relating to registration of practitioners of Homoeopathy for the time being in force in any State, the Central Council shall direct the removal of the name of such person from the Central Register of Homoeopathy.

(2) Where the name of any person has been removed from a State Register of Homoeopathy on any ground other than that he is not possessed of the requisite medical qualifications or where any application by the said person for restoration of his name to the State Register of Homoeopathy has been rejected, he may appeal, in the prescribed manner and subject to such conditions, including conditions as to the payment of a fee, as may be prescribed, to the Central Government whose decision, which shall be given after consulting the Central Council, shall be binding on the State Government and on the authorities concerned with the preparation of the State Register of Homoeopathy.

Section 25 A - Provisional registration for practice

1[25A. Provisional registration for practice.--

If the courses of study to be undergone for obtaining a recognised medical qualification in homoeopathy include a period of training after a person has passed the qualifying examination and before such qualification is conferred on him, any such person shall, on application made by him in this behalf, be granted provisional registration in a State Register of Homoeopathy by the Board concerned in order to enable him to practice homoeopathy in an approved institution for the purpose of such training and for no other purpose for the period aforesaid.]


1. Inserted by The Homoeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Act, 2002 (51 Of 2002)

Section 26 - Privileges of persons who are enrolled on the Central Register of Homoeopathy

(1) Subject to the conditions and restrictions laid down in this Act regarding practice of Homoeopathy by person possessing certain recognised medical qualifications, every person whose name is for the time being borne on Part I of the Central Register of Homoeopathy shall be entitled according to his qualifications to practise Homoeopathy, in any part of India and to recover in due course of law in respect of such practice any expenses, charges in respect of medicaments or other appliances or any fees to which he may be entitled.

(2) Subject to the provisions of sub-section (3) of section 15, any person whose name is for the time being borne on Part II of the Central Register of Homoeopathy, may practise Homoeopathy in any State, other than the State where he is enrolled on the State Register of Homoeopathy, with the previous approval of the Government of the State where he intends to practise.

Section 27 - Registration of additional qualifications

(1) If any person whose name is entered in the Central Register of Homoeopathy obtains any title, diploma or other qualification for proficiency in Homoeopathy, which is a recognised medical qualification, he shall, on application made in this behalf in the prescribed manner, be entitled to have an entry stating such other title, diploma or other qualification made against his name in the Central Register of Homoeopathy either in substitution for or in addition to any entry previously made.

(2) The entries in respect of any such person in a State Register of Homoeopathy shall be altered in accordance with the alterations made in the Central Register of Homoeopathy.

Section 28 - Persons enrolled on Central Register of Homoeopathy, to notify change of place of residence or practice

Every person registered in the Central Register of Homoeopathy shall notify any transfer of the place of his residence or practice to the Central Council and to the Board concerned, within ninety days of such transfer, failing which his right to participate in the election of members to the Central Council or a Board shall be liable to be forfeited by order of the Central Government either permanently or for such period as may be specified therein.