Wealth-tax Act, 1957 Section 38A - Bare Act

StateCentral Government
Section TitlePowers of Valuation Officer, Etc.
Act Info:

1[38A. Powers of Valuation Officer, etc.

(1) For the purposes of this Act, a Valuation Officer or any overseer, surveyor or assessor authorised by him in this behalf may, subject to any rules made in this behalf and at such reasonable times as may be prescribed;

(a) enter any land within the limits of the area assigned to the Valuation Officer, or

(b) enter any land, building or other place belonging to or occupied by any person in connection with whose assessment a reference has been made under section 16A to the Valuation Officer, or

(c) inspect any asset in respect of which a reference under section 16A has been made to the Valuation Officer,

and require any person, in charge of, or in occupation or possession of, such land, building or other place or asset to afford him the necessary facility to survey or inspect such land, building or other place or asset or estimate its value or inspect any books of account, document or record which may be relevent for the valuation of such land, building or other place or asset and gather other particulars relating to such land, building or other place or asset:

Provided that no Valuation Officer, overseer, surveyor or assessor shall enter any buliding or place referred to in clause (b) or inspect any asset referred to in clause (c) (unless with the consent of the person in charge of, or in occupation or possession of, such building, place or asset) without previously giving to such person at least two days' notice in writing of his intention to do so.

(2) If a person who, under sub-section (1) is required to afford any facility to the Valuation Officer or the overseer, surveyor or assessor, either refuses or evades to afford such facility, the Valuation Officer shall have all the powers under sub-sections (1) and (2) of section 37 for enforcing compliance of the requirements made.]


1. Inserted by Act 45 of 1972, section 18 w.e.f. 15-11-1972.