Wealth-tax Act, 1957 Section 29 - Bare Act

StateCentral Government
Section TitleAppeal to Supreme Court
Act Info:

(1) An appeal shall lie to the Supreme Courtfrom any judgement of the High Court delivered 1 [before the date ofestablishment of the National Tax Tribunal] on a case stated 2 [under section 27 or an appeal filed under section 27A] in any case which the High Court certifiedas a fit case for appeal to the Supreme Court.

(2) Where the judgment of the High Court isvaried or reversed on appeal under this section, effect shall be given to theorder of the Supreme Court in the manner provided in sub-section (6) of section 273 [or in sub-section (7) of section 27A].

(3) The High Court may, on application made toit for the execution of any order of the Supreme Court in respect of any costsawarded by it, transmit the order for execution to any court subordinate to theHigh Court.


1.Inserted by the National Tax Tribunal Act, 2005.

2.Substituted byAct 21 of 1998, sec. 74(a), for "under section 27" w.e.f. 1-10-1998.

3.Inserted by Act21 of 1998, sec. 74 (b) w.e.f. 1-10-1998.